Chapter 62

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''What do you think she will do next?'' Dipika asked Ananya. They were happy about how Sona reacted to the situation but were not sure if she would be able to push it to the conclusion.

''I just want to watch how is she going to take it forward. By the way, where is our Vicky.''

Dipika chuckled. ''He took an off.'' After a minute of silence the two broke into laughter. The mad Prince was seriously mortified of his own wife.

''Can I come with you?'' Sona asked Veer and Ranvijay as they were ready to leave. The brothers exchanged a glance before giving a nod. Ranvijay was curious to know what was going on the mind of young Princess. 

Sona grinned wider before getting in. She had plans to throw the jackals in Lion's den. Veer gave Ranvijay a side glance. The brothers smiled realizing the little Princess was up to something.

''Let me know if you need help.'' Ranvijay patted Sona's cheek before moving to his office with Veer in tow. Sona's smile turned into a scowl recalling Jasmine. But she had already laid her cards to initiate the next series of events. 

''Yes Amba.''

''The film crew will approach you for help, as planned.''

''Good going.'' Sona decided to occupy Vikram's office for the day. After her tiff with her husband she had decided to take the matter in own hands. Before leaving for her home palace she had instructed Amba to make the crew members do a mistake which Ranvijay wouldn't forget, but first she was going to meet them . After all, Jasmine pretended to be her friend. 

''Come in.'' Sona responded to the knock, her fingers moving the the rubik's cube. An elderly and a middle age man stepped into the cabin. ''Thank you for your time your highness.''

''Please take a seat.''

The older one spoke after minute. ''Jasmine is missing since last night.''

''The instructions were clear.  Your crew sticks just to the shoot and then leaves, but she seemed to have other interests.''

The men paled. ''We are sorry. But please help us, we are incurring lot of loses because of her absence.''

Sone pretended to be thoughtful. ''There is only one who can help, Ranvijay Rathore.'' They nodded, ready to leave, but halted hearing the next line. ''This is Jaigarh, and nothing moves without Ranvijay Rathore's order. Do whatever you canto convince him.'' Amba had done half of the job, the other half Sona did. The fear would make them commit a mistake .


''Hey, how long are you going to sleep.'' Rolli pushed Vikram of the bed unable to wake him up. He groned. ''You should come with a warning.''

''I did! No one paid attention. Now, get up and tell how SOna screwed you yesterday.'' Rolli asked rubbing her palms together in excitement. He stared at her. ''You know.''

''Well , all of us know.'' Vansh added walking in.

''Means, I  lost all my respect.''

''You were never respected that much. Now out with the secret.'' The siblings didn't allow Vikram to complete his morning routine persistent about the events that happened a night before.

Vikram decided to deal with his mother and A later. He was sure they enjoyed his plight. He huffed. ''Yesterday night, it seemed that some demon possessed my wife.''  Vansh scoffed but turned mute on Vikram's glare.

''See, I wasn't doing a thing. That woman took me by surprise and right at that time, Sonakshi Rathore makes a grand entry. You should have seen the way she slapped Jasmine. I am sure she must have turned blind and then comes the second blow. Jasmine for a moment was shaking like tuning fork.''

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