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Ha ha hi. I'm back. I'm feeling better... I hope you enjoy this chapter!

|| Y/n POV ||

Fall was slowly creeping forward. A new chill was softening the harsh and humid summer that was still sticking around. It was nice, temperatures dropping steadily with a spike every now and then in the week. Y/n realized she needed to dress warmer as the weeks went on. Shorts, t-shirts, and sandals couldn't go on any longer with out some layers. So now here she is, staring at her closet and digging out her winter clothes for the oncoming season.

"Half of this stuff doesn't even fit anymore..." she mumbled as she sorted through more of her clothes. Well if it doesn't fit, get rid of it. Now determined, she set out to get some trash bags and sort through the clothes heap that had become her room. After about two hours she had almost two trash bags filled with clothes that were too small or she wouldn't wear anymore to donate. It felt good, getting rid of things, of the clutter. She tidied her room, putting away a mix of winter and summer clothes into her closet.

She paused at a box the was in the very back corner of her closet. She picked it up and carried to her now clear and made bed. She had forgotten what was in the glossy black box, it could just be shoes, or an old scrapbook. Revealing the contents made her flush in embarrassment.


Y/n forgot she had bought this, well, coerced to buy it. It was lingerie. More specifically, a black lace matching set with a thong and thigh high stockings. Embarrassing and yet...

This is so stupid

And here she was, dressed in the lacy thing and staring at her full length mirror. She looked good, she could admit that. She glanced at her phone.

Might as well since I'm here

A few nudes never hurt anyone. She posed, did the dance, used her LEDs in her room, and sent a few to Yamaguchi for hype. And boy the hype she received. All caps, keyboard smashes, lots of 'beautiful' sand 'queen' sent from him. It was the last text that made her heart plummet.

Bestie: Oop
Asahi was right next to me for that last one...
I don't think he saw so it should be fine

Oh shit

Well her life was over now. Her crush may or may not have seen her in lingerie and spread out like on a damn cracker. Fuck this was bad, so very bad. She started to pace around her room, no longer ashamed in the lingerie.

Ok... ok so he may or may not have seen me basically naked. Ok so what's the worst to happen?

Wait, what is the worst to happen? He saw you nude, so what? Did he like it? Did it turn him on? Thoughts circled her head as she still paced, chucking her phone onto her covers. One thought stopped her cold though...

What if he was disgusted by it?

He wouldn't be right? He flirted with her, flirted back, he cared for her... She found herself on the floor. So yea, she may not have the perfect body, she may have some rolls here and there and some stretch marks and not wax and shave every single part of her body but...

He wouldn't be disgusted by her, right?

No. He wouldn't. He wasn't like that, he was better. So much better than any other man she's met. Y/n sighed and took off the stockings. The set was surprisingly command she decided to keep it on as she got dressed for the rest of the day. Her days off were once a week and usually during that day, she had no clue what to do. She cleaned, much like today, and went to the flower shop, or Yamaguchi's.

She texted Yams to see where he was so she could heavily avoid it. He's at the shop? Ok, the park it is. She packed a small lunch for her little adventure. It was good to treat herself, yknow, after having her crush supposedly look at her nudes...

F u c k

She sighed and headed out. Today was really nice. Sunny, nice breeze, not sweltering hot, but not freezing cold yet. The leaves were slowly changing, hinting the oncoming cold weather. Damn Y/n loved fall, hated the pumpkin spice everything that came with it but loved it nonetheless. The walk to the park was peaceful. Her anxiety slowly washing away the further she was from her problem. Stupid to think that, she was aware that she couldn't run away from her issues but she still enjoyed the peace she brought.

The park was lovely. Clean air, quiet, a few ducks and geese swimming on the pond nearby. She had eaten all her food and was now laying down on the blanket she brought. Her eyes were closed as she rested. The sun casted a nice warmth on her face and body, making her extra sleepy.


She squinted her eyes open only to see a backlit person over her.


"Sorry, did I wake you?"


"No, I was just resting my eyes," she leaned up on her elbows and patted the space next to her. "Come join me."

He chuckled and sat down next to her. God, how was he so damn gorgeous all the time?! His hair was in a low braid that was messy and she could tell he did it by himself. It was cute. He was cute. For a six something giant, he was adorable. She leaned over to her side and picked a couple things of clover flowers. She leaned over and softly grabbed his hair before weaving the stems in.

"You know in Ireland, they believed that clovers were magical. The clover patches were loved by the fae," he held one of the flowers in his hand as he twirled it absentmindedly. "They stand for hope." He smiled and looked at her.


Y/n tried to quell her smile and shrugged as she looked back down at the lake.

"Nothing... nothing at all."

He snorted and nodded, nudging her shoulder, "Uhuh, sure."

The smile she tried to hide finally broke out on her face. They fell into a comfortable silence and watched a couple geese fight over bread someone threw at them.

"So do you regularly send your ass to Yamaguchi?"

Ha ha fuck

A/N: ha ha don't kill me for the cliffhanger. Thank you guys for reading!

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