Chapter 93

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''Are we all packed?'' Maan asked, Advay nodded. The plan of the day was to get Advay and Urvi married before any further interruption. The two brothers had kept things under wrap with their family on toes. They knew Ranawats were boiling over Raina and this was the perfect time for them to get married. Out of all, only Leela was against it but she gave in on Maan's instance.

Dipika stared at her phone smiling at her screen. ''After all, you are kids.'' She stepped off the vehicle with her guards in tow. She took 2 stairs at a time and stood glaring down at the couple. The four looked shocked, not expecting to be busted that soon.

''Hello Kids.''

''Mami, nothing will stop us.'' Advay replied. Dipika smiled. ''Advay, you will marry Urvi but with pomp and show. Maan, I expected some maturity from you. Urvi needs rest, so does Leela.'' Her words confused them

''I happened to visit the hospital Urvi got treated, I believe you took a test as well Leela!''

Leela nodded. ''Leela, you should go home and take Urvi along. Nandini and Dhanajay would be happy to know about their first grandchild.'' Leela blushed while Maan stared at her.

''Urvi, your sister has been stressed about you all these days. You cannot deny that Maan Leela got punished for things they didn't do. This step of yours will not only trouble for you but for them as well.''

Dipika looked from one to other, but nothing came from any of the four. She knew, her job was done. ''My guards will take Urvi and Leela to their parent's place. Advay , Maan, you are going to accompany me.'' Maan squeezed Leela's fingers gently, he just wanted to be with her as of now. She smiled blinking once, assuring him that would fall into place.

Dipika instructed her guards and watched the vehicle drive off. Turning around she met Advay's eyes. ''You need to trust your own a little more.''

''I did that once.''

''Are you aware that your mother has been fighting the battle alone for both of you? She extended an olive branch towards Nandini and she again tried to get all to agree to this relationship. Rather than standing by her side, you decided to do this.''

Advay wanted to retort but Maan held his hand. Dipika's eyes didn't miss the silent exchange between the brothers. She smiled, Maan was a better choice to be the next Ranawat Successor. But these weren't the things to be worried about for now. She stepped aside for the boys to take the lead and followed them to the car. Advay looked miffed while Maan a little lost. Dipika had decided to see Nandini herself before going back to Jaigarh.


Vansh walked around the lobby of the hotel as a part of daily routine. Being in hotel business was a lot more different than his automobile job. He was always on his toes. Rathore hotels were one of the most expensive and luxurious hotels. And to keep up with the expectation of the guests.

His feet halted as he walked pass the kitchen. His lips stretched into a smile imagining his wife busy in the kitchen. When Vansh declared his decision to be a part of his family's hotel chain, Sona teased him to death. She forced him to accept that it was because he wanted to spend time with Chitra . He did as Sona wasn't ready to let go. Vansh shook his head, even if Chitra was the reason, he never dared to step in the kitchen. His wife loved her job and hated when someone interfered. He had no intention of getting chopped into pieces by his new wife.

He took a deep pained breath taking a step forward, halted, smiled and decided to get a glance of her. He stepped into the kitchen to be greeted by the kitchen staff. He asked for Chitra and got to know she stepped out to see a visitor. To his luck, the visitor turned out to be his mother.

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