Chapter 19

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Thorin's POV

First she wasn't in a barrel, second she trusted these people, third she almost got taken away. Now she's not here.

She wasn't at the top of my list of worries but I'm sure as hell not going to let her out of my sight. Well after I find her. She didn't feel to far from me but I felt the emptiness in my chest.

"I hate this" I growled

"Hate what" Balin asked

"I hate her, everything, she makes me feel"

"You know you can stop it" I turned my head towards him. He knew after all this time.


"Well it's simple really " Bard butted in. "Well if you don't mind giving yourself to her"

WHAT THERE WAS NO WAY IN HELL I WAS DOING THAT. I just couldn't, I don't love her nor like her.

"But I know you wont"

I gave him a look. "Don't you have weapons to give us?" I asked

He turned away from us and took off down stairs. I heard a door open to my right. A girls head popped out, the look on her face didn't give me the slightest bit of happiness.

She motioned for her sister and soon her brother followed. I turned away as Bard walked into the room. He dumped the weapons on the table. I picked up and item and frowned.

"What is this?" I asked

"Pike hook. Made from an old harpoon." I sighed at the voice now she shows up. I didn't turn to her.

"And this?"

"A crow bill, we call it. Fashioned from a smithy's hammer. It's heavy in a hand, I grant. But in defense of your life, these will serve you better than none." Bard answered this time.

"We paid for weapons. Iron forged, swords and axes!" Gloin yelled then we all set the weapons back down on the table.


Laci's POV

The dwarves were being incredibly stubborn. Even one in particular, he didn't even look at me. Ughhhh.

In the back of my mind I felt unwanted by everyone. It was weird something was tugging at me to leave, to stay away from them.

" You won't find better outside the city armory. All iron forged weapons are held there under lock and key." Bard Stepped in

" Thorin, why not take what's on offer and go. I've made do with less, so have you." Balin whispered to Thorin "I say we leave now"

"NO" I shouted "You can't not now, you want to be killed"

"You have no say what we do" thorin spoke without looking at me

"So your just gonna walk out there. Into a world of men that have nothing and if they see you. Lord knows what they would do"

"I've lived my whole life with men I can handle them"

"Ughh" everyone looked at me "Just go get yourself killed then. Not like I care about your safety or anything"

"I can't say the same for you" Thorin whispered. 'That hurt'

"I'll just leave then. If you don't care than ill go" No one said anything. I walked you to Bilbo

Hearing small chatter around me, but ignoring it.

"Bilbo if you need anything. Anything at all. Look up to the sky and call me. I'll be there" he nodded softly. I kissed his head, grabbed my cloak without another word, I was gone.

I don't want to say I wasn't scared to be out, but I was happy.

I knew Bilbo would need me. I would come back when he did. But only for him.

'Why couldn't it have been Bilbo' I asked

"Because he's not yours for the taking"

"Ohhh hi, how have you been" I asked thorin's mom

"Lovely actually" I rolled my eyes

"Well that's great. So where are we off too if I may ask"

"I thought it would be a good time to reunite you with your old home"

I gave her a side glace. I didn't know if I was happy, excited or sad to see my home after all this time.

Finally I came to the conclusion that it could help me. Maybe I could find some answers.

With that I let myself change into a small dragon. I looked over to her to see her chuckle and take off into the night sky.


The sun was starting to rise as we got to my old home. I landed just outside the broken down walls. Sighing as I took in my surroundings.

River and forest behind me, old dirty road, we'll now grass road to my sides. And a destroyed city in front of me.

I heard a small snap behind me. I spun around to a shadow hide behind a tree.

"Hello" I asked


I jumped and looked at thorin's mom " Don't do that" I yelled.

Another small snap. I looked back at the forest.

Scanning across the tree line I saw a small body move from the trees.

'Honey don't be scared. She won't hurt you' Again I looked at thorin's mom.

But I soon looked at the little figure moving towards us.

When it stepped into the light I was shocked to see it was a Child


So there is no excuse as to why I haven't updated. When I tried it got bored with what I wrote and gave up.

But I thought I would make it more interesting. But I want your help.

1) Comment what gender you want the child to be.

2) What race should they be?

3) Lastly what should there name be?

I would love love love for your helps guys. Thank you for all the votes and views.

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