Chapter 2

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A\N The next couple chapters will be about Laci adjusting to her new life.


So it's been about ten years since my kin were killed and I was brought to this place. Many of the goblins were very touchey feely. But I took care of them, I would usually train myself. Whenever someone fell into the traps if I got there in time I would let them go but if I couldn't I would take there weapons. If they were useful I'd keep them if not I would bury them. But by now I had a white bow with vines carved in it. Also a sward that had a Sapphire gem on the handle. I would also carry daggers whenever I left my room. I never missed a shot, I've gotten really good. And I was proud of myself, as was my new mom.

I always called her mom but I would never call the king dad. We never really talked and when we would, it turned bad. I had about twenty scars from him now the newest one was on right cheek, it wasn't big but you could tell it was there. It was very dark and dirty in my new home. So whenever I got the chance my mom would take me to a river that was just out of the mountain. It was fun to go out when I could, but I never really felt like leaving.

They respected me, well all but the king. I would only eat bread or vegetables, or when I manage to go out and get a rabbit or deer. Then I would have meat. For they would never cook there food, or sometimes they would eat people, those meals I would never go to.

But this night was odd. My mother told me that I could go to the river to clean myself. For we are having guest, well orcs. They would came every so often, but never came for dinner. That's what was odd. But I didn't fight, I needed a bath. So I went to the river.

"Mom, you hate the light why are you here?" I questioned her as she walked to me.

"I brought you this, you haven't had one in awhile and it looks like it would fit you." she said handing me a sapphire colored dress with a white belt. I took it and put it on them braided my hair.

"Well?" I asked stepping from behind a brush.

"Perfect, now your fathers waiting."

"Go ahead, I'll be there soon!" With a nod she went on. I walked back to a pile of bones I found earlier when I took my walk down here. I stopped and sat next to them. They were dragon bones. Then my mothers words popped in my head. 'You may give two souls to whom you please.' with that I took the bones and placed them in a bag and went back into the mountain.

I ran into my room. "Where are you going?" I heard the king ask, so I spun around.

"If I was going to leave them I would wait until the morning or leave when I'm going down to the river. If that is what you are asking."  I said turning and walking into my room. Closing the door behind me. I went to what was kinda a bed and placed the bones out in order. Then lit some candles placing them at the head, feet and near the heart.

I stepped back and put my left hand over my heart and the other over the body. Then started to say the spell.

Cruor Pectoris Mei, Tutela Tua Est
Vita Vitae Meae, Corripiens Tuam, Corripiens Meam
Corpus Corporris Mei, Medulla Mensque
Anima Animae Meae, Animam Nostram Concete
Cruor Pectoris Mei, Luna Mei Aestus Menus
Cruor Pectoris Mei, FAtum Meum Mea Salus

(Blood Of My Heart, Protection Is Thine
Life Of My Life, Taking Yours Taking Mine
Body Of My Body, Marrow And Mind
Soul Of My Soul, To Our Spirit Bind
Blood Of My Heart, My Tides My Moon
Blood Of My Heart, My Salvation My Doom)

During the middle the bones started to shake and glow. I felt the pain in my chest again, as when my mother gave me there souls. Soon the bones were in place and then soul I gave him or her was glowing in bewteen his ribs. Then it turned to me.

"Hi little girl!" I said having it growl at me. "No, well guy?" I asked. It sat down and started to shake its tail. "Well I guess, you are a guy. But what should your name be?" I paused for a moment. "Ahh, Alduin after my father." I said petting him. Though he was only bones and the only color that came from his glowing blue eyes or the soul that rested in his chest. I heard a knock on the door I quickly blew out the candles and put Alduin up and ran to the door.

"Yes?" I asked looking out the door. All the goblin did was point down to the noise. I sighed and started walking down to my awaiting guest. I got down and sat in my chair left of the king but acrossed from my mom. Alduin sat in my lap until he saw the food be put on my plate. Then he jumped up scaring everyone.

"What is that?" The king asked. I smiled and let him take the meat and fly away. Although I don't know how he was flying but maybe he could show me later. "That's my friend, I found him down by the river." I lied. But they nodded and went on.

"So this is her?" An orc said.

"Ahhh yes, my lovely, well daughter. Yes, the girl that will marry whom?" The king asked. I spit out my water, but said nothing.

"His name is Azog, strong, powerful orc. He was young once but we turned him into the strong orc he is today." One said. Just then the doors opened and a tall, pale orc stood before everyone. He walked slowly to the table, the goblin that sat beside me got up giving him his chair. I watched his every step until he sat down next to me. I look at the woman I called mom how could she do this, wait it probably wasn't her doing. Then I looked the king, he wore a evil smile upon his face. Oh how I hated that smile.

"Well what do you think? Although I really don't care!" He said turning away from me.

"I don't think I can't do this." I said standing. Just as I passed by the king he swong his mace cutting my arm and the dress. I started to cry and ran to my room. I found Alduin still eating the meat thought it wouldn't do anything, so I snapped at him. "It won't do anything for you, all you are is bones. I don't understand how you can fly, its impossible!" I was surprised at what he did next.

"Listen all you have to do is ask. You don't have to be so mean. I have a soul, I can still fly because of the spell that came with the soul. I can also breath frost if you must know. But you have many powers, that are so powerful. I'm forever in your debt princess Laci of the dragon-borns." He finished with a bow.

 "Y-you can t-talk?" I said sitting in front of him.

"Why, yes this soul was once a dragon and a woman really wise. Many other dragons can talk to I'm not the only one Laci." He said sitting his head on my leg.

Just then I heard a knock on the door. I walked over to find Azog standing on the other side. He pushed his way in the room. Where I closed then door behind him. "Azog, why are you here?" I asked as he stepped close to me.

"You also know me by another name, look at my eyes and you'll find then answer I speak of." I placed my hands on either side of his head. Then he changed his eye colors to a bright green. No way there was only one person I knew that could do that. But he had died with my people. This couldn't be.

"Amaroth?" I asked starting to cry. He shook his head yes. I jumped up and hugged him. I let go after awhile.

"So will you go through with it now?" He asked.

"I guess so" Was all I said before we returned to the meeting.

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