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My smile increased. "That works," I looked back at Asahi, meeting his eyes, "I'll be there."

▪︎■Y/n POV■▪︎

Saturday has arrived, finaly. I get to see Asahi practice! It really shouldn't make me this giddy but damn I wanna see him agitated again...

It's too early to be horny Y/n....

Alright. I got an hour and a half to be there. First, shower. Then eat and makeup. ThEn I get dressed...
Should I dress cute or hot? Or like kinda hot but also look hella cute. I cant show up in like a body con dress but I really really really wanna impress Asahi.

Ugh, What are you doing Y/n pull yourself together!

Most of my closet is an assortment of different aesthetics. E-girl, soft girl, babygirl, cottage core, it goes on and on. The only hard choice is which one to pick now. I don't want to scare Asahi with showing up in all black with a spiked dog collar and my tattoos and piercings showing....
He's too much of a softie for it....right?

•● Asahi POV ●•
A rush of energy come to me as I step into the gym at the rec center we reserved. I'm always the first to show up with Suga and Daichi. A little nostalgic of our 3rd year in high school. The rest follow. Kuroo, both Bokutos, Kenma, Tanaka, Noya, and even Kageyama and Hinita were able to make it this week, despite their busy schedules. Tsukishima showed up, probably bc Yamaguchi begged him, like he does every other week.

Good. Cant wait to break his blocks...

Huh even Iwazumi showed up. 14 people, ok, we can work with that.

But someone's still missing...

"Hey where's Y/n?" Noya shouted across the gym. Can he read minds??

"Who's Y/n?"

The questions started to pile in and as Noya and Hinata, excitedly, explained. Suga nudged me softly and wiggled his eyebrow at me as the comment about me getting defensive about her was said.

"..shut up Suga." I really didnt want Him to know...

Kinky bastard

"I'm just saying with that blush and you cursing over her...." he trailed off.

"..it wasnt really cursing..."
Getting defensive about it will just prove his point but, gah it's so hard. Since when did I lose my restraint?

The door opened.

"Sorry I'm a bit late! It was a longer walk then I expected."

Fuck. Since I met her...

Wolf whistles and whoops were heard from around the gym. 
She was blushing a bit and started to walk towards me.


Shes wearing a gray, Tight crop top with the faded coca cola logo on it. High-rise red, jean shorts and black converse.

Holy shit she has a navel piercing.

"Good morning! I suppose you're Y/n. I'm Suga and this is my fiance Daichi. We're Asahi's old classmates."

"We're not that old, are we Doll?"

"Ah, Daichi I'm being nice! Plus Asahi cant stop staring at you, dear."

Huh? Am I?

I was brought out of my daze by a small force bumping my hips and a little snort of laughter. I look over to see Suga and Daichi hiding their laughter at me. I look down to see Y/n standing next to me, also hold back laughter.

"Huh?" They burst into full on laughter. Y/n pulled me down so she was eye level with me.

"If you keep looking at me like that I might just let you have me."

And with her slightly flushed cheeks and my red face. She walked toward the bleachers throwing a "good luck everyone" over her shoulder.


A/n: I've been having a bit of writers block so this is a bit short and kinda shitty but like....enjoy? Idfk lmao

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