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10am- one hour until the cafe opens
*Y/n POV*
Omg omg omg omg omg where are they??!!
I know I ordered them last second and I know they just moved in but.... ok ok yea they deserve some slack.
Continuing to pace back and forth across the dark hardwood floors, she tried to calm her self down. Peeking out the window for the fifth time in the last two minute she finally saw the flower truck pulling up.
Thank God.
Asahi jumps out of the truck and gave a small wave to her as he walked around to the back. He then reappeared with two boxes. Y/n hurriedly opened the door to let him in.
"Thank god you're here, I dont know what I would do if you didn't show up!"
Asahi blushed slightly while setting the boxes down on a nearby table.
"Yea, sorry it took so long but, y'know, we just kind've moved in..." He scratched the back of his neck.
Y/n closed her eyes and sighed, "You're right, I'm sorry," opening her eyes to look at Asahi, "Thank you so much."
A small, genuine smile warmed her face along with a slight blush. They looked at each other for a while, maybe too long. Asahi cleared his throat, breaking the awkward silence and Y/n looked at the forgotten box of flowers.
"So, what did you bring me?" she asked while walking over to the table the box was placed on.
Asahi awkwardly started taking out little groupings of flowers tied with a small ribbon each.
"We have Forget-me-nots and white daisies," he paused unpacking the flowers and looked up at her, "You do have vases, right?"
Y/n just nodded and went to get them from the kitchen.
My God why does he have to be so sweet and hottt??!!
Ugh focus Y/n!
Gathering as many as she could cary, Y/n made her wag  back to the serving room.
"They honestly look so pretty thank you so much again."
Asahi looked up at her voice, "Its no problem really, just glad we  could help."
You could help me in other ways too Y'know 😏😏
They started putting the flowers and water into the vases.
Why do I have to be so damn thirsty omg!
"Do you need some water?" Asahi's voice broke Y/n out of her train of thought.
"You said you were really thirsty? I could finish doing this and you can go get some water."
Y/n's face exploded into red
"Oh uh yea... Ok, I'll, I'll go get some then..."
Turning walking quickly away to the kitchen to go calm herself down.
Whyyy! WHY MeEEee??!!!
She started banging her head against the wall.
"...I wanna die..."

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