Chapter 25

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Siena's POV

Tonight is the last show of their Australian tour, which saddens me deeply because i know that tomorrow i have to say good bye to Brad, Tristan, Connor, James, Dean, Joe and Fin. I have become so close to all of them over the past week, i basically saw them 24 hours a day. On the other hand, i miss my family a lot, especially Alex so my emotions are quite mixed at the moment.

We are in Perth which i have heard is very quiet and family friendly in comparison to Sydney. It is much quieter than Sydney, but i think that's just because it's not as busy as Sydney. 

The boys were doing soundcheck whilst i was backstage as usual, wasting my 3G. I'm actually scared to see how much my bill is going to cost me. 

Soon enough the concert rolled around, and i was watching the boys sing the last song from back stage. Once Brad had finished the last line, the crowd went absolutely wild. I smiled at how happy all of the boys looked performing, they were definitely in their element.

'Thank you Perth for coming tonight!' Brad yelled, 'It has been absolutely amazing travelling around Australia and performing for you guys!' Brad turned to me and smiled, 'I'd like to thank our very good friend Siena Vittori, who you may have seen on our social media, for coming with us on this tour. We're very sad to have to say good bye to her tomorrow, so can i get you all to say thank you to Siena?'

The crowd yelled out, 'THANK YOU SIENA!'

I felt so loved and warm on the inside. I was in tears as the boys ran off stage, Brad being the first one to run over to me and wrap his arms around me.

He backed away and said with concern, 'Why are you crying?'

I quickly wiped away my tears, embarrassed that i was crying over this. 'I'm not.' i laugh, 'Well i am, but it's happy tears i promise.'

'Ok good.' he said, relieved but then confused, 'So you're happy that we're leaving?'

'No you doofus, after you're speech i just cried from happiness.' i told him. Once again he looked relieved and he hugged me again, his sweat dripping from his hair onto my face, making me want to gag. I quickly pushed him away, begging for him to shower. All the boys went to shower as i went to their dressing room and sat down, waiting for them.

When we got back to the hotel, i was ready for bed and i could tell that Brad and Tristan were too. Although once i actually got into bed and all the lights were turned off, i couldn't stop my mind from over thinking everything that has happened. 

I processed what has happened in the last two weeks. I lost a boyfriend who i loved dearly because of this boy in a band who i think i like a lot more than i ever liked Stefan, i went on an airplane for the first time and i just so happened to have been on 5 flights since then and i've travelled Australia for the first time with some guys that i think i should call my best friends, but i don't think i know them enough to give them such a label.

Now all of the fun and excitement is about to end, tomorrow i say goodbye to these people. We can always skype, text and call each other which is fine when it comes to Tristan, Connor and James. But with Brad, i think our fondness of each other will need to be put to a stop, as such technology will only limit our relationship to a friendship.

All of this thinking is only causing me to have anxiety, something which i have never been able to cope with. 

'Siena?' Brad says, surprising me that he is still awake.

'Yeah?' i replied.

'Are you still awake?' he asked me. 'Nup.' i state, hoping that there was sarcasm in my voice to mask how i really felt at that moment. He chuckled as i heard him get out of his bed. As it was dark i couldn't see where he was going, that was until i felt him lie down in my bed next to me. 

He wrapped his arms around me and i wrapped mine around him, making me extremely hot due to the temperature in this room, but for some reason i didn't mind.

'I'm going to miss you.' i whispered to him. He hugged me tighter and whispered, 'Me too.'

'We have one more day together, well half a day. Then after that we need to rely on social media to keep in contact.' i told him. 

'I know, and i wish there was something i could do about that. But unfortunately the universe just doesn't work like that.' he replied, sadness clearly being in his voice.

'The universe sucks.' i stated, Brad chuckled at my random thoughts being said. I had to stop saying everything that i thought, but being tired meant i was in my most vulnerable state.

'If i had a trillion dollars, i could go to England or wherever you are in the world and visit you like every week. And you can do the same.' i told him, almost falling asleep.

He kissed my forehead, causing me to fall asleep in almost an instant, as if he had control over me. 


'OH MY FUCKING GOD YOU HAD SEX WHILST I WAS IN THE ROOM?' were the first words that i heard the next day. 

'No we didn't i promise!' i heard someone else say. It took me a while to puzzle everything together; Tristan thought that Brad and i had sex because he was sleeping in my bed. At least i think that is why he is freaking out. 

I manage to roll over to face Tristan and say, ' We did not have sex.'

I didn't want to deal with this right now, so i went to the bathroom to get ready to go to the airport and let Brad deal with Tris. Once i had showered, i tied my hair up into a high ponytail and only applied moisturiser because makeup today would be a complete waste. I then brushed my teeth and put on a singlet and some shorts. 

I went back into the room to surprisingly see that Brad and Tristan were just about ready to leave, except they had to do their hair. I went to go and finish packing up my suitcase whilst the boys did their hair and whatever else they needed to do in the bathroom. 

We left the hotel, staying a bit longer to meet the fans and then we headed off to the airport. It was about a 20 minute car trip, and we were met by fans again at the airport. This time there was security so it wasn't as intense. 

When i heard that the flight to Sydney was ready to board, my heart felt warmed by the fact that i was going home. We went to the gate and got onto the plane. Excitement was probably an understatement for what i was feeling as the plane lifted off of the ground. 

I was going home.


School came in like a bang and i was quite literally hit with 5 subjects of homework a night. So yes, my updating has been delayed and it probably will be forever because school doesn't give us a break. 

Hope you enjoy reading this, don't forget to comment some suggestions and vote <3

In Another World - Bradley Simpson/The Vamps FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now