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*3rd POV*
It was busy. A nice busy though. The kind of busy that was not completely overwhelming but just enough to keep Y/n's thoughts off the tall, dark, and handsome giant. She was doing so well too. Taking orders, making coffee, talking to the two other employees. No distractions, just making sandwiches and pouring coffee. That was until the bell rang, signaling that people coming in, and in walked the one thing she was trying not to think about. With the exception of five other people with him. Her stomach flipped as they locked eyes.

God, his doe eyes..

"Hello, welcome to my cafe! What can I get ya?" Her voice was cheery but her face was slightly flushed and she scolded herself for getting worked up over A Look. Yamaguchi stepped forward with a tall disinterested blond by his side.

"Can we get two strawberry shortcakes, one tuna melt, two chicken salad sandwiches, two milkshakes: one chocolate and one strawberry, and," he paused and looked up at Asahi, "Three lemonades and a... turkey club?" Asahi nodded. "Turkey club it is, please and thank you!"

She giggled at the overall mom roll Yamaguchi had taken on. Something that everyone else from the volleyball team had become accustomed to. "Ok... Yep got it. Is this for here or to go?"

"Here, please. Could we move some tables or chairs to fit all of us?"

"Actually, there's a circle booth near the back. It's a bit hidden so people don't hoard it. I'll show you," placing the order to the kitchen, she maneuvered her way behind the display cases while they followed along. Y/n lead them around a corner to a comfy circle booth with bookshelves surrounding it. "Here you are guys. I'll bring your stuff out as soon as it's done!" As the group shuffled in, she could hear their conversation pick up again as she walked away.

"So why are we teasing Asahi again?"
Y/n bit her lip hiding the smile as she threw a glance over her shoulder to see Asahi hitting his head on the table.

Oh the poor boy

AN: this is really short but the one comment I got made me really happy this morning so I decided to publish it. Honestly commenting on my stuff makes me feel like people actually enjoy this and I want to work harder on it. :) have a nice weekend

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