Chapter 65

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''You are not allowed to step out till your wedding.'' Sona declared barging into Rolli's suite. She went about arranging the stuff she had bought as Rathore Princess watched her mouth wide open.

''And who made this rule.''

''The Queen herself, any issue.''

''No. Discussion ended. Can't break the rules made by mom.'' Sona nodded like a pro. Rolli smiled, the Sona she met in London was a shy scared girl, and this one was confident , happy and some what bossy.

''Tell me something about Dev that I am not aware. Something which can give me advantage over him.''

''Anna is ticklish. You don't even have to touch him, the moment you lift your fingers, he starts jumping around.'' Rolli smiled. ''That's going to help me.''

''We will miss you Rolli. Specially, your parents. I can see it in there eyes.'' Rolli sat, her knees pulled to her chest. ''I know, I am going to miss them as well. There is so much in my heart that I can't express.''

Sona rubbed her back. ''Good thing, your are just few hours away.'' Sona walked out leaving Rolli with her thoughts. The Princess went down the memory lane. Her family had bought her with lot of love. Her father hadn't slept nights just to entertain his talkative daughter, and her mother never stopped her from trying something you. When others created boundaries , Ananya pushed them away. Her uncle trusted her with everything, so much so that Vikram got punished because she complained.  

All the members had kept her like she was the most precious thing on the planet and now thought of leaving all was making her heart heavy. Wiping her wet eyes, she threw her body on the bed drowning her self in the memories. 

With a deep breath she lifted her body moving to the window which overlooked the city. She smiled, she was the the daughter of Ranvijay Rathore. In Jaigarh or out of it, she was going to leave her mark. 


''Your parents don't mind you drink? I mean that makes people bad.'' Anika scoffed her wine hearing the inexperienced Princess.  ''So you believe that drinking makes people bad?'' 

''Yes, everyone says so.''  Raina replied, her big eyes focused on Anika.

''A sage can be a Devil and a drunkard can be an angel. Habits can be good and bad, people can be different.  Judge them about how they behave with the ones lesser or weaker than them.'' Anika sat thoughtful, she stepped on to the lawn area smiling at the orange hue that covered the Sky. ''This is beautiful. I haven't seen something like this.''

''I disagree! You must have see the dusk but missed the beauty.'' Anika added . ''Is there anything more beautiful than this?'' Raina asked

''Dawn Princess! If Dusk relives you of the day long tiredness, dawn bring a new day of hope.'' Raina stared at Anika, she appeared to be easy going , yet was so deep. ''If I were a boy, I would fall for you.''

''And my dad would chase you away.'' Anika smiled, her eyes sparkling with adoration of her adoptive father.

''Can you wake me up, I wish to see the dawn.'' Raina's word stilled Anika, they held pain. Taking a step she held her by shoulders. ''Princess, you are your own dawn and I am going to help you find that.'' The young Ranawat Princess smiled. Their conversation was broken when a white car entered the premises of Adi's mansion. James stepped out with Anjali, his lips stretched into a big smile. ''You look so much like Adi.'' He pulled Raina's small form in a hug.

''You forgot me dad.''

''You are grounded and I made sure that guy never steps near you.'' He reprimanded Anika about her current interest. Anika stomped as Anjali refused to intervene between them. Raina watched as father daughter went about their bickering. She wondered, why didn't she argue like this with her parents. All she would do was lock her room and her wish was granted, that seemed easy but what she saw seemed beautiful. Anika placed a peck on her father's cheek as later smiled, his anger vanishing in thin air. Raina realized what being a real Princess meant.

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