Chapter 20

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Okay so I got a lot of messages from a lot of you. So I did a combination of many kids you guys said.

Also, I don't not have a problem with you guys sending me messages. I really appreciate it!!! I love love love getting feedback from you. So never be afraid to send me a message, that you don't want other to see, and its totally okay.


The child was a little girl. She had blonde hair, ripped rages for a dress and her body was covered in dirt. I felt a pain in my heart for her.

She took small steps towards us. Her path was set for Thorin's mom.

"Y-you can see her" her little voice spoke out.

"Yes" I replied gently, getting down to her level. "What's your name"

"I don't have one of those" she stopped in front of me. "Your one of those things that fly over here"

"What are the things"

"Dragon's" Thorin's mom butting in "she doesn't know a lot of words. I've been teaching her" I looked at her in awe. I didn't think she could visit other people.

I felt a little hand grab for my necklace. I turned to see the little girl looking at it. She smiled and pointed to the Sapphire gem.

"Pretty" she said gently

"Just like you" she looked up at me with wide eyes. "You like Sapphire's"

She nodded her head

"Than why don't we call you Sapphire"

A little smile appeared on her lips "I like that very much"

I stood and offered her my hand. She took it. leading the way through the broken city.

Almost all the buildings were destroyed. Burnt wood all over the ground. I looked down and saw Sapphire didn't have any shoes.

"I'm gonna pick you up okay" she gave me a little nod. I bent down and picked her up, finally resting her on my left hip.

"This use to be my home" she shifted to look at me "I lived here until my fifth birthday. Then bad people came"

"What happened" her small voice rang out

"They did bad things. I was the only one to live from it. I was taken away and this is the first time I've returned"

"I'm glad you did" I stopped and looked at her.

"Why is that"

"I'm met you and you named me. I read a book. It said people who name people are people who love them very much"

"I've only met you"

"But I love you" she rested her head on my shoulder.

That hit me like a thousand rocks. No one has ever said they loved me. Beside mother and father. I knew I loved this little girl from the start, only five minutes ago, but I knew I was to love and care for her.

I started walking again. Moving towards what looked like a castle, or what remand of it.

"You look like mama" Sapphire spoke "She up in a good place now"

"What was her name"

"She never said her name, I always called her mama. She said someone like you would come for me"

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