Chapter 8

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I was right about the king sending word of me. When the goblin got there I hopped on Thalia and made my way to them. I saw that the dwarves were there already. I hopped off of Thalia when I was close and walked the rest of the way. Balin gave me a light smile, while the rest of the dwarves had there mouths open wide. I gave them a smile. "Don't want to catch a fly, do you. So you might want to close your mouths." I said before turning and walking up to my chair. I sat down and the king looked over at me.

"What?" I asked throwing an attitude.

"What happened to you, you look.....well.....nice, beautiful." My mouth dropped open at that.

"So, can't I dress the way I want now?" He got mad.

"Well, why were these in your room?" He said throwing the bag of weapons down in front of the dwarves 'shit'  I thought. "Well and how a person got a sword in the dungeons?" He continued.

"I wanted to look at them more and I must have forgotten my sword down there. That's all I promise." He didn't believe me and hit me hard on the left side of my head. But I wasn't the only one who winced. I heard one of the dwarves yell in pain as well. I looked over to see Balin smile big, I guess we got our answer.

"Well let's make this fun shall we, while we wait. But not starting with the youngest but MY daughter." I looked at him.

"Excuse me, but no one is getting hurt not even me." I shouted. He hit me again. Thalia started to growl at him but only to get held back by goblins. I saw plead in her eyes. I ran to her stabbing a goblin in the head and pushing it off the side. But I was stopped by other goblins. More held Thalia down and one pushed me down the stairs. I cried out when it landed on me and held my own knife to my neck.

"Actually, I've had enough of you. I tried ruining your perfect body by putting scars on it. But I see that doesn't stop you. Plus how many times did I need to tell you my goblins can touch you however they want, when they want. But no you had to kill everyone that even touched you. Truth is I never liked you, well matter never loved you. So why not kill you now, its perfect?"

"Azog, will kill you if he finds out I'm dead because of you!" I spat only to have the goblin punch me. The king sat back on his chair.

"No not really, I'll tell him that your little friends did. One more reason to kill all off them." He smiled. I was picked up by two other goblins, they each took one of my arms and the one that was on top of me went behind me putting the knife back to my throat and grabbing a fist full of my hair. I was bleeding on the left side of my head.

'THINK LACI THINK, HOW CAN I SAVE THE DWARVES AND THALIA........WAIT WERE THE HELL IS ALDUIN'? I opened my eyes looking for Alduin. I saw Fili, Balin and Thorin looking at me. They looked scared and worried. I felt pressure on my head, they wanted to talk to me. I opened my mind to there's.

'What are you looking for'? Balin asked.

'Are you okay, Laci please?' I heard Fili.

'Why are you saving us, mostly why can I feel your pain?' Thorin asked.

"I'm looking for my friend, Balin. Yes Fili I'm okay, I'm been through worse. Thorin because I am can't you just trust me or be nice as for the other thing its nothing don't worry about it!" I told them, then closed my mind and linked it with Alduins. "Hey hate to break up stuff, but I kinda need your help" I said but not getting an answer. Then I heard the king start to sing.

"Bones will be shattered, necks will be wrung! You'll be beaten and battered, from racks you'll be hung! You will die down here and never be found! Down in the deep of Goblin-Town!" As he was singing one of the goblins picked up Thorins sword and unshelthed it, letting out a loud screech. The goblin threw it done, the king jumped in his chair.

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