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A/N: me? Updating twice a week? Don't get used to it but I started getting into the story again and yea... enjoy!

~Asahi POV~

It's been a week. The flirting between Y/n and I has increased ten fold. And dear god I hate that I love it. After that remark about the ball, I could Not stop staring at her ass, and she knew it too.

On Monday she wore a crop top and short jean shorts with white converse. Her hair was in a half up and half down style that was just so cute...

Tuesday, she wore an adorable overall skirt thing with cat thigh high socks. Made me choke on my coffee when I first saw her.

Wednesday it was raining. You would think I would have been safe, but she wore these exercise leggings that just made her legs and ass just look so... perfect.

She's perfect...

Thursday, was probably the worst one, so I thought. She wore a cute waist high skirt that ended mid thigh with a green tank top tucked in. It showed off her toned arms from baking and volleyball and her thighs. I'm seriously starting to sound like an extreme pervert....

Today's Friday. I'm delivering today and I am so not ready to see her. It's like a game for her to see how much of a pervert I really am. I get out of the truck and round to the familiar back door of Y/n's cafe. It's always unlocked for me or Yams in the mornings, so I just go in.

"Morning Y/n! I have the flowers!" I made my way back out to the truck after hearing a shout from the kitchen and started unloading. I had brought out half of the groups and put them in her vases with water when I saw her. Remember how I said this was a game? I am sorely losing. She was wearing thigh high boots with a sweater dress that went, again, mid thigh and a belt around her waist. The dress hugged her curves and showed her ass.

I'm almost ok to lose at this point...

"Hey! Oh those look so beautiful, thank you!" She reached up and kissed my cheek.
Would it be bad to say that I'm slowly falling in love with you and you're killing me day by day? Yes? Ok...

"Yea...no problem..." I just kind of stood there dumbstruck, watching her put on her apron and then promptly bending over in front of me to unpack the rest of the flowers.

"Do you want your regular coffee or I still have fruit to make another smoothie this morning," she stood, turned around, and smirked when she caught me staring, "Did you have breakfast?"

"Uh no I haven't...." I really didn't, but even if I did I wouldn't like to turn down her delicious creations. Seriously, her baked goods were to die for.

"Are you serious?! How do you live if you skip breakfast? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, yknow!-" Oh how he loved the sight of you scolding him. Not in a kinky way but you just looked so motherly and it's showed that you cared. Cared enough to huff and stomp your way to the kitchen and force him to sit down at the counter.

So cute

I was brought out of my thoughts when she plopped a mug with a pink smoothie in it and a muffin in front of me.

"Eat," and I obediently did so. "Seriously, you have to work outside, in the dirt, and you don't eat breakfast?!"

"I eat breakfast most of the time...I just woke up late today. And besides you always have the best stuff!" She sighed at my grinning face and flicked my forehead.

"Just because you compliment my cooking still doesn't mean I'm not mad at you," she was smiling now.

"I can at least try to distract you, right?" I smirked at her and my reward was a blush covering her cheeks. Seeing her flustered made me want to be more confident and charming and bold. I wanted to see her blush and gets all flustered everytime I look at her a certain way.

"-ust me you are already..."


She shook her head, blush still on her face, "It's nothing, nevermind..." I flicked her forehead, to repay the favor.

"No, tell me. You can't just say nevermind," her face got darker, "Well now I'm curious.."

"...I said you were already distracting enough..."

Shes so so cute

"Oh really now," I patted her head as she was hiding her face.

"Shuddup," she was mumbling into her hands now. I could still see her face was red as the very strawberries she put into my smoothie.

Does she taste like them though...?

"You're cute when your flustered."

She glared up at me, "And you're mean when you're...you.."

"Take your time," more glaring.


Her body deflates into the counter, "I've got nothing..."
She starts giggling. Beautiful sound and so joyful too. Makes me chuckle a bit as well.

I really am falling for you

"So, finished?" She started taking the dishes away before I answered.

"I can do the dishes, you made breakfast after all," I got up and moved around the counter to where she was standing at the sink. She was already washing them so I grabbed a towel to help dry. It felt strangely domestic. I kinda liked it...

《Time skip》
"Ok, that's all the flowers. I'll see you later for lunch right?" I watched her stand infront of me while I leaned against the pickup.

Shes so close and wearing That? This is so unfair...

"Yea, I'll see you later."
Am I in highschool again tf is with me? I sound like an ass

"...that was such a douchy line," Y/n started laughing as she face palmed. I couldn't help but laugh with her.

"It really was, wasn't it? I am so sorry."

"Yea yea just go back to work, I gotta open soon anyways," she pushed herself off of me and walked back to the door. I swear she is purposely swinging her hips more! Maybe it's the dress...

I'm sorely losing this game of chicken

《Time skip to flower shop》
"Welcome back Asahi!" Yamaguchi greeted me as I walked in carrying some spare boxes, "Did she like them?"

My face heated up as I remembered the kiss. The small, probably meaningless, only a friend, cheek kiss.

"Yea, she liked them..."

"Ohoho apparently she liked them a lot," he sidled up next to me as I sat down at our small counter, wiggling his eyebrows, "Did you get a tip?"

"Huh?" Tips?

"Dear, dear Asahi. Tips? Some extra som-somethin? That Gawk-gawk 3000? That turn down service? Give you some of her 'appreciation?'"

"What? N-no! Yamaguchi Tadashi!" My face was red, I could feel it.

"Do you really think I'd sleep with her? We've known eachother for like, what? A couple weeks?"

He just shrugged, a cheeky grin still on his face. "I dont know man, the way shes been dressing all week... Plus you seem to lack self control when you're around her."

I groaned and leaned on the very man that was teasing me. Hes learned too much from Suga.

"Actually, I'm surprised you havent broke sooner. Your will is strong Jesus," he patted my head as I groaned again.

"Trust me, it's taken my all not to..."

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