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|| Asahi POV ||


Well yea I could've done a lot worse...

NO! You could've done a lot LESS! What's the hells wrong with you man?! You went over to change her bandages! Not pounce on her you i d i o t!

It felt good though...

Yes, yes it did. So much that it's dangerous. You can't do that again!

Asahi groaned as he finally parked at his apartment. His head hit the steering wheel as he tried to shut up his consciousness arguing with itself.

"I fucked up. God, why did I even do that?!" Asahi forced his door open and stomped his way back to his apartment. Stupid. That was really stupid and dumb. Did he mention stupid? As soon as he got in he slammed the door and marched over to his freezer for ice cream. If he was gonna mope it might as well be with ice cream. He slammed the container down and grabbed a spoon. He was frustrated at himself, his body was tense. He shoved a spoonful of the chocolate goodness into his mouth, it wasn't enough. He was too stressed, even for ice cream.

"Ok, gym it is," he set the tub back into the freezer and got changed. It was times like these that he was glad his gym was open 24/7. He knew it was sexual tension that was driving him insane but it didn't matter. He was gonna beat it out of him.

1 am. He was there for two hours lifting weights, boxing, and running on the treadmill. He was sore and sweaty and exhausted but at least he wasn't thinking about her. Well, less than he was. She still plagued his mind but when did she not. It was enough to drive him absolutely insane, and he barely touched her. God have mercy if he actually fucked her, who knows how sane he would be then. He sighed and dismissed his thoughts as he started his walk back to his apartment. It was a 20 minute walk, short and sweet.

He decided against checking his phone in case Y/n had texted. Not that he was scared or anything of her texting him saying she never wanted to hang out with him ever again or anything... He was, he was very scared that that might happen. Even if he fucked up, he didn't want to lose her as a friend. She was too important to him.

20 minutes passed by quickly with Asahi's long stride homeward bound. For the third time that day he unlocked and opened the door to his apartment only to find-

I turned off the lights when I left, right?

He hesitantly picked up the baseball bat that Daichi got him for this exact type of situation. He put his keys in the counter and saw a mug on the counter filled with hot chocolate. He stared, confused, a burglar wouldn't make hot chocolate for him. He choked up on the bat in his hand and walked further into his apartment. The living room was clear, same with the bathroom and spare room that he used as an office.

That left his bedroom. If it was Kuroo, he was going to hit him with the bat anyways. Light spilled into the dark space as he walked in slowly. There was certainly a lump on his bed but it was too small to be Kuroo, maybe Noya had snuck over again. He paused as he got closer and sighed.

Oh Y/n...

He put the bat down and let her sleep as he changed. It was late anyways... Asahi took the other pillow from his bed and dragged an extra blanket to his living room where he promptly got situated and passed out on the couch.

He woke up at 6 am from his alarm going off. He was a bit disoriented but stumbled his way to the kitchen after remembering the night before. He made coffee, enough for two cups, for Y/n was sure to need something. He then started on eggs and sausage. After the sausage was done he heard small footsteps padding towards him. Two arms encircled his waist and he felt Y/n lean against him.

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