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Y/n was wiping down the counters after the lunch rush calmed down. She stretched a bit and threw the rag into the sink in the back.

The bell rang.

"I'll be with you in a minute!" she called out and quickly fixed her apron. It was Sam's day off, so she was pulled a bit thin, but nothing she couldn't handle.

"Take your time Y/n!" a familiar voice called back. Y/n emailed as she walked out.

"Hey, Yams. What can I get you today?" She gave him the spiel before already making his chai latte. "I'm afraid we're all out of strawberry shortcake today, lunch rush wiped me out," she chuckled and handed him his cup. He hummed but kept staring at her.


He side eyed her as he sipped his tea. "Oh, nothing. Just the fact that you're glowing and obviously stayed at Asahi's place last night and the night before. In fact," he turned towards her and leaned up against the counter accusingly, "you and Asahi were no where to be found at your jobs yesterday."

Y/n pursed her lips and looked shyly at him.

"Plus you have several hickeys and bite marks on you, so details, now," he smiled and patted the counter. Y/n slapped her hand to her neck and blushed, she thought those were covered, but obviously not enough.

But looking at Yamaguchi's face, how could she say no?

"Ok, so it was pouring and I didn't have an umbrella, so I went to his apartment because it was closer." Yamaguchi hummed and wiggled his eyebrows at her.

"Shut up. Anyways, he let me in, let me take a shower and gave me some old clothes. I think they were from when he was in high school or something, Karasuno Volleyball, I think," Yamaguchi filed that information to tease Asahi with.

"And I kind've snuck into his room and fell asleep with him," Yamaguchi gave her a 'gurl wtf?' look but she waved her hands, "Hey, listen, I was cold, and he is so warm."


"Shut up."

"I didn't say anything!" Yams chortled, "but please, go on."

Y/n shot him a dirty side eyes look and rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, I woke up from the best nights sleep on top of Asahi and one thing led to another and we, uh, kissed... and did uh... other things..."

Yamaguchi mockingly gasped. "Y/n L/n, did you and Asahi make fuck each other like desperate teenagers?!" Y/n cringed at the wording but groaned and hid her face.

"We didn't fully have sex," she started out, "He may have just eaten me out to the point that I might have seen God as I came my brains out..." She dissolved to giggles by the end of it at Yamaguchi's rounded, bulging eyes of disbelief.

"Oh. My. God. Y/N!" He shrieked. "Wait so, does this mean you guys are together now or is this a one time thing because from the amount of pining I have had to deal with is ridiculous at this point." He flopped over the counter, making a grab at her shoulders. "Fuck. Him. For the good of my sanity, please!"

Y/n couldn't help but cackle at his antics. "Oh, I guess I'll have to force myself to fuck him, only for you though. I'd get absolutely no benefit from this," she said straight faced, causing Yamaguchi to also burst into laughter.

With both of them giggling, the bell dinged once more.

"Ah, am I interrupting something?"

Mmm, she knew that deep voice.

"No," Yamaguchi said decidedly, turning and winking at Y/n before getting up with his chai latte, "I was just leaving."

With a single jingle, he was gone. And they were alone.

"Hi," he said as he walked to the counter. Y/n speedily walked around the obstacle before hopping into his arms and kissing him. He was smiling against her, light laughter leaving his mouth to hers.

"Well I guess you're happy to see me," he pulled back and set her down on a stool beside them. Y/n giggled and nodded.

"Mmm very much, especially missed you pressed against me," she looked up at him mischievously, her hands fiddling with the rolled up flannel he had on, pulling him towards her. His hands cupped her face as he leaned over, noses now bumping together.

"Oh, yeah?"

With a slight nod and hum from Y/n, he dove back in with those kisses that made her head spin. God he tasted good, he smelled good, he felt just so so good. A noise came from the back of her throat and he reciprocated, tongue slipping into her mouth. She moaned appreciatively and her hands went behind his neck.

"You look hot with your hair up," she murmured. He chuckled and pulled more away, much to her disappointment.

"You said that about my hair when it was down, love."

Y/n shrugged and stood up, walking back to behind the counter. "You're hot no matter what, you always get me going," she smirked and winked at him. The smirk became more satisfied as she watched him become more bashful.

"What am I going to do with you?"

"Mm last time you said that, my legs ended wrapped around your head," she teased. Asahi growled and gripped the counter.

"I came in here with innocent intentions," he made his way slowly over to her, "to simply ask you out on a date,"he caged her against the counter, "and yet you pull this shit that makes me want to bend you over," he leaned close, mouth hovering over her ear," and fuck you right here."

A whimper left Y/n but mostly she was focused on something else.

"You want to go on a date?"

Asahi kissed her neck and hummed.

"I want to take you somewhere after work. Properly take you out and do the whole confession thing right. Is that ok?"

She beamed up at him. "Yes! Yes, I'd love to go on a date with you!" She hugged him tightly and jumped apart, giggling and excited. Asahi laughed with her and held her hips gently.

"I'll come by when you're closed up, ok? We'll get some dinner, yea?" Y/n nodded eagerly and pecked his lips.

"Wait, but, I'll need to change and shower and get all pretty for you and-"

Lips cut off her spiraling thoughts.

"You're beautiful in any and every way, my Camellia," he murmured and kissed her forehead before backing away. "I'll see you in three hours, ok?"

She looked at him, eyes half-lidded and smiley. "Yeah, ok. Three hours and... maybe dessert after?" She leaned against the counter, purposely pushed her boobs up and together. His eyes darted down before ducking his head and smirking.

"Maybe," he walked out backwards and gave a small wave before walking down the street with what seemed like a hop in his step.

Y/n giggled and smiled to herself with only the quiet music playing in the background. The bell rang and she looked up.

"Hi, what can I do for you today?"

She could survive any amount of time, as long as she eventually got to be with Asahi again.

A/N: Ik fluff, I'm a sucker for fluff

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