Halloween special

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AN: I'm feeling festive so hahahahaha enjoy this crackpost of a story. It's not edited and I switch POVs a lot so just enjoy the ridiculous on this and let me know if you want more of these!

This is a one shot. You and Asahi have been friends for a while and The Gang is throwing a Halloween party, with you invited of course. Kiyoko and Tanaka are engaged, Yachi has confidence in her self and is a Bi Queen. Kageyama and Hinata, Noya came alone, both Bokutos came, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi came, and you were invited by Kuroo and Kenma due to Suga and Daichi not getting to you quick enough.

Every ones dressed up. But we don't care about how everyone's dressed up, we care about what Asahi is dressed up as. Nvm we'll list all of them. Suga and Daichi are vampire lovers, Noya and Tanaka are dressed up for Dia de los muertos because apparently they're Hispanic! (I live for this headcanon) Kuroo is a cop, mostly to piss of Daichi, and Kenna's a cat, forced to by Kuroo. Kageyamas a goth while Hinata is rocking a cheerleader outfit. Tsukishima was a dinosaur and Yamaguchi was a star (he had star makeup, headband, and star sweater that glowed in the black light) Kiyoko was a witch along with Yachi (they're still good friends and get lunch every Tuesday). You were were a little she devil. Bright red lipstick, red body con dress, red little horns, and black acrylic nails. You even had red contacts and little fangs. Looking hot as hell. (I had to do it I'm sorry)

Asahi dug into his favorite nickname and dressed up as Jesus. Halo and all. So with you as a devil and Asahi as Jesus, you had made it your mission to corrupt him. And he really put up a fight, citing the few verses he knew of the Bible and claiming his holiness and exercising you as a demon. It was fun, honestly, you hissing and running away after he starts spewing fake bible lines, you trying to tempt him to the dark side, stating that all men have been tempted by the 7 deadly sins and that he should just give in. Very fun indeed.

And of course with all of the party goers being over the drinking age, you were drunk by 2am. You had also laid yourself next to Asahi on the couch. What you didn't realize is that you had pushed yourself against his chest and made his arm go around you to "be more comfyyy" as you so gracefully put it. So here you were muttering about the temptations of sex while Asahi prayed to his good ol dad to not look down and to definitely not give in to what his tipsy mind so desperately wanted. He was brought out of his prayers with you poking his cheek. God he hated when he did look down at you.

You had taken your contacts out hours ago, claiming that you would be too drunk to do it later, you were right. You lipstick was still clinging on, just not as glossy. And dear god you must have wore a push up bra (you did) because they were just so..


Here you were. Glassy eyed, pushed against him, in his arms with a pouting look on your face.

"Would you fuck me?" It was criminal at how innocent you looked asking such a lewed question.

"Uuuuh what?" For some reason his mind jumped to what happened previously Thant evening. With you, Yachi, Noya, Yamaguchi, and Suga did the WAP dance. It was pure chaos and Noya and Yams didn't Really know what to do but still tried because it looked fun as hell. You and Suga c o m m i t e d. He discovered that you were incredibly flexible and also had spandex shorts under your dress.

"Do you want to fuck me?"
"Yea..." he looked back down at you. Your face was flushed and you were biting your lip, god damn you were driving him crazy. You snuggled closer to him and he tightened the arm he had on you.

"Hmm that's good because I wanna do you too." And then you promptly passed out on top of him. And there he sat. Blushing. He said what had been canned up for probably the first time he met you. Then he heard giggling.

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