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|Asahi POV|

The leaves were just now turning colors, making it look lovely. Of course, Asahi's flowers were going out of season. That means they'll have to outsource and plant their winter selection for the coming times of the year. He checked his watch as he walked back inside.

"So where ya takin her?"

Asahi jumped and quickly sourced Yamaguchi sitting near the decretive pots, rearranging it seems.

"I didn't know you were still here, I was just going to close up," he subconsciously fingered the keys in the leather jacket he now wore for the cold months.

Yamaguchi sent him a smile. "I'll do it," he reached over and fixed the jackets collar. "You've been waiting for this long enough." He gave a small smile up at Asahi. To which, in return, Asahi scooped him up in a big bear hug.

"You're the best person I know."

Yamaguchi hummed and hugged him back, "Besides Y/n."

Asahi chuckled and pulled back, "Yes, besides Y/n."

Yamaguchi patted his chest and pushed him out the door, "Go get her!"

Asahi laughed while stumbling out headed towards his truck. "I will!"

He checked his phone again, right on time.


Y/n sat on his bench seat, her legs thrown up over his lap as he drove out of town.

"So where are we going?"

Asahi smiled and glanced at her at the corner of his eye.

"Riight, secret," she huffed but smiled beside herself.  He had her pack them a dinner with leftovers from the cafe and comfortable clothes which were in a duffle on the floor.

"So you're also not going to mention why there's a covering over the bed?"

Asahi's lips quirked up at that, but remained staring at the road in front of him while one of his hands came off the steering wheel and rested on her shin across his lap. Probably trying to comfort the pout off her. Y/n felt her face flush slightly at the gesture. Although their friendship had already crossed certain physical boundaries, his warmth that soaked through her at every touch still made her alight with very flustering emotions.

Y/n continued to shift, trying to get comfy while also fighting off the anxiousness of sitting in a car for more than thirty minutes. Asahi's hand started moving up and down her leg soothingly.

"Don't worry, ten more minutes princess," he murmured and squeezed her calf. She hummed and tried to fight the smile creeping up her face at the pet name. She nodded her head before realizing that he probably couldn't see and hummed in acknowledgement.

It was sunset now, well the beginnings of sunset. That time of afternoon that puts the sun right below the visor so it can't block it out and makes you sit so straight that you can only see two cars in front of you. But it was pretty nonetheless.

Y/n zoned back in as Asahi parked the car at an off road clearing.

"Woah, great view," she whispered and looked over the clearing where a small lake, maybe even a large pond, was encased in a woodland barrier. She finally glanced over to Asahi, making eye contact.

"Yeah, it really is," he sent her a wink before getting out. The hop in his step made her giggle as he made his way around and urgently opened her door.

"My princess," he dramatically bowed before helping her out.

"Ah thank you good sir," Y/n laughed and hopped out of his truck. "So what are we doing here, in the middle of no where..." she shot him an accusing look.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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