Chapter 27

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There is a time change in this chapter. I understand that it's only a couple days before Bilbo gives Bard the Arkenstone, but I changed it to a couple months in this chapter. You will see why.


Mostly everything has been okay with Thorin and the rest of the company. But when I'm not around Thorin, he won't hesitate to yell at them. So I do my best to stay close to Thorin.

On the other hand the only person I am allowed to associate myself with under the orders of Thorin himself is Balin. But when I'm not around Thorin the others talk to me as much as they can.

Sapphire and I were usually sent away if someone come to the gate, or the dwarves had a meeting to attend. So those were the days it was just Sapphire and I and we would have a mommy daughter day. Not that there's much to do in Erebor. But we still made it fun.

As of now, I separated myself from Thorin, to walk around and find Bilbo. I've been worried about him, even more than I am about Thorin.

"Bilbo!" I smiled once I found him. I brought him into a hug. "I've looked for you everywhere. Why are you up here?" He looked back out into the night sky.

"I'm going to Dale. Do you wish to come?"

"Why? Bilbo are you not telling me something?"

"Yes and no, Laci it's you I worry about. You seem ill and very distraught lately. Gandalf is their he can help."

I thought about his words. But he interrupted me. "Then there's Thorin, when you aren't around him he will snap at any person next to him. I fear he will snap on you one day. Actually, I can feel it. Please just come with me."

"Fine, but we must be back by dawn." He smiled and jumped over the edge.

"You'll be fine, I found a rope earlier." I laughed then climbed over and went down the rope Bilbo had made. Once on the ground I hunched over, because I became dizzy.

"Are you okay?" Bilbo asked.

"She does that a lot." Sapphire replied, I hadn't noticed she came down the rope. I straighten myself and grabbed Sapphire's hand.

"Come, we must go before anyone see's us leave."


We made it safely to Dale without anyone noticing us. I saw Gandalf talking to Brad. I smiled knowing he was okay. We snuck around to them.

"That won't stop them! You think the dwarves will surrender, they won't they will fight to the death to defend their own." Bilbo said, obviously jumping into their conversation. I pulled Sapphire out into the open.

"Bilbo Bagging and Laci!" Gandalf answered, he seemed surprised. "Come in this way!" We followed them into a tent where Thranduil was sitting.

"Laci sit over there, with the kid. Until we talk to you!" Brad told me. I quickly sat not wanting to make anyone angry for the first time.

I put Sapphire to sleep while Gandalf introduced Bilbo.

"I think this is the half link who stole the keys to my dungeons from right under the nose of my guards. " Thranduil said. I looked at Bilbo.

"Yes, sorry about that." He whispered, I tried to keep my laugh in. "I come to give you this." Bilbo said while putting something on the table, and unwrapping it.

I jumped to my feet as Thranduil spoke. "The heart of the mountain, the kings jewel. " I looked at Bilbo. Why didn't he give it to Thorin?

"And worth a kings ransom." Brad finished his sentence. I walked closer to Bilbo as Brad spoke again. But I didn't catch it.

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