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|Asahi's POV|


After seeing her cry over simply being told she was beautiful made him have the urge to worship the ground she walked on. 

She was so soft and squishy. He couldn't keep his hands off her at this point, she just felt so good under his hands.

"Now, about making me scream?"

His eyes snapped up to hers. Her and those damn big e/c eyes were going to be the death of him. He growled and slid one hand from her face to both her wrists and the other tightened on her hip. He pinned her down and made sure her hands stayed above her before toying with the hem of her shirt.

"Let's start with these clothes, hmm?"

God she was cute. She was so eager too, nodding her head but not moving her hands. Asahi leaned up as he took off her shirt with her arching and helping. He kissed her wrists after he pulled the shirt over them and tossed it aside.

"Good girl," he purred as a whimper escaped her throat. He wanted more of that. He wanted to hear more. He finally looked away from her face and allowed his eyes to travel down the new exposed skin. He felt her shift under him and he looked back at her face to see if she was uncomfortable. She was cute. So cute and sexy and beautiful and-

"Asahi..." Y/n whined and squeezed her thighs together. He snapped to and kissed her lips briefly.

"You're so perfect baby," he assured and let his hands raked over her waist and finally over her breasts. She shivered beneath him as he thumbed her nipples.


He leaned down and sucked one into his mouth causing a gasp to escape.


He switched and moved his knee between her legs, pressing against the hot spot between her legs.


Her back arched and she started to grind against his knee slightly. He gripped her waist and made his way back up with his mouth to hers. Devouring all the whimpers, all the whines, all the shivers and groans that she produced, and swallowed them. It was like he needed those to survive in this moment. He wanted her to be louder, he was going to make her loud.


"O-off," Y/n squirmed and made a grab at her, his, sweatpants. He helped her strip them off and had to stop himself from moaning at the sight. She wasn't wearing any underwear...

"Fuck baby," he swallowed thickly and took a sharp breath, "damn..." His hands ghosted over her hips and her thighs before slipping up her inner thighs and gently spreading them. Y/n willingly let her legs fall opened. God she was hot.

"Gorgeous, you're so fucking gorgeous Camellia. So fucking pretty and delicious looking," he growled and licked his lips as he looked from her very obviously wet pussy to her flushed face. He could cum right there, that's how good she looked. A literal wet dream in front of him.

"Good enough to eat baby," he shuffled down and raised one of her legs, kissing down her calf to her inner thigh, switching sides when he got close to her core. Her small hands were wound in his hair, good he loved that. He looked up at her dazed face.

"What do you want Y/n?"

A whine and a tug at his hair was his response.

He chuckled, "Use your words baby, tell me what you want." He kissed increasingly close to her dripping pussy before backing off, edging her.

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