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|Y/n POV|


That was the first though that crossed her mind when she woke up. Warm weight surrounded her with a rhythmic, soothing beat. Y/n made a small noise in the back of her throat and nuzzled closer to the squishy pillow. The pillow under her got louder and and made a few jerky movements. Her eyebrows scrunched and she squinted at the bright light before adjusting.


Her eyes grew before she wiggled and eventually fell off the edge of the bed with a totally not embarrassing shriek.

"Y/N! Fuck! Are you ok? Jesus..."

Calloused hands lifted her up and she met deep brown eyes for the second time that day. She didn't realize he was still talking until he snapped in front of her face.

"Hey, did you hit your head? Does anything hurt?"

Y/n snorted at that. This whole situation is just ridiculous.

"Just my pride," she smiled lopsided at the man that served as an amazing pillow and brought a hand up to hold his chin like she would a dog, "Don't be such a worry wort, Asahi."

She said his name so softly it fit with the hazy atmosphere. The sun peaking through the sheer curtains and illuminating the crème walls into a hazy gold. Speaking of illumination, his eyes looked molten. Warm and soft and still looking at her full of-

Did he just...?

She could've sworn he looked at her lips. Y/n allowed her eyes to quickly dip down to his before looking back up at him. This might be her only chance. She gripped his chin a little tighter, pulling him slightly down, just enough to where their noses barely touched.

"You look good in my shirt," he murmured. God she could practically feel the words against her lips. His morning voice was in her top three things she liked about him.

"You look good with you hair down," Y/n whispered back. She looked down at his lips. They looked slightly chapped but she knew it was from him nervously biting his lips. That was in her top ten things she liked about him.

Their noses bumped together before she leaned up and took his mouth gently. He responded immediately. The hands that were barley holding her with care now tightened and pulled her onto his lap with hunger. Her hands sunk themselves into his loose locks and pulled slightly as she readjusted and leaned into the kiss. They broke apart barely for air before devouring each other again.

With all the pulling and groping and desperation between the two, Y/n ended up straddling Asahi's waist while he was under her on the slept in bed. She pulled back, hands on his bare chest, panting as she looked down at him. He looked beautiful. Lips red, eyes dilated, hair strewn about. She leaned her weight back onto her haunches, her hands sliding down his chest to his abs. How could one man be adorable and yet so undeniably hot.

Him placing his hands atop of hers broke her out of her daze.

"So uh..." she looked down at their hands and clenched her fist. Why can't she just say the things on her mind?

Asahi hummed and pulled her down so her head was on his chest once more and tucked his chin on top of her head humming in acknowledgement.

Y/n smiled against his skin. That was definitely in the top five of the reasons she liked him.

"I like you. Like a lot. Like, like-like like you." She blurted out before mentally facepalming. God, could she ruin the moment more?

Asahi chuckled before breaking out into full laughter. Before Y/n started crying out of humiliation he kissed her head gently and tucked a piece of hair out of her face.

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