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Vikram's gun forgot all sought  of mercy the moment he stepped into Suryagarh. He entered the dark region of Netra's supporters like bolt of lightning. His eyes knew no mercy now his hands stopped. ''Burn everything here and group all who support that witch.''

His guards were equally raged, their fists smashed whatever came in their way. There were screams, waling every where but that didn't affect Vikram at all. A woman tried hitting him with a boulder from behind but he grabbed her by neck, pressing his fingers hard around her slender neck, ''Hukum don't kill a woman.'' Badal intervened

Vikram gave a demonic smirk , his eyes locked with the woman, ''Before I end you pathetic life, let me give a little insight about me. An enemy is just an enemy, I am not even going to spare your kids. If my family suffers, then all of you will too.''

The guards looked at one an other a little shocked, Jaigarh Royals were known for mercy but this Crown Prince was different. He was like a dragon, burning and swallowing everything that came its way. Badal knew killing kids was wrong and he decided to intervene,  He pulled Vikram aside, ''Tie all of them and make them watch their world turn into ashes.'' He ordered.

''Badal, I give orders you follow.''

''You are not Maherndra Singh. You are Vikramjeet Rathore, prodigy of Ranvijay Pratap Singh Rathore. These people mean nothing, we give them fear for life and that's worst than death.''

Vikram was still huffing like a tiger, ''Make sure they aren't of any use by the time we are done.''

''I will.'' Badal promised and Vikram stepped out. Leaning against his vehicle he watched as his men burned anything an everything. One of them bundled the kids and locked them in a room while others made sure that broke the hands of men leaving them useless for at least few years.

Vikram recalled his moments with Ranvijay, he replayed everything from the moment he could remember. The small things he learned from his uncle, their swimming lessons, defence arts and everything he knew hot. Hot tears filled his eyes, he was ready to kill any one and everyone till his soul felt calm. 

''Hukum , behind you.'' Badal screamed and Vikram turned around blocking the attacker. He was beefy, taller than Vikram ,a scar running down his cheek made him look more menacing. ''May be we haven't met but in a way I am your uncle. Your maternal grandfather use to fancy my mother. ''

''Thanks for giving me the pleasure of killing atleast one of Mahendra Singh's family. ''  Vikram replied. The man smirked and banged his head against Vikram making him retreat. Vikram shook his head to worn off the affect of impact, ''what happened sweet Prince, you seemed shaken with just bang of my head. Think when my fist lands on you.''

Badal pulled his gun but Vikram gestured him to stop. His raged heart was looking for a release. He knew his guards would kill the opponent if required but he wanted to to inflict a permanent pain on the people around. He closed his eyes once as he recalled Ranvijay' smiling face. The blood turned into fire. The two opponents charged at each other ready to attack. They threw blows and kick at each other without giving a break.  Neither of them were less, the man lifted his fist punching Vikram hard on face, rupturing his lips, ''Ready to die chocolate face.''

Vikram  whispered, ''Time to end the game.'' As the man lunged at Vikram, he suddenly froze as if in immense pain hit his body. He stared down at the knife which Vikram had pushed through his stomach. His eyes met that of Vikram, he saw the darkness he always sided with. The only difference was, this time he was against it. ''I never said I would play fair. After all, I too have that dirty blood that runs in your veins.''

Vikram twisted the knife, the man coughed blood all over Vikram but he didn't flinch, ''I am Vikramjeet Singh Rathore, and no one will stand against me.'' Vikram pulled out the knife, pushing his opponents lifeless body on the hard earth. ''I won't stop till I end all of you.'' 

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