589 19 13

Asahi POV
I couldn't help but stare at the cute and slightly messy handwriting on my cup. Tsukishima was thoroughly enjoying himself with Yamaguci tucked under his arm, despite the sweltering heat outside. I spotted a little heart next to the number. Cute... Snickering brought me out of my trance.

"So is it the cafe maid I've heard so much about?" Tsukishima glanced up from his cake, the sneer in his voice as always.

"Tsukki!" Yama hit him lightly on his arm, "That's rude! Y/n is a very good customer and friend of ours!"

"Clearly more than a friend to some," Tsukishima shot an amused glance at my reddening face, "So....you guys screwing or what?"


Cue face turning into a tomato. Thoughts and images started to appear...

Me...and..and Y/n... Y/n naked...bent ove- Oh God!

I slammed my head onto the counter, startling the squabbling couple.

She is extremely beautiful, But that gives you No Right to have pervy thoughts about her, Asahi! It's Suga's fault! He made me perverted with his suggestive jokes and overly confident talks about him and...and Daichi....



"See he wasn't even listening to you Tadashi. Look at how red he is. He was probably thinking some dirty thoughts about Y/n just now," getting another smirk from the blond, got a groan from me while I set my head back down.

Swallow. m e. C o u n t e r.

"Cheer up Asahi, it was just a question anyways."

"No, no it was an obscene question!"

"Asahi, you're 22. You're not a virgin, yet your acting like one! Grow a pair man, go claim her ass!" I could see Yamaguchi hiding his smile as he hit his boyfriend for his rudeness.

"Ughh...she's not an object Tsukishima..." As much as I believed that, calling her mine did spark something in my chest.

"And anyways, she's too good for me, too perfect. I mean, what if I hurt her or...or she doesn't even like me..." I sighed, I think that's all I've been doing lately...

"Ah Asahi, forever the gentle giant. Listen hun, she wouldn't give you her number, especially with a heart, unless she liked you," Yama gave me a comforting pat on my shoulder and walked to the back with our trash, leaving just me and Tsukishima.

I'm so doomed. Fuuuuuunn

The door opened.

"Ah sorry! We're closed right now, please comeback in an hour," I was so glad for the distraction until I saw who it was, well more like heard...

"Oh lookey here! Asahi-san being all professional!"

"Noya-san, please quiet down."

"Sorry for the intrusion!"

"Ah Bokuto-san, Noya, and Hinata! Welcome to our little shop."

*freeze frame* *record scratch*

Bokuto Keiji. He's pretty quiet but very helpful with advice. He works with his husband and a few others at a tattoo parlor a couple blocks down. Him and the other Bokuto got married right after he graduated, they played on the same volleyball team and have known each other since middle school. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they were soulmates.

Nishinoya Yuu has been a close friend of mine. He's playing volleyball professionally now and is usually traveling. 'The Guardian' has become his new nickname.

And of course Hinata Shoyou. He's in the top three Aces for Japan. Oh, and he's dating Kageyama. Everyone saw that coming...

Kuroo, both Bokutos, Tanaka, and Kiyoko all went into business together for a tattoo shop. Daichi became a cop and Suga is a teacher. Every other Saturday we all play matches with each other, keeping our old high school rivalry up.

*unpause sound*

Bokuto gave me a small smile as Noya tackled me with a hug. For his still small size, he's quite powerful.

"Waah! I want a hug from Asahi-san too!" Ah he's so cute...

"Hinata... you saw me two weeks ago. And you'll see me again this Saturday," I chuckled but still hugged him.

"I know but you're hugs are so awesome!"

"Hello you salt shaker!" Noya was bubbly as ever, even at insulting Tsukishima. I could practically see the irk marks forming around him.

"Yes hello, Shortstop."

"HEY! Who you calling SHORT! I'll have you know that I have grown since high school And-" Ah, here we go again.

As they keep arguing Bokuto turned to Yamaguchi that came out from the back room.

"Always so lively when you two come, Hinata and Noya," Yamaguchi thankfully stopped the fighting as he sat down on his boyfriend's lap. "So what brings you here? Saturday's only two days away."

Hinata was busy playing with some of our fake flowers while Noya and Tsukishima were glaring at each other. Bokuto was the only one really paying attention.

"We just wanted to say hi, plus these two were in town so."

"Of course! Well how about we finish our lunch break at the new cafe that opened up," Yama gave me a sly glance at the mention of where my huge crush works. Of course Noya and Hinata perk up at the sound of food.


"Noya please be quiet. I swear it's like I never left Kou for a second..."

Well....here we go...

God I just hope I don't embarrass myself....again....

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