Chapter 17

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Brad's POV

Did i hear that correctly? I didn't think that she would actually break up with him even though i knew that i definitely wanted her to. But she can't know that.

'What?' i asked her, trying to look sympathetic.

A tear started to run down her face, and it took all of my willpower to stop myself from wiping it away.

'Yep,' she spoke, 'I went to his house this morning and i was about to tell him, but for some reason he knew that i was going to break up with him.' she sobbed.

'What? How did he know?' i asked, trying not to shoot her with a lot of questions.

'He seemed to think that i was breaking up with him so that i could date you, but of course i told him the real reason i mean i'm not doing it so that you can be my boyfriend.' she struggled to get out as she was crying. My heart almost broke, to hear her say that killed me. Did she say that because she really never actually has any intention of dating me?

As if i didn't care about it, i said, 'Why on earth would he think that would be the reason?'

'Because he knows about our history.' she said, 'But you know what? Him knowing just made it easier for me, so that i didn't have to tell him.'

'That's good Siena, focus on the positive. It hurts me to see you upset like this.' i accidentally told her. Oh God now she's going to ask me why.

Her face turned into confusion and she stopped crying. 'What? Why?' she sniffled.

'Because i hate seeing my friends upset.' i made up some bullshit excuse. 

'This is why you're such a good friend Brad!' she said whilst hugging me, 'I wish we didn't have our disagreement for all of those months.'

I just smiled at her.

Yeah me too Siena, me too. 


We had arrived in Melbourne after our 1 and  half hour journey and i was beyond tired. Wait could i have gotten jetlag from that?

'Hey Siena,' i called out to her she went to go and get her luggage, 'Is there a time difference between Sydney and Melbourne?' i asked, curious.

'Uh,' she said and then paused, 'No there isn't.'

Damn, i must just be tired then.

'Why you tired or something?' she asked, clearly reading my mind.

'Yeah just a little, i thought that i could maybe blame it on jetlag or something.' i laughed. 

'Well little buddy, you better get some rest tonight then, for the show tomorrow.' James said, towering over me. He loves getting the chance to call me 'little buddy'. 

'Will do Jems.' i replied.

After half an hour of meeting fans and taking pictures (we were feeling quite generous today), we finally got to our taxi and went to our hotel. Again there were fans outside the hotel so we had to make a run for it. 

Once we got inside the lobby, Finn and Joe went to go and check us in. We all sat on the couches waiting for them until they came back.

'Okay so Connor has requested to share a room with James, so that means that Brad and Tristan are sharing a room. Whereas for Siena, you can choose where you'd like to go love.' Joe informed us.

'Um well where would i be sleeping? Like in a bed?' Siena asked Joe.

'Yes well whoever's room you stay in, they'll have to share a bed.' Joe replied, giving me a look that i'm not quite sure about. 

All of a sudden i feel something jump onto me and i turn my head to see that Tristan is holding onto me like a Koala. 'TRADLEY CAN SHARE A BED.' he shouted as he did so.

Siena giggled, 'Then i guess i'll share a room with Tristan and Brad.' 

'YAY' Tristan and i let out at the same time.

Joe gave us a stern look, 'Now Siena, i'm going to have to lay down some rules for you and the boys. There is to be no funny business happening such as making babies and there is to be no alcohol, we can't afford for you guys to get drunk, and then have to perform with a hangover. Other than that, have fun!'

He and Finn walked away to the lift whilst Con turned around and said, 'Yeah Bradley! No making babies with Siena!' 

He's such a little shit, i can feel my face burning already from embarrassment. I look in the direction of Siena and i can see that her head is down.

'Excuse me,' Tristan stepped in, elogating the 'u', 'if anybody here is to be making babies, it would be Brad and i. Sorry Siena.' he said, looking half serious.

Everyone laughed. 'Okay guys no one will be making babies!' James intervened, 'Now come on! I wanna hit the gym and check out the city.'

Siena's POV

We've settled into our hotel room, i got the window bed because Brad let me choose which bed i wanted to sleep in. 

I sat on my bed and looked out the window at the busy streets of Mekbourne.

'Siena can i call you Si Si?' Tristan interrupted my thoughts. I turn around to see him lying on his bed with his hands behind his head.

I cringe at the sound of 'Si Si'. Tristan saw the face i pulled and said, 'Please? I love calling people by their nicknames.'

I started laughing and said, 'Yeah but Tris, that's not my nickname!'

'I don't care! I'm taking that as a yes.' he said, his voice overpowering mine. I look back over to him and he's grinning at me like a child. 

'So little Aussie, what is there to look at in this wonderful city called Melbourne?' he asked. 

'I don't know Tris, everyone comes here for the shopping i think.' i replied.

'Come on! You must know something to see here!' he retaliated.

'Nope i don't. Never been here before, never thought that i'd be here. Didn't you guys research or something?'

'Nope.' he replied. 

'Well you better get googling then Trissy.' i giggled.


I know that i said i would update twice a week but shit has been happening in my life and i was too exhausted to do anything. But school's officially over so i might be more frequent. 

I was gonna write this yesterday but i was watching the news all day because of the Sydney Seige. For anyone who doesn't know, i live in Sydney and was so heartbroken to hear that this was happening in Martin Place, a place that i visit quite frequently. This event has moved our country, but it has made me realise how much i am proud and thankful to live in a country like Australia.

RIP Katrina Dawson and Tori Johnson, we will always see you as heroes. 

In Another World - Bradley Simpson/The Vamps FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now