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"So why are we teasing Asahi again?"

My head fell back down.
"Why do you guys hate me?"

That got a round of chuckles.

"No seriously guys, Yamaguchi, why are we teasing him?" Ah Noya with his obliviousness. Tsukishima was having a field day though.

"It seems our senpai has a little admirer~" I could feel his smirk even if I couldn't see it.

"Tsukishima I am not your senpai any more so please, Drop it."
I swear I'm gonna take it out on him during our Saturday match.

"Ohoh look at that. He got so defensive over her," I finally looked up at him, well more like glared. Why am I getting so Alpha-y? I know I'm not such a whimp before, like in highschool, but I still should be respectful....

Tsukishima kept going, teasing. I had continued to glare even if I kept my mouth shut. Even Yamaguchi asked him to stop. He didn't...

Fuck being nice

"Shut the Fuck Up Tsukishima," I shocked myself with how cold I sounded. Hinita hid behind Bokuto and Noya looked shocked but started grinning incredibly wide. Yamaguchi was hiding his smile. The most satisfying face of all was Tsukishima's. It was like he was still processing the words.
Before he could actually talk the subject of his teasing came over with a tray filled with our food and drinks.

"Here is everything! Have a wonderful lunch and if you need anything, I'll be right over there!" She was so cheerful it was kinda hard not to lighten up anyone's mood.

"Nee~ What's your name beautiful?~"
Damnit Noya, why you gotta ruin it!

"Oh..uhh my names Y/n..." she blushed and bit her lip, clearly uncomfortable, "Anyways, enjoy the food!" With a little wave she disappeared. Everyone was silent looking at where she left.

"OWW!! That Hurt Yamaguchi!!"

"Its what you get for making Y/n-chan uncomfortable! Why do you always hit on the waitresses? We seriously cant take you anywhere," he huffed. I silently agreed with him. This always happened, hes still such a flirt.

"I can't help it man! She was too cute!"

"She was pretty cute..."

Bokuto sighed, "Hinata, you're not helping..."

"What do you think about her Asahi-san? You must come here often since shes so close to the shop, right?" I looked down at where Noya was next to me.


"Yeah Asahi-senpai~ What do you think about her?" Tsukishima must loove to see me glare at him.

"Well... I guess she is... very pretty..."

"Gwah! Exactly Asahi!! Shes just so Buwahh!" At least Hinata can steal the attention from me. Yamaguchi was chuckling the entire time.

"Hinata arent you dating Kageyama?" That made Hinata pause. Then sheepishly smile at Yamaguchi's question, mumbling something about just because hes gay doesnt mean hes blind. Just like that, the topic of Y/n was dropped and so was the teasing. Almost.

•●Flashback to Y/n POV●•

I was going to the huge group with their tray of food and drinks after triple checking that everything was there. I was right before the curtain when I heard-
"Shut the Fuck Up Tsukishima!"
Was that Asahi?!
I peeked through, still balancing the heavey tray. He looked tense and his voice was really deep. Almost like a growl. His eyes were dark and just everything about him looked hostile. Almost scary.

Is it weird that I got turned on by that?? Like really turned on.
Uugghh get a hold of yourself.
Stop blushing!!

▪︎■Time Skip the Present■▪︎

Man that short friend of theirs was kinda creepy, definitely caught me off guard. But M a n Asahi with that cursing. I'd love to hear it again~
Uuugghhh I really need to stop. I also need to get their dishes...

"Hey everyone! Was everything good?" I began to pick up everything.

"Everything was perfect Y/n-chan! As always." Man, Yama is so awesome!

"Umm Y/n..." it was the short guy. "I really want to apologize if I made you uncomfortable by flirting. It was really uncool and not very manly of me."

Mans drinks his respect women juice. Damn maybe hes ok...

"Uh wow. Thank you. No ones ever really apologized before... What's your name?" His face lit up. Awww

"My names Nishinoya Yuu! But you can call me Noya, all my friends do," his smile was really blinding. I couldn't help but smile too.
"Nice to meet you, Noya."
I continued to pack everything up when Tsukishima called my name.

"Nee Y/n, we're all having a volleyball match with some of our highschool buddies. It's this Saturday and I know you like volleyball so do you want to watch?" 

I shot a quick glance at Asahi.
I'd get to see him play...

"What time?"

"We usually all get there at 7:30ish then go till 10 or 11. If it's not a bunch of matches then its messing around...could still be interesting though."

My smile increased. "That works," I looked back at Asahi, meeting his eyes, "I'll be there."

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