Chapter 7

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Siena’s POV

‘Brad can I get a picture?’

‘Brad who’s that girl?’

‘Which room are you staying in?’

‘Where are the other boys?’

These were all the questions being thrown at Brad as we walked out of the hotel.

‘Brad, go and take some pictures with them.’ I said.

‘Are you sure?’ he asked with a worried look on his face.

‘Yeah go on! They’ve probably been here for hours!’

‘Okay thanks! It’ll take five minutes…tops!’ he said as he ran off to take some pictures with some girls.

It was kind of awkward just standing there, so I went to go sit down on a seat that was just outside the hotel doors. Brad looked so happy with the fans and you could tell that these girl’s dreams were coming true.

*10 minutes later*

Once Brad finally finished talking with all of the fans, he ran back over to me. He looked so out of breath, it’s actually funny that taking pictures with fans is exhausting.

‘Hey I’m so sorry! I didn’t realise it would take that long.’ He said looking upset. I actually didn’t mind to be honest, it was interesting watching it all happen.

‘Don’t worry about it.’ I said with a smile.

‘Are you sure?’ he asked with concern.

‘Yes Bradley now let’s eat.’

As we walked down the street, I was realising that Brad was walking closer and closer to me. So close that our arms were touching. It was a bit chilly from the strong winds so he was sort of making me warmer.

A few minutes passed of us talking about what kind of foods we both liked when we finally reached the street where all of the restaurants are. We noticed an Italian restaurant at the end of the street and we decided to go there.

As we were walking towards the restaurant, Brad slowly held my hand, which felt like there were sparklers throughout my whole body. I smiled and turned to face him where he looked back at me, looking a little nervous.

Wait a minute Siena! Why are you enjoying this? You will probably see this boy 2 more times and then he’s going home. Don’t fall for him!

Brad got me out of the thoughts by saying ‘Here it is!’

I looked at the menu that was placed on a stand outside of the restaurant doors. The prices were so high! I definitely cannot afford this.

‘I’m sorry Brad, but I can’t afford this. It’s too expensive for me.’ I said.

‘Siena don’t worry about it! I was going to pay anyway.’

‘I can’t let you pay for me. This isn’t even a date.’ I said shocked at how generous he was being.

‘Let’s make it one then.’ He exclaimed with a huge grin on his face.

Oh great…a date. One of those things that I haven’t been on since year 10. Three years ago, where it failed and ended with me in tears. But Brad doesn’t seem like the kind who would do that to me. Come one! Just say yes Siena.

‘Ok fine! We will make it a date.’ I said nervously.

The date was going surprisingly well. I ordered a plate of ricotta ravioli whilst Brad ordered spaghetti Bolognese. The food was absolutely delicious for a restaurant! But of course nothing beats my family’s pastas.

‘So where exactly are you from in England?’ I asked Brad. He looked up from his plate.

‘Uh Birmingham. Are you originally from here?’

‘Yep’ I replied. ‘Born and raised.’

‘That’s good. At least you have good weather here’

‘Um ew no what are you talking about? I hate summer here it’s just so hot. I love our winters but even then they tend to get a bit hot.’

‘Well when you grow up living in cold weather your whole life, you learn to love the hot weather.’

‘I wish I lived in England, just for its cold weather.’

‘You’re nuts. You’re like the only person I know who would think that!’ he said whilst taking a bite from his spaghetti.

It was a few minutes of an awkward silence, partly because I hate talking when I eat and partly because I didn’t know how to respond to that.

Brad finally broke the silence, ‘So me and the boys were thinking about when we go back to England, we have to get your skype details, Instagram, twitter, all that stuff. We really want to keep in contact with you!’

‘Yeah definitely! I’ll give you all that stuff when we go back to your hotel.’

When we finished eating, Brad wouldn’t let me look at the bill because he thought that I would die if I saw how much everything cost.

As we walked back to the hotel Brad held my hand once again, but this time he didn’t seem nervous about it at all. When we got to the hotel, there were a few girls waiting outside for him. Brad held my hand and we literally ran into the hotel and to the lift. Surprisingly none of the girls saw us.

When we got to his room, I thought he was about to unlock the door but he held my hands and turned me so I was facing him.

‘Thanks for today Siena, I had a really nice day.’ He said, his brown eyes looking into mine. Aw he’s so sweet.

‘Yeah me too Brad. Even though I feel like such a tightass complaining about the prices the whole time.’ I laughed. I looked into his eyes, I seemed to have gotten lost in them, until I realise they were coming closer and closer towards me. Is he going to kiss me? Do I stop him? Oh my god Siena stop him! But I can’t, it feels so right.

Our lips met each other, his moving ever so perfectly with mine. I was getting that sparklers feeling again, but this time it was way more intense.

When we pulled apart he smiled and hugged me.

‘See you later Siena.’ He said with a massive grin.

‘Bye Bradley.’ I said back smiling.

As I turned around, I yelled out, ‘I’ll text you my social media crap!’

Um so that was their first date. I’m sorry if it’s crap I don’t really know how to write all of the lovey dovey stuff like kissing because well I’ve never experienced that before and yeah. I’m going to make the next chapter Brad’s POV because I feel like it’s about time that we see what he’s thinking about.

In Another World - Bradley Simpson/The Vamps FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now