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|| Asahi POV ||

"You ready?"

I sighed a huge breath that I didn't know I'd been holding, "Yea."

Y/n giggled and squeezed my hand again. "I'm the one getting the tattoo silly, not you. You have nothing to be nervous for."

"I know but, I'm still worried." Kuroo could be heard chuckling in the background.

"Loosen up Jesus! I think you're just nervous because Y/n doesn't have a shirt or bra on!" I glanced from Kuroo to Y/n, they had almost identical grins on their face as I grumbled out a defense.

"Alright, I'm going to start ok? Try to keep still," Kuroo had put on his soothing voice and started up the gun up. Y/n nodded at squeezed my hand. I saw her grimace when Kuroo started on her back. I had no clue what she was getting but it was on her upper back and didn't have color. She slowly started to relax her body as much as she could. I remember when I got my neck tattoo I was drunk off my ass and don't remember half the pain. Luckily, Kuroo was only buzzed and didn't put a dick permanently on my body.

An hour in and Y/n was dealing much better with the pain. The outline was done and I could make out what it was: a sunflower.


I smiled and continued to play with her hair. It seemed to calm her and happened kind of naturally. It was nice, I really liked this.

"Alright linings done, do you need a break?" Kuroo sat back and and smirked at me. I scowled back and pulled away from her to give her room. She mumbled something and winced when she shifted. "I could go for some bubble tea..." she looked up at me and smiled.

I sighed, "Yea I'll go get you some. Strawberry, right." She grinned and nodded. As I stood up, Kuroo slapped my back and slung his arm around my shoulder.

"You're so whipped dude." I shrugged off his shoulder and grumbled. "Dude, can you get me some too? Mocha? Please bro?" I huffed and held out my hand.

"What, I'm not paying for your damn drink," I smirked as he dug into his pockets, grumbling. I could see Y/n trying to hide her grin as Kuroo slapped the money in my hand.

|| Timeskip ||

"Wait, really?!"

I walked back in to Kuroo and Y/n laughing their hearts out. This feels like a trap.

"Speak of the Devil," Kuroo smirked and I sat down.

"Just for that you're not getting your bubble tea," I handed Y/n her drink along with a lemon bar I got. She happily wiggled in her chair like a victory dance over the treat I brought.

Damn that's cute

"Come ooon man!" Kuroo whined and tried to grab the drink that I held out of reach. Y/n was giggling furiously beside us as she sipped her bubble tea. After a while of Kuroo lunging at me and evading his attacks I felt a slap to my thigh.

"Give him his damn drink back, I want my tattoo finished!" I guiltily gave Kuroo his drink and she shifted again, putting her drink down. "My boobs are getting sore so hurry your ass up Kuroo," she laughed and my face flushed. I completely forgot she was shirtless...

"Alright, you're done. There's a mirror wall over there so you can go look," Kuroo got up to finish his drink. Y/n looked up at me and asked for her shirt. She got up, holding the shirt so it covered her chest, and looked in the mirror. I could see in the ways her eyes sparkled that she loved it. She was happy.

She looks so damn gorgeous

"How does it look?" Her attention shifted to me. She turned so her back faced me and could look at me threw the mirror. I stared, starting at her hair that was in a messy bun, the shirt tucked under her crossed arms, her shoulders set back, and the sunflower that laid between her shoulder blades. The sunflower started at the base of her neck and spread to the tips of her shoulder blades. It then had a long stem with leaves that cascaded down her spine. Her waist was smaller than I thought it would be, despite the body con dress she wore earlier in the week. Although her jeans were high waisted I could still see the slight stretch marks peeking out from her hips.

"It's s beautiful..." my eyes couldn't help but trace back up her body until they met hers in the mirror. I flushed slightly, she must've seen me staring basically at her ass. I coughed awkwardly and shuffled slowly away. "Uh... I'll go so you can change..." I basically ran away from the situation. God I was hopeless.

"Dude, you're so screwed," Kuroo chuckled as I neared his counter.

Thank you for your input but I've already established that point...

I groaned and did my signature slam-my-head-on-the-counter move.

"Cheer up bro, she seems interested in you," he patted my shoulder. I guess even Kuroo knew that I was too sensitive to tease.

"She's not Kuroo... she's just nice man..."

Kuroo sighed and layed his body on top of mine, crushing me. 

"You're hopeless."

"I know." We both chuckled. For someone that looked like a mad man, Kuroo was actually pretty chill and a total nerd. Of course, Suga was the ultimate cuddle bug and oozed motherly vibes that made you feel a little closer to home, but Kuroo was nice too...at times...

He excused himself after he looked up. I assumed it was a customer coming in but I didn't care. I was gonna continue my moping.

"What's happenin ya bing baby?" I felt Y/n's small hand rub my back comfortably. I sighed and stood up.

"How's your back?"

"Good, Kuroo bandaged it and stuff so it won't get infected. I also have strict instructions to not sleep on my back for a few weeks..." she laughed and smiled up at me. God that smile...

I nodded and offered a sheepish smile in return.

"Are you going to be able to change your bandages?"

Why would you ask that?!?!

She laughed still, not phased by the question at all. "I'm sure I'll be fine... could I call you if I needed help?" She was blushing. Oh God that was beautiful.

I swallowed. Why was my mouth so damn dry?

"Yea... You can count on me," I flushed when her smile seemed to double in brightness.

"Great!" And with that she thanked me and left me with a smirking idiot that still had terrible bed head.

Sitting on the couch and watching some K-drama that he totally should Not be invested in while stuffing his face with takeout from his favorite ramen shop. This wasn't exactly how I wanted to spend my evening but it was better than thinking about Y/n.

I was startled out of my stupor by the default ring tone. Ah, speak and she shall appear.

"What's up Y/n? It's pretty late..."

"You were right. I can't change them by myself, can you help?"

God was my tongue always so heavy?

"Yea, sure... um what's your address?"

"I'll text it to you. Thank you so much Asahi!"

She hung up...

I'm going to her apartment and she's going to be shirtless...

My tongue felt heavy, throat dry, heart rate increasing... this felt like a damn panic attack.

My phone lighted up with Y/n's name and a street address. I looked down at what I was wearing. Gray joggers and a sweatshirt with nothing underneath. Yea, this is fine. Grabbing my keys and hat, I was out the door.

Good have mercy on me

Hey guys! Hope you like this chapter and also the new cover!!! It was made by yours truly, yes yes I do hold a single artistic bone in my body xD. I also make a bunch of wallpapers for MHA/ Haikyuu characters and ships... I might post them in here if any of you want? Anyways, have a Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you guys are doing well and have a great week!

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