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A/N: so this and a lot of further chapters are not gonna be day by day so this is a few days after chapter 13 :)

|| Asahi POV ||
The cafe was closed early. Y/n had to do inventory and Asahi was helping. Music was playing softly over the speakers in the enclosed space. The sun was golden and setting, all the chairs were on top of the tables, and Asahi was behind the counter he often sat at. Just to simply stare at this beautiful woman that was sweeping up. They had took a break, on Y/n's insistence that her head was gonna explode if they did anymore number stuff.

So here he was staring at her as she swept the floor while also singing and dancing slightly. It was ridiculously cute if he was being honest. To look that carefree was a miracle to him.

When was the last time he looked like that?

Suddenly Y/n looked up with the same glimmer in her round e/c eyes that meant trouble. Asahi knew he was doomed as soon as she looked at him. Well...I guess he was ok with that...

"Dance with me!" She abandoned the broom and was now diligently swiping on her phone that was connected to the speakers. He shuffled over to her hunched form and could hear her mumbling.

"-eh no. Ok, ok dancing muuusiccc. Oh!" Her head shot up and almost head butted him.
"So I don't know if you know this but I went to America for three years as an exchange student and then went down to Brazil for a summer vacation with some of my friends," she excitedly started scrolling through a playlist. "Anyways, Latin music imprinted on me right away along with the dancers! Also American pop songs were really good too. I think I also have some older stuff in here too...." her attention was back on her phone. He was really amused with how excited she was getting.

"Oh! Ok, so have you ever heard of Shakira?" Asahi slowly shook his head, afraid that not knowing whoever it was would disappoint her. Surprisingly, her eyes lit up even more and she clicked a song then quickly made her way to the biggest clearing in the shop. "Ok, watch and listen!" He could hear the English words and slightly knowing what it was saying from his highschool classes.

But really all he could focus on Y/n. Her hips swinging and popping in rhythm with an occasional body roll that made Asahi physically restrain his jaw from dropping. Her body made languid movements as she lip synced with a huge smile on her face and occasionally chimed in on where she learned to dance and who Shakira was and...

How does her body move like that... it's so...enticing

Asahi gulped as he came to that reveal in in his head. No. He was supposed to be paying attention to the song. The Song. That Y/n was dancing too and sharing with him.  And all of a sudden the song had faded out and Y/n stood there with a big smile on her face, albeit flushed.

"It was nice," his eyes wandered from her face to her hips slightly before he shook his head. "Had a nice beat to it..." She was happy and grabbed her phone again.

"Ok, you're turn," she grinned up from her phone.


"You're gonna dance with me. Swing dancing, none of that jumping up and down shit," she laughed at her own statement and continued searching. "We're not gonna do what I did, if you're nervous about it," she smiled, probably finding what she wanted.

Grabbing his hand she lead him to where she was just dancing. He awkwardly stood there, arms length away from her because I really had no idea what to do. She chuckled and pulled him closer, placing his hand in hers and on the small of her back.


Old timey jazz sorta music, he thought, filled the space but it had a techno, new thing going on. It sounded good, interesting would be a better word.

"Ok, we're gonna go slow and then when you're comfortable enough we'll start doing fun stuff, yea?" Her being so close made Asahi not trust his voice, he just nodded and continued to stare at her. Thank God to her claiming aura or else he would of freaked the fuck out for sure.

They did basic steps, Y/n leading Asahi through, then him leading. They did spins, the thing where he threw her out and then pulled her back in and wrapped her up,(he never caught the name), they also did skips around the room, careful not to bump or knock anything over.

Asahi surprisingly had fun. He wasn't much for this type of stuff but Y/n was. She was a great teacher too, really patient with him and respected his boundaries. They started having conversations and laughing about stupid stories or corny jokes. She had just finished laughing her head off after he told about his first time drinking. He twirled her out and she came back in.

"That reminds me, when I was in America I took pole dancing lessons." The image that popped into his head almost made him trip, almost. She did, however, feel him go rigid and started laughing again. " I wasn't a stripper or anything but I got so drunk one night that I was dared to do it. So I showed up the next day at a pole dancing class, hungover. It was surprisingly really fun, I honestly didn't expect it," she chuckled again, "I uh..I actually bought a pole and installed it in the spare office space in my apartment..."

Now Asahi actually did stop and Y/n slammed right into his chest. But she laughed none the less because, of course, it was fun to tease Asahi.

"Huh...I'd like to see that sometime..."

The response surprised her, flustered her a bit as well, but she chuckled with him.

"Maybe you will..."

That smirk is going to make me do something really dumb one of these days...

A/N: I'm sorry! It's been a long time but I'll try to keep up even with exam week.

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