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⚠️TW⚠️ there is a sexual assault-ish scene in here as a flashback so if you're not comfortable with that I'll put a warning, but it is sort of pertinent to the sorry.

§ Y/n POV §
Hohohoho I am soo enjoying this. Maybe too much...

Dressing up for Asahi has made my insecurities almost non existent. Yes, showing off my body made me really insecure, but teasing him almost made it worth it. Of course I had some creepy guys in the cafe look and comment on my appearance but still worth it. On Tuesday, Asahi came and sat down at the counter to have lunch. I totally caught him staring at me the entire time, it made me ridiculously happy at how blushy he got.

It also made me really happy and flustered when one of my customers hit on me. Not because of the customer but because of what Asahi did.

|| Flashback ||
I was near the counter, serving table 6. It was a couple guys having lunch together, business men, 30 years old or so. All of them were staring and making comments but only one of them started hitting on me. Every time I went to their table it was a wink, a comment, a lame pick up line. Every time I went back to Asahi, his glare got harder and scarier at their table.

"Hey don't mind them, they're only stupid guys. Plus I'm used to it," I tried to calm him down. It didn't work. He turned back around to face me.

"They shouldn't talk to you like that. They're treating you like a piece of property because of the way your dressed!"

I sighed, "Asahi...its ok. It's harmless, ok?" He turned his frustrations from me back to the table.

"If they touch you...";

I patted his shoulder, "I'll sick you on them in a heartbeat, ok?"


"I love when you get all jealous, but I can handle myself hun," I patted him one more time as I went to give table 6 their check.

"Yknow, the food was really good but I know something that would be even more delicious..."


"Heh... um here's your check. Glad you enjoyed the meal..." He grabbed my hand.

Strike one.

"Come on, why don't you give me your number. I'm sure I can make your while," his voice felt disgusting. His hands were sweaty. I hated this.
Be polite Y/n, they're still customers.

"Sorry, I don't give out my number..." I started to try and tug my wrist away but he wouldn't budge.

Strike two.

"Baby, you could just relax, yknow? Stop being such a bitch and give me your number," he pulled me closer.

Strike three.

This was on the line, his friends just started laughing more. No one would help. I was frantically searching, for someone, anyone to help. I was suddenly pulled from his grasp and into something, someone.
Asahi! Thank the gods
"Sweetheart you don't have any trouble here, do ya?" His arms were around wrapped around me. His smell was engulfing me. Fresh dirt and flowers. It felt warm, not like the other guys touch. But I couldn't pay attention to that right now, the guy that was hitting on me was scared. Here was this 30 year old, pathetic pervert, 5"9 at most, and then there was my built, 6"2, athletic Asahi.


"Uh-um sorry man, we..we didn't mean any of it, honest." Oh yea, he's scared.

"I think you should pay the woman now and tip her. She deserves it after putting up with you asshats," Asahi growled. G r o w l e d. Wooo boy.

"Y-Yea of course. Here," they threw the money on the table, "Thank you for the meal!" And then they were gone.

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