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A/n: thanks for all the positive feed back guys! I've been in a slump recently and stressed from school so all the comments really helped. Thank you for reading!

And with her slightly flushed cheeks and my red face. She walked toward the bleachers throwing a "good luck everyone" over her shoulder.


{ Y/n POV }
Oh my fuck! Did I really just do that?!
I was currently trying to keep my face from heating up but there was still a light dusting. Watching Asahi spike was also not helping. He was just so strong and concentrated...

I'd pay to be the ball....

A frustrated sigh left me as I shunned myself for having kinky thoughts at a volleyball game for Pete's sake! How fucked up do you really need to be to be this horny at your crush's practice game? Answer: me level fucked.

But God the way he looked at me...

A loud shout made me snap out of my misery.

"Y/N!" Suga was walking towards me, they seemed to be taking another break. "Have you ever played volleyball?"

"Umm a little in highschool but I wasnt on a team or anything like you guys. I havent played since then though," he smiled at me but it seemed to have an ulterior motive behind it. He immediately tanked me up and dragged me down the bleachers.


Oh no...


"Suga please stop yelling... we're right here..." Asahi looked nervous, and frightened. For someone so large he's very docile.

For the most part...

I shivered slightly at the memory of him cursing out Tsukki.

"-and then maybe she could play and not just sit there!" Suga excitedly looked at me for an answer.

"Sure?" I glanced between the three boys unassured by the smirks on both Daichi and Suga's faces.

"Great!" Daichi clapped his hands together and it echoed around the gym. "Alright everyone, Asahi and Y/n are going to have a private lesson for the rest of today so she can play with us next time!"

I'm what?

I looked over to Asahi, who just shrugged. Typical man...
We were then pushed out by Suga, who was surprisingly strong, were handed a volleyball, and promptly shut out of the gym. I looked over at Asahi who looked equally as defeated as I felt.

"Cheer up big guy, I'm sure the shoving wasn't personal!" I slightly hip bumped him. Y'know like how bro's do....ugh I'm so awkward why.

"You're right," he slightly bumped me back which put such a huge smile on my face. "So how much do you remember? Should we just start with basics and see if you're muscle memory kicks in?" Wow, he's actually really considerate.... it's so cute!

"Sounds good!" I squatted slightly and put my arms together for a receive, "So receives first?"

§ Time Skip §
After bumping the ball back and forth, we moved onto setting and blocking, then serving, and finally spiking. Ohohoho I can't wait to see him spike again. Kinda scared to try and receive it though...

"Ready?" He called out from the other side of the outdoor volleyball court.

"Yea! I'm ready!" I shout back. He nods and starts taking a few steps back to jump serve.

God I hope my arms don't break off...

It echoed. His hand slapping the ball and the ball hitting the spot right next to me. I could feel the power behind it as the ball whizzed by, the air of it. All my stupid brain could think of was: holy shit, I want that man to slap my ass so hard it leaves a permanent mark.

"Y/n you ok!?" Asahi started to jog over, damn had his thighs always been that thicc? His arms look so strong and powerful and those shoulders! God, those shoulders! I wanna wrap my arms And thighs around the-

"-/n, Y/N! You ok??" Asahi was now crouched in front of me and holding my hands that were still in receive position. I had dropped to my knees too, he still towered over me, but I couldn't help but stare at his deep brown pools. He looked so concerned...
I let out the breathe I didn't know I was holding.

"Wow...that was crazy powerful..." that's all that came out, it was still dumb though. he chuckled. God it was deep, he looked so relieved and dropped down so he was sitting comfortable. I joined him and laid down next to him.

"I'm glad it didn't hit you. I thought my aim was off and you were in pain..." he looked down at me and chuckled again. I started laughing too, the atmosphere turning playful after his panicked state.

Panicked over me....huh...

I smiled a bit at that thought.

"I wonder what it'd feel like..."  whoops didn't mean for that to come out....

"What would feel like?" Asahi turned, again, to look at me.

I smirked up at him, enjoying the view of his hair slowly coming out of his bun and how his eyes looked in the sun outdoors.

"To be the ball..."

Oh the face he was making was absolutely beautiful. Face flushed, eyes big, jaw dropped. *chefs kiss* 

"I know I look pretty babes but you can just tell me," I smirked at him and stood up offering a hand to him. Where did this confidence come from? His face changed, he smiled and even smirked back at me as he stood up, towering over me once again.

He then leaned real close, held my shoulders, and bent down to my ear. I could feel his breath....dear god why was this such a turn on!!!

"Eventually you will be able to...Feel..It," he stood up and started walking back to the gym. "Come on, we're almost done and," he turned around, walking backwards, "and I've got you all...warmed up!" Chuckling to himself, he started jogging as soon as he saw me sprint towards him.

With the biggest smile, and blush, on my face.

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