Chapter 16

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I sunk down to the bottom of the barrel. I didn't bother talking to Balin.

I heard a slash, I raised from the barrel.

"Well done Master Baggins" Thorin said, giving me a longing glare.

As the water took us out to the sun. I soaked it in, but I heard an uneasy voice. I also heard Legolas, then a horn. 'The gate' I thought

Bolg, he's heading towards us.

"Let me out" I yelled

"Lass calm down, please" Balin tried calming me

"Laci" I turned to Kili only to see a guard get shot down by my worst fear. Orcs, one by one they tried attacking us. Many of the dwarves ending up with swords or knifes. At one point I managed to get out of the barrel and get on the stone.

I picked up a swords and stabbed an orc. Felt good actually. I started laughing.

I didn't notice Kili until, what looked like he was going to kill me until the blade went passed me and into an orc.

"Got'a death wish" he asked. I spun around him and killed another orc.

"Nope, already got one but thanks" We locked eyes before he looked behind me. I knew what he was looking at because I was doing the same thing to. Get to the lever. "Go I'll protect you"

Kili ran to the top of the stares as I saw what I hated the most. One by one I killed all the orcs that got in my way. I knew the arrow that Bolg was about to shoot was going for Kili. I had made a promise and I plan to keep it at all cost.

I was a jump away from Kili as Bolg fired his bow, but being my stupid self. I pushed Kili out of the way, without getting myself out of the way too. The arrow found its way into my thigh. I feel to the stone in pain.

Kili only got a glimpse of me before and arrow went by him. I looked to the left and found that the arrow belonged to Tauriel. I smiled at her site. Kili come through and pulled the lever.

"We must jump" Kili said picking me up and jumping off the side with me pressed against him. The arrow broke off as we fell into the barrel.

'I'm gonna kill him for that' I thought

'No your not" Kili said in my head

I glared at him as the rushing water pushed us off the cliff. As the barrel took us farther Kili did his best to keep me still. He did good most of the time but others I would hit my leg, only causing me more pain.

Most of the elves took down the orcs but soon I looked back only to find the orcs following us.

"water, my friend, my partner, my world, the only thing I ask for you is for a little control. Take my will, take my foe. I only wish to little control" I reached over the barrel and touched the water. The rushing water, rushed faster. Putting distance between us and the orcs.


After some time the water stopped rushing and went calm. I laid on Kili's back as he moved through the water so we could get on land. That wasn't my problem nor was the orcs, but my leg. I could feel the poison in my veins it would speed up my dying process by lots. I couldn't use my powers to heal it, I needed hurbs.

I laughed at Bofur jumped up from his barrel, spitting out water.

Kili and I where first to shore. But me laying on his back didn't stop there. He crawled out from the barrel. Then stood taking me in his hand and setting me on a rock.

He took off his shirt, only making Bofur come to us. Not cause Kili took off his shirt no. Because I also took off my pants. He was quite questionable, I laughed at this. I turned and found myself staring at Kili. He had quite the body. Toned and strong. Hairy is an understatement. But I didn't mind.

"Like what you see"

"Very much, but I have other issues. Now put your shirt back on and rip off one of my pant legs, my shirt is like a dress anyways." He did as he was told. He went a step further to clean my wound.

"On your feet" Thorin yelled at us

"Laci's wounded" Kili shouted

"We have an orc pack on our tail"

"Let alone a lake lays between us and the Mountain" Balin butted in

I ripped the cloth from Kili and tied it around my leg. Then got up, only to have Kili wrap an arm around me. Also getting a glare from Thorin. I bugged Kili to walk over to the side, that of which he did. As the other continued to talk about getting tyo the Mountain I saw a figure, a man's figure walk over to Ori.

Since I couldn't move, not only my my leg but also by Kili. I couldn't get over to Ori to help him. I just stood and watched.

It was odd I didn't say anything. It felt as if I could trust the man or I already trusted him. For living in a mountain cave all my life, you'd expect that I never meant anyone or anything but that wrong. Many people and things past or got trapped. So I knew a lot of people.

Everyone soon noticed him. Dwalin jumped in front of Ori with a stick. Only to have it shot my the man. Kili picked up a rock and than it was soon shot our of his hand.

"Do it again and your dead" I smiled at the man's voice. I knew him, but under bad circumstances. I laughed and he turned to me. "I'll kill a lady to don't think I won't" I laughed again, pushing past Kili.

"Bard, you can't kill the woman that saved your daughter would you" Bard put down his bow and stepped to me. I know he wouldn't hurt me but the dwarves didn't.

"Laci, its been sometime"

"Yes, yes it has"

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