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"So do you regularly send your ass to Yamaguchi?"

Ha ha fuck

|| Third POV ||

After a conversation of Y/n tripping over words in embarrassment, Asahi finally let the topic drop with only /minimal/ teasing. It's been a couple days since that, in Y/n's words, horrifying experience. Nonetheless their friendship was closer then ever and she did stop sending nudes to Yamaguchi.

It made her think though: would Asahi think it funny if he was the one receiving her nudes? The thought made her stop washing the left over dishes from the last shift of the day.

She shook her head to get rid of the silly, silly, thoughts. She truly stopped washing the dishes, after almost dropping a glass, when the thought of Asahi sending his own certain pictures crossed her mind. It's not like she hadn't seen him shirtless or in shorts, but the whole context would be different.

With a deep breath she tried to calm herself and wiped her hands on a nearby dish towel. The dishes were clean, that was her main goal, now she just needed to leave.

A lightning flash was seen from the corner of her eye and a couple seconds later thunder boomed distantly. Y/n looked at her jacket, not a raincoat and she definitely didn't have an umbrella. She had to walk home, at least a mile and a half. Y/n bit her cheek as she rolled over how worth it was to get soaked for a 30 minute walk.

Another flash, another boom. This time closer and louder then the last. She flinched slightly at it. Loved the rain, hated the thunder. She made her way back to the front of her shop to see how hard it was truly raining and sighed in disappointment. There were creeks smaller then what the roads and sidewalks looked like right now.

She groaned and laid her head on the counter. Maybe... maybe she could just sleep here. No, she had absolutely no bedding and wouldn't want to work the next day in the same clothes and be unshowered. She checked her phone, 3%. Damn, she didn't bring her charger today. She mulled over the options in her head and finally decided on her best one.

She grabbed her jacket and tucked her purse under it to try and save it from getting soaked immediately. With her hood drawn over her head she took a deep breath and stepped out the door, locked it behind her, and started a quick run down the sidewalk.


Rapid knocking made his drowsy self get out of bed. He looked at the clock, 9pm. Huh, did he go to bed that early?

"I'm comin, I'm comin," he called and shuffled to his front door. He opened it and paused.

"What the fuck happened?!"

There Y/n stood, panting and drenched. She had her bag clutched to her chest and finally stood up straight to look at him.

"Oh thank god you're still awake. Can I come in?" She tried to wipe the wet hair that stuck to her forehead out of her eyes but it didn't really help. Asahi opened the door wider and stepped aside.

"It's pouring out there. Did you walk?" He was almost in disbelief at the smaller woman in front of him. She nodded and stood dripping in the entry way. "I'll, uh, go get some towels and clothes for you."

Asahi left her there and grabbed towels and a set of clothes, similar to the ones she wore last time. "Hey, take a shower. It'll warm you up," he motioned for her to come to the bathroom and set everything on the sink counter.

Y/n teetered her way in and thanked him. He nodded, "I'll make some tea for you and then I'm going to go to bed after you come out," he murmured and shut the door behind him. He was tired but the main reason he was going to turn in so early is because she was wearing a white shirt... and it had been thoroughly soaked transparent.

He hit his head on the counter. He was so going to hell. He started the ketttle and leaned on the counter with his head down. God he needed to get a grip.

Soon the kettle was whistling and he poured two mugs of chamomile tea. Letting it steep he waited for Y/n to finish changing and to leave the bathroom. He heared socked feet pading towards him and looked up.

She looked angelic. He may be biased because she was wearing his clothes but she still looked beautiful flushed and clean.

"Thank you for letting me stay," she murmured and leaned on the counter across from him.

He sipped his tea and nodded, "You're always welcome here Y/n. Even if I don't get a heads up before hand," he smiled into his cup, teasing her.

"Well my phones dead and you were closer then my apartment..." she mumbled, pouting. God she looked too cute for his heart.

He chuckled and patted her head, "I'm just teasing you, like I said, you're always welcome."

She smiled and took another sip of her warm tea, "Kinda glad I couldn't give you a heads up, you would've deprived me from the view," she wiggled her eyebrows and motioned to his bear chest and low hanging sweatpants. He pursed his lips and sighed in defeat.

"Yea, I would've," he stood and rinsed his mug before giving her a spin, "but I'll give you one last look before I return to bed like the old man I am."

She snorted into her tea but did thoroughly enjoy the vision he was. He could almost feel the heat from her gaze and it made him more desperate to leave and stay at the same time. All he could do is ignore the twitching in his pants and leave as politely as he could.

"Well, um, goodnight and the couch is set up for you," he patted her head as he passed her as a final goodnight. He crawled into bed and simply stared at his wall. He couldn't close his eyes because all he would see was her. It was like she was consuming him. Shit, he was in deep wasn't he...

He rolled onto his back and rubbed his face. Goddamn it


She knew it was stupid. She knew it was dumb to do it but...

She pushed his door slightly open. The storm had finally stopped and the moon streamed through his blinds. He looked so peaceful. She sat gently next to him and brushed a strand of hair out of his face. For someone who was a machine on the court he almost looked too soft right now.

Y/n cautiously opened the covers, pausing when he shifted and then slinked her way inside next to him. She shimmed down and pulled the covers back up to cover them both. She just laid next to him, a hand on his chest, feeling his strong and steady heart beat. She looked at him a bit more and then slowly fell asleep as well.


He felt her, woke up when she opened his door. When her breathing became light and even, he wrapped his arms around her. Feeling like a piece of him was finally put in the proper place, a yearning sated. He breathed her in and kissed her head as he held her. Damn the consequences. He didn't want to let her go ever again.

"Sweet dreams Camellia..."

A/N: I hope this isn't too rushed and I hope you guys liked this. I'll explain the nickname later in the story but you guys can google it if you want lol. Stay warm guys!

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