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Hey! It's been awhile but I just got some inspo after turning in all my work and hopefully I'll get more chapters to the few people reading this. :))

3rd POV
With the arrangement of Y/n buying flowers from Star Flowers, that's the name Asahi and Yamaguchi decided on, everything was ok for a couple of weeks. Nothing embarrassing had happened between Y/n and the gentle giant because Y/n had been successfully avoiding him.
Y/n POV♡
I always picked up the flowers from Yama and didn't let them deliver to my shop. In fact, I barely saw Asahi until, one day, he sauntered his fine ass, 6'1'' self. This man, looking like Jesus himself, had the audacity to smile and wave and look like the smolest boi as he sat down at the counter. Swallowing my pride I headed over.

"What can I get ya?"

"Uuh I'll have one strawberry shortcake, two lemonades, and an answer on why you're avoiding me. All to go," he smiled again, this time almost too confident.

Whew, I'm in danger.

Faking another smile, I headed back to the show case that held all our cakes and started sorting out his order. The shop wasnt that busy anyways, just a few people on computers or coffee dates here and there. Turning back to him I saw that he was staring intently at me, almost sad. Nooo, not the puppy dog eyes. That man is too big to look that cute!
"Here you go! Nice and cold for this hot day today," I handed him the two drinks and a paper container that held the cake. "Didn't know you were a strawberry shortcake kind of guy."
"I'm not it's for Yama's boyfriend, hes helping us out at today," he kept looking at me with the same eyes.
"Are you ever going to tell me why you're avoiding me? Is it something I did? Did I scare you or say something? Please, just tell me..."
Damn it. Fuck. God fucking jesus!!
"What?! No! You could never scare me, you didnt say anything, it's just..." she scanned the shop again, "Meet me when the shop closes. Or text me ok? Or call. Or anything you want, just can we do this later?" I was frantic at this point. Hes so precious and I pushed him away!
"You promise not to run away from me?" Damn his puppy eyes! Why are they such a damn pretty brown!
"I promise Asahi," smiling he got up and walked away with his order only to stop at the door with a confused look.
"I don't have your number..."
Smiling brightly at him in return, "Check your lemonade."

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