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Anjali paced in the huge lawn of Raina's mansion. Since her return, Raina had been a little closed. Something bothered the young girl. Adi had called and requested her and James to look after his little girl. They had concluded that something had happened in last few weeks which changed Raina so much.

 Anjali lifted her eyes to Raina's balcony, her room was dark. She knew Anika would be the only one to pull things out of Raina as the younger female trusted her daughter. Anika had been out on official travel and was returning that night. Though, Anjali and James had opted to stay with Raina, Anika decided to stay in her condo. ANjali had dropped her a message to visit on urgent basis.

''Hey mom!'' Anjali smiled hearing the voice. ''I was thinking about you.''

''All good!''

''Since her return, Raina isn't herself.'' Anika rubbed her mother's arms. ''She is a kid. Don't worry.''

''Anika, Adi has done a lot for us. In return, he just asked us to be their his little girl.'' Anika cupped her mother's cheek. ''Let me talk to her.'' Anjali nodded feeling relieved. 

Raina lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling in dark. Her mind playing all those memories she had with Siddhant. Though, he never noticed her , she did. She adored and worshiped him. Raina had known him for years but her heart started beating in her teens. He was perfect in her eyes then how could he turn so mean? Siddhant's behavior shocked and scared her. Not once she had been spoken the way he did. The man whose smile melted her, his eyes now scared her. 

She turned around when she felt the mattress dip beside her. ''Hi!'' Anika whispered with a smile and Raina leaped into her arms. ''I missed you.''

Anika caressed her head. ''Hey Princess, whatever it is, its going to be fine.'' 

''I believe you.'' Raina whispered. Anika patted her back, ''get up, get ready. We are going out.''


Siddhant punched the bag rather too harsh. Since his return, he had a short fuse. His colleagues and friends kept a safe distance giving him  time to cool down. Little did they knew that Siddhant had just started, he was yet to reach his emotional peak. 

Raina's face refused to leave his mind, she seemed to be taking revenge on him for refusing her all those years. Her dance moves from Rolli's reception had now punctured his brain. Worst, he couldn't do a thing. Giving the bag once last punch,Siddhant pulled out his phone and dialed Raina. Since they had known each other, he had never called her let alone messaged. But things had changed, he needed to speak to her. Siddhant swiped to dial and her phone rang. It went on for few seconds before the line went dead. He tried again but couldn't connect. Raina had blocked Siddhant.


Chitra stared at her luggage , she was leaving in an hour. Though, it was a her dream, her heart felt heavy with the thought of leaving Vansh. Their memories clouded her mind and came down through her eyes. ''Chitra, your dad is waiting.'' Sitara informed. Chitra nodded stepping out, her eyes looking for him. She knew he wouldn't come as he had said the previous night.

'Letting you go is the hardest thing for me, but your dreams mean my world. I won't come to see you off tomorrow.' He had then kissed her deep. 'I love you, remember that.'

Chitra took in a deep breath. She was ready to breakdown but controlled. Her tear filled eyes fell on a pair of feet blocking her way. She looked up, Vikram smiled down at her. ''My sister is taking a big step and didn't bother to see me before leaving.'' He complained. Chitra's lips drooped as she threw her arms around his middle. ''I am going to miss you.''

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