Christmas Special

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A/N: Merry Christmas/ Happy Hanukkah/ Happy Holidays! I hope everyone is enjoying their break, whether from school or work or even life for a while. Hope you enjoy this little rushed special and none of this relates to the actual story.

Y/n finished boxing all the treats. Instead of gifts, she decided to bake Christmas cookies for everyone. She smiled to herself and put on her thick wool coat, carrying the boxes over to her regular spot: the flower shop.

The bell ringing alerted the three men inside of her arrival.

"Y/n! Merry Christmas!" Yamaguchi rounded the corner and went to help carry the boxes to the counter before pulling her into a hug. He was wearing this absolutely horrid  Christmas sweater that had flashing lights and everything.

"Merry Christmas Yams!" She turned to the tall blonde next to him, "Tsukishima." He nodded his head in acknowledgement. She reached for one of the smaller boxes and handed it to the salt shaker, "I was gonna save this for later but since you seem to be oozing Grinch vibes, I think this should cheer you up." She offered a smile at his excited face.

He gently opened the box, a soft blush covering his cheeks as he said a thank you towards the girl. Yamaguchi laughed and kissed Tsukishima's cheek. "Ah, she knows you so well, doesn't she Mr. Scrooge?" She laughed with him and subtly looked around.

"He's outside making sure the green house is still working despite the snow," he winked at her knowing exactly who she wanted to see. Y/n nodded and excused herself from the two lovebirds. Yea, they were cute and everything but she's barely been making it through cuffing season, seeing two people utterly in love was not what she needed.

"Knock knock," she smiled as the man jumped from the muffled noise outside the green house. "Can I come in? It's freezing out here!"

He laughed and opened the door for her, "Quick, come on." She rushed into the warm heat and started to relax slowly, still trying to warm her frozen hands. She looked around, "Wow, it's so cool in here, like a whole other world," she giggled and looked at him.

"Yea, we have all our poinsettias in here," he gestured towards the rows of red leaf flowers, "and our roses are still going pretty strong, thankfully. And we have a few others over there that are suffering a bit, but they're getting better." He gestured to a few smaller plants near the back. Heat lamps were attached and set up around the small building, along with tarps on the floor, and watering cans.

She smiled up at him, he always looked so pretty when he talked about the things he loved. He turned and she realized that there wasn't a lot of room for two people in the small building. Well, unless they were right next to each other, or on each other...

Ha ha shut up brain, it's just because I haven't gotten laid in... many many months BUT you can't keep thinking slutty things about one of your close, tall, muscular, extremely hot friend...   ugh...kill me

"-ready for the party?"


He laughed and dragged her back out into the bitter cold. "I said, are you ready to go to the party? You're riding with me, right?" They both hurried back into the flower shop's back door, sighing as they were out of the cold again.

"Oh, yea. I figured that Tsukishima and Yamaguchi would want to leave together for some 'alone time,'" she giggled as Asahi snorted at her. "Geez I bet they have like the most boring sex..." Asahi covered his mouth, trying not to laugh so loudly. They were both snickering to themselves at Y/n's words.

"Well, it's definitely vanilla compared to Suga and Daichi..." Asahi smirked down at her as she choked and looked scarred.

"No way, really? How the fuck do you know??"

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