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A/N: me? Updating before 4 weeks? Also check out the new book I posted. Enjoy loves ♥️

|| Y/n POV ||

God this is humiliating

She reached around to try and slap the gauze on it again but it just hurt way too much. She sighed, frustrated. Glancing at her phone she started to debate the options in her head. He did say he would help...

Yea, sure. Invite him over to your apartment, where you'll be half undressed...

Y/n flushed. Yea, no. Not gonna call your crush at 10 pm for help.
"What's up Y/n, it's pretty late..."

His voice was gravely, like he hadn't talked in a while.

"You were right. I can't do it by myself, can you help?"

This was nerve wracking. It shouldn't be, he was just coming over to change the bandage.

As a friend...

"Yea, um... what's your address?"

"I'll text you it. Thank you so much Asahi!"

I hung up and immediately texted him. Why was I so eager? Who knows, but some devilish part of her wanted Asahi to see her and make him squirm and finally break that iron will of his. But that was a thought and she pushed that thought to the very bottom of her mind.

She put on a big t-shirt so it wouldn't bother her back too much and went to her kitchen to make some tea. She looked in her cabinet and hesitated as she reached for her jug of herbs. You know what? Hot chocolate is better.

Y/n sat at her counter with two mugs of hot chocolate. Asahi said he would be here in a couple minutes anyways.

A knock sounded at her door. Y/n giddily got up and opened it to find a tired Asahi leaning against her door frame.

"I made hot chocolate," she smiled up at him, "come in."

He shuffled in and took off his sneakers. She bounced her way to the counter again and held out his mug to him. He gladly accepted and sat across from where she stood behind the island.

He took a sip and closed his eyes. He looked so at peace and when he swallowed... that Adam's apple bobbing should not be as attractive as it was. Asahi hummed in contentment, it was deep and gravely and very very attractive.

The mug being set down startled Y/n from her thoughts.

He cleared his throat, "Thats really good, thank you. So do you want me to change them now or...?"

"Oh, yea. Follow me," she waddled her way to the bathroom, dragging him behind her. She then realized that with the huge shirt on, it looked like he wasn't wearing her shorts. If Asahi noticed, there was no way he didn't, he didn't say anything about it.

She turned in the light and motioned to the medical tape and gauze on the sink counter.

"There's the stuff, you need to disinfect first then apply the gel and then wrap it up."

He nodded and kind of awkwardly stood there.

"Oh, right!" Y/n turned and faced away from Asahi and stripped off her shirt. She covered her breasts and stood there patiently. She could hear Asahi awkwardly shuffling and then felt a warm hand lightly touch her shoulder. She resisted the shiver that ran down her spine. Next she felt cold. It stung a bit but not as much, the warmth and gentleness from Asahi made it more enjoyable then when she tried to do it.

He shakily sighed and started to rub the gel across her healing back. That was also more pleasant than when she tried to do it. His hands warmed the gel up immediately, his touch was burning, it felt good. Y/n hummed in appreciation.

"Thank you for doing this," she looked over her shoulder to see Asahi blushing and concentrating on her back. He glanced up, paused, and smiled before returning to the task at hand. His hands dipped lower and lower until they were on her waist. It felt good. His hands felt good so she didn't stop him even though he was way past were her tattoo was.

He stopped, hands resting on her waist, thumbs in the small of her back.

"Why'd you stop?"

"...I might do something..."

His voice was low and dark. It was addicting. Y/n slightly leaned into that voice, that touch, those words. This was dangerous. This could end their friendship. This yearning to lean back and kiss him could actually kill her. She looked back over her shoulder.

"Do what exactly?"

She felt him freeze. His breath hitched and he took a small step closer. But his hands never moved.

Incredibly warm and big hands...

"Dangerous things..."

Her mouth went dry. Mind was fuzzy. Was she breathing hard? Who knows. He sounded serious, frightening, like a wolf cornering its prey. It sounded so damn hot.
She gulped. The tension was almost suffocating but she almost thrived in it.

"I'm not fragile, Asahi..." her voice was a whisper, scared to break whatever spell was cast. She felt him grip her waist, a small gasp leaving her, and pulled her flush against him. He was warm. So so warm. She couldn't help but melt into him. It felt so...

Right...this feels right...

His breath ghosted over her neck and Y/n suppressed another shiver. Her breath hitched.

"I need to put the gauze on..."

Y/n sighed and leaned her head back onto his shoulder.


She reluctantly pulled away from him, the cold reintroducing itself to her skin. Her arms wrapped tighter around herself but without him she felt like ice.

Cold tape and gauze replaced the warm hands that traced her skin. He cleared his throat.

"I should uh go..." she looked over at him only to be met with his back.

"Um yea..." Y/n turned around and reached for him only to decide against it, dropping it by her side once more. "Hey Asahi?"

He turned.

"Thank you," she smiled at him, hoping to reassure.

He gave her a curt nod and left.

Y/n walked forward and leaned her head against to door. She fucked up. Why did she give in?!

Why did it feel so good?

They had touched and hugged before so why was that different?

"Uuughh fuck..."

A/N: hahaha let's see how long I can drag it out before they get together xD Also I've never gotten a tattoo so I'm spit balling on what my cousin who got one went through so :/

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