chapter 7

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I awoke the next morning to a voice in my head. 'Child do you remember our promise. Well pack everything you want, you won't be coming back. Keep those dwarves save, even if you need to show them who you really are. This won't be easy, but I need to know I can trust you. Do you promise me?'

'Do I have as choice?' I asked.

'Yes you do but its better for you if you do promise me.'

'Fine, I promise. I'll pack!'

'Good I shall see you soon. Ohh and no matter what don't tell them about this conversation.'

'Okay, bye.'

I got up, but I forgot Balin had come with me last night. So when I saw that he was in the chair asleep he scared the crap out of me. I just shook it off, then got two bags. I pack all of my dresses, I only had about ten counting the one I was still wearing from yesterday. I packed all of my hunting clothes, then shoes and cloaks. In my other bag I packed what spell books I think I would need, then I took off my crown and wrapped it in my two blankets. Then I packed the daggers and knifes. I put my sword at my hip and my bow and arrows around my back. I was done.

I heard Balin start waking up, then there was knock on the door. Balin looked at me while I walked to the door. "Yes?" I asked to goblin as I opened the door enough so he wouldn't see Balin.

"What food would you like this morning?" I thought food a minute. "Bring me all the bread and fruit, I'm extremely hungry. Oh and any deer meat you might have left." It turned and ran away from my room. I locked the door and turned to Balin who was starting at me.

"What?" I asked.

"First, wear did you get that necklace? Second, are you really that hungry? And third, are you a dragonborn because last night what you did with Fili. I knew you could feel his pain. And the spell you used is from that race but they were killed off long ago. Plus I know your around Thorins age so you can't be Fili can't be your L'amour Vrai if your a dargonborn." I sighed he was smart for a dwarve.

"You might want to sit back down." I paused and sat on the table in front of him. "Okay first the last question was like four in one, but yes I'm the last of the dargonborn please don't tell anyone. I know dwarves don't fancy dargons to much. As for the necklace Thorin's mother gave it to me before she died, she knew that I always loved hearing about her kids. She told me that if I ever decided to leave that Dis would love me and well so would her boys, but they might fight over me. Second no I'm not that hungry I can actually go days without eating, my dragon side and last-" I paused, trying to catch my breath. "Sadly I'm 193, so no Fili isn't my L'amour Vrai. He's nice but I'm far to old for him. I could feel his pain only because he grabbed my hand and I tried to take the pain from him to me. But there's something I need answered, since you read about my people."

"What is your question lass?"

"Well, when Thorin grabbed me yesterday by the arm. I wasn't scared or worried but I felt we-"

"I warmth that went from were he touched your arm to your heart, I thought that much." He said interrupting me.

"Yes, but now I can feel his pain. My mother told me little about it when I was younger."

"But you need to know if he feels it back." He started.

"Because if he does than I know my answer of whos my L'amour Vrai. But don't tell anyone. Let's just say I made a promise to an old friend and if Thorin is, than I must protect him no matter when harm it brings me." I finished.

"So you have a plan than. But if he is then you must tell him or you'll hurt yourself more."

"I have a plan yes, but I don't know if I would tell him so early. But you ready for the plan?" He nodded and I told him the plan. As soon as I was done there was a knock on the door I rushed over and opened it. It was the goblin that had a bag of food, I took it and nodded. I closed the door and turned to Balin.

"I should get you back, promise not to tell a soul about our conversation." I asked getting on Thalia. "I promise." Was all he said. Thalia walked out the door and Balin shut it then got on Thalia. We ran all the way down to the dungeons, we were there in no time. Balin got off and walked to his cell I opened it then shut it after he was in. I sighed and walked to Thalia, I got on her.

"Where are you going?" I heard Fili ask.

"Master dwarve, if it considers you so much. I'm going down to the river so I can clean myself. You will see me later I promise." I said before making Thalia run to the river. I was at the river for maybe and hour before I got out.

I put on a black shirt that stopped under my boobs, then put my red and black corset on. The corset part was black. It only had one sleeve on my left arm, that had little armor on it. It tied around my neck and in the front. There was I oval shaped hole that showed some of my boobs but my black shirt covered the rest. I put on black pants, then I put a red thigh belt that held three knifes. Then put a small thigh bag on my left leg that also had a small belt that I tied up. Then pulled a red and black long skirt over then pants, I would probably pull the skirt off later. I put my sword belt on then shelth my sword. I put my arrow bag over my shoulder, along with my bow. Then lastly tied my black boots up, and put my last dagger in the left boot. I put my bow glove on and walked out to Alduin and Thalia.

"Well how do I look?" I asked.

"Well I think you look great, but I know your not fond of skirts if your going on an adventure, plus are you okay with some of your scar s showing on you stomach?" Alduin asked.

"Its only a little bit of skin I think I'll be okay. Also the skirt I'll probably rip it off when we leave. I only put it on to his my knifes and my small bag." I push the skirt back to show them.

"Okay well than, hide your bags and we shall be heading back. I think the king will be waking soon." I nodded and hid my bags in a tree, then said a spell to hind them. As soon as I was done, I hoped on Thalia and we went back into the mountain. We got back just in time to find the king waking. He sent goblins to get the dwarves. I went to my room, I figured he send word for me when the dwarves are in front of him. So I went in my room and waited.

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