Chapter 4

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I awoke with the king yelling. Azog or Amaroth has been here, moody than ever. I'm the only one he will let me call him Amaroth, but lately he hasn't been responding to Amaroth or he'll get mad and yell at me for calling him "that name". So I've been calling him Azog just to be safe. I've gotten a baby warg, as a marriage present. It's a promise saying that we will get married when we have time. I've named her Thalia which means Flourish with joy. Because that's all she is, is joy. She's not a normal Warg. She's very nice, and gentle.

"THATS WONDERFUL NEWS!" I heard the king yell. I decided to get up and walk to see what he was so excited about. I put on the blue dress my mother gave me. I haven't grown, Thrain's wife is taller than me. But I put my crown on and walked down to my chair.

"Still getting fatter!" I said to the king. He still had a smile upon his face. "Why are you so happy?" I asked but he didn't replie. Just then I saw Azog and some orcs walking to us. I smiled and went to hug him, he hugged back but a side hug. That's weird.

"I'm afraid we will be leaving, again. I'll be taking our son with me as well." Azog said. I walked back to my chair.

"What for, why can't he stay?" I asked, still out of the loop. "Erebor has fallen, we think that the dwarves will try to take Maria. I need to be there, our son needs to fight now." My mouth dropped. "You are to stay here until, I come for you. I don't know how long we will be gone. Keep her safe king or I'll have your head." Azog said before getting on his warg with our son and returning to his land. I turned to the king.

"I don't care, but that child is not yours." He said.

"I will still love him like he is. Like your wife did with me." I stated back. Yes, I had a son but I was still a virgin. Azog wanted one so he took a baby orc, and brought it here to me. But now I'm afraid he won't be kind now. He's still young and Azog will turn him to be a killer like him. Just then Alduin sat in my lap.

"And how is your day?" I asked him.

"Good, but I think you should tell her that her kingdom he fallen into a dragons claws." I nodded and placed him on my shoulder and walked down to the dungeons.

"M'Lady I have come with bad news." I said opening her door. She was on the floor, holding her chest "M'Lady?" I asked.

"Child it is my time, I must go." She said, I ran and put her head in my lap and pushed her hair out of her eyes. "Take this necklace, each gem is for my children the sapphire, the emerald and the diamond."  She paused.

"Thorin, Frerin and Dis." I said crying.

"If you ever may leave look for them and they shall help you, child." She cupped her hands around my face. "You are the one-" She started then shut her eyes.

"I am the one what, no, no what am I?" I held her close. "Please, please don't go." I was crying so much. After about an hour I called for Thalia, she came and I put Thrains wife on her. I heard something hit the floor, it was the necklace. I picked it up and put it on. I got on Thalia and rode out of the mountain. I rode to the skinchangers house.

When I arrived it was dark, I knocked on his door. I heard the talking stop and the door opened to show my friend. "Child its late, why are you here?" I looked at him and he saw I've been crying. So he embraced me in a hug.

"She die a few hours again, I've come to bury her under one of your oak trees. I need your help, I'm afraid I can't do it alone." He nodded and went inside. He came out with a shove and a man that had a large hat on. "Shall we?" He said. I got back on Thalia and we walked to a large oak tree. He dug a hole then placed her inside of it. We said a couple words and we went back to his house.

I sat in a large chair. He and his friend sat across from me. It was silent, but I knew I had to break it. "No more secrets, please tell me your name." I said looking at him. He sighed.

"My name is Beorn, last of the skin-changers. Yours?"

"Laci, last of the dragon-borns." As soon as I said my name the man with the pointy hat looked up. "And you are?" I asked.

"I'm Gandalf, Gandalf the gray. It is a pleasure to meet a dragonborn, Laci I knew your parents. They were great rulers, but tell me how did you survive that horrible day?" He said. I took a big breath.

"My parents gave me there souls, the goblin queen took me in and raised me with the help of Beorn too. She was a gentle goblin. She would always tell me she wish she could stay out in the light for a long time. Beorn is like a father to me, when I needed a place to stay or get away he would let me stay here." I said.

"Your powers are strong, I can feel them. Child do you know how to use them?"

"Yes I do actually."

"I invited the blue wizards to come and teach her. They wouldn't come together but they would talk. They would come a week out of the month to teach her. Also help me control my other side. Laci is my rock, they told me to think about her when I needed to calm down, or even keep from changing. She is the only one that can control my other form. But if she marries Azog than I won't see her again." Beorn told Gandalf.

"Azog, why him and not a goblin?" He asked.

"Because then if the princess of the goblin world marries an orc. They will have to work together again." I stated. Gandalf looked at me with concern. "Listen I knows its bad, but I know Azog and he still has the young little boy I was friends with inside of him. But I know I'm losing him. Plus I won't find my L'amour Vrai. So a close friend is good enough for me."

"Laci, you can leave you don't have to stay-" I cut Gandalf off.

"See but Gandalf where am I to go?  I like it there and if I leave I'll cause Azog to go insane. Not that he isn't already but more than he is now. I know you all have good inattentions but I'm saving Middle-Earth and myself." I finished.

"I'm sorry but you are right but the next time I arrive, I'm taking you with me."

"How the king won't allow it?"

"If I kill him you are to follow me, for you are the only one strong enough to kill Azog." Gandalfs words took me by surprise. Was I really the one that had the power to kill him. But I couldn't he was still my friend and soon to be husband.

"But I can't kill him, he's still my friend."

"Than promise me this, if he is about to kill your L'amour Vrai than you shall kill him."

"If I am to find my L'amour Vrai than you both know, I am to fight for him as he is to me. Unless he tells me to not fight for him or I am killed doing so." They both nodded. "Than yes I promise. If you show up and kill the king for a GOOD reason than I am to follow you. And if I find my

L'amour Vrai than I am to kill Azog with all the power I have." They nodded again.

We talked until dawn. I found Gandalf words still in my head. Does he know who my L'amour Vrai is? Will he actually come for me? I guess I will have to wait and see. But at dawn I went back to my kingdom. We said our goodbyes once more than I hopped on Thalia and rode back.

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