Chapter 17

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"How do you know him" Thorin finally asked

"What's it to ya" he glared and walked away from me. I walked my way over to Bard who was loading up his boat.

"So dwarves now"

"I guess so, even when you found your love" His head popped up and smiled.

He came running over to me and picked me up. I started laughing, as he spun us around. "I'm so happy!! Which one is he, was he the brown head that was holding you or the blonde he seems nice or"

"Bard stop please it doesn't help" he slowly put me down. I sighed "No and No, sadly I'm dying. In away he said he wish he wasn't my love, my L'amour Vrai"

"Which one" he asked through his teeth

"Long black hair, in the Blue shirt" I breathed "Please don't think less of him or anyone. I wish for my last year to be peaceful besides any war" he nodded

"What thinks I would help you" Bard started a conversation with Balin. I sighed limping on the boat and sitting on the side.

"Those boots have seen better days, and then that coat. I suppose you have some hungry mouths to feed" I smiled I've always loved Bards kids.

"Aye a boy and two girls" I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"And your wife, I image she must be a beauty" I cringed. But agreed she was beautiful in every way. Taken to early by my father, no by that dirty goblin. I looked at Bard

He stood frozen, he turned to Balin then me. I nodded to him "Aye she was"

"I want to know who you are, and what your doing in these lands" here comes the lying.

"We are Merchants from the Blue Mountains" I said, standing up

"We're going to see our kin in the Iron Hills" Balin added

"We need food, supplies, weapons can you help us" Thorin asked

I rolled my eyes. He just had to say something didn't he. Bard looked at me then to them.

"Laci, yes anything for her but you maybe. I know where these barrels came from" he looked at me again

"What of it"

"I dont know what business you had with the eleves. Laci I could just image what Thranduil and her would do" I slapped my head "but I didn't ended well"

"Well pay double" Balin said bravely.

Bard looked from me to them. Then agreed, I stayed close to him. He opened up an anger in Thorin that I didn't want to be around. I'll kill him if he will dare do it again. I sat beside Bard, giving him glances here and there. Only to have him return them.

Then my biggest fear came alive. I screamed out in pain as the scar on my stomach burn with pain. Bard bent down by my side as Bilbo hurried over.

"What's wrong" Bilbo asked. Bard didn't hesitate to lift up my shirt and look at my mark. I looked down as well, it was a bright red. "What's happening" Bilbo asked covering his eyes.

"Quickly fill this up with water" Bard gave Bilbo a cup. As of now everyone is looking at us. "Shh its okay, calm down don't let him see" Bilbo came back with the cup and Bard quickly covered my mouth with one hand and dumped the cold water on my mark.

After some screaming and pain. It went away and Bard helped me up.

"What was that" Dwalin asked

"My mark" I said coldy

"Why was it red" Fili asked

"Because okay" I yelled "I'm sorry, but Azog can track me. He probably knows that his son didn't get me. If he wants to he can see through my eyes. To get my location"

Everyone stood there in shock not saying anything. So I just went back to Bard. I didn't bother looking at anyone. I could feel them starring at me.

"What son, is it yours" Kili asked. I sighed and turned. All eyes where on me. I looked a Bard who only smiled.

Bard knew Bolg when he was little. Bards youngest was just born, they traveled to her parents house. Bard knew my intentions I had for Bolg, but he never knew Azog took Bolg from me so I couldn't raise him.

"In a way Kili, yes he was"

"There's no I A WAY, its a yes or no question" Thorin yelled.

"No what Thorin I'm sick of your additude. All you do is cut me down, be rude to me. No I didn't give birth to him, no he isn't mine. But I raised him as much as I could. He was fine before Azog took him away from me. I raised him to do good not evil. And know what" I walk so I was face to face with him. More of me looking at his chest. "I do NOT WANT pity. I DO NOT wish for it. You don't know what half I've been through" I didn't realize I was changing until Dwalin and Fili pulled Thorin back and I was being picked up.

"Your eyes, please calm down" Bard tried to calm me down. Bard was the only one that thought my eyes where cool in this state. He always said they are like a rainbow of just blues. The kind that are gentle and calm.

Remembering that made my heart go numb. He was scared that day. His oldest wondered to far and fell into our traps. When he came to find her I was standing there with my eyes. But he was never scared or angry, he was happy.

"The money quickly give it to me" Bard said

"We will pay you when we get our provisions, but not before."

"There are guards ahead you fool" I spat

"You little-" Bard stepped between us. Balin stepped up and gave Bard the money. "Into the barrels......all of you" Thorin said


Hey guys.

I made a Kili fanfic you guys should check it out!!! Let me know what you think of it!!!

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