Chapter 23

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Siena's POV

I had awoken to the sound of snoring, who is snoring is what i'm not quite sure about. I groaned and rolled over to check the time on my phone, which was charging on my bedside table. 

The time read: 6:34am, way too early for me to function, since i went to sleep at 2am. I groaned from tiredness and rolled the other way to find out who the snorer is.

It took a while for my eyes to adjust, but i could match up the sounds of the snores to the breathing of Tristan. I really don't want to wake him, due to the fact that the boys are always tired. He is just so loud! I don't know how the boys handle it.

I figured that i would get a few more hours of sleep, since we don't have to leave for the airport until 12, but at the rate that Tristan is going i don't think i will be able to.

So i got my lazy ass out of bed, went to brush my teeth and put on some sport shorts and a singlet. I tied my hair up in a high pony tail so that the humidity wouldn't make it stick to my neck that much, and i went out of the hotel room to go for a walk, bringing only money. At least a walk will wake me up a bit.

When i had reached the lobby, i discovered the James was just a few steps ahead of me. 

'James!' i yelled out to him. 

He turned around and smiled once he saw me.

'Siena!' he yelled whilst jogging over to give me a hug, 'What are you doing up so early?' he mumbled into the hug.

When he pulled away i responded, 'Tristan was snoring, couldn't go back to sleep so i surprisingly resorted to exercise.'

'Why don't you accompany me on my run then?' he laughed. I laughed with him, of course James the health freak was going on a run, the most i had planned on doing was a brisk walk.

'James i run like twice a year, i don't think i'll be able to keep up!' i told him.

He chuckled, 'You're just like Connor. Well how about we just go for a jog then?'

'Yeah i think i could handle that.' i answered.

So we went for a jog around the huge buildings in Melbourne, having absolutely no idea where we were going. James was always a few steps infront of me, naturally he was faster and had a lot more endurance.

After about half an hour we were both tired, so James pointed to the park across the road, indicating that he wanted to have a rest there. We crossed the road and walked into the park, sitting on the only bench we could find without bird shit on it.

We both sipped on water that we had bought on the way as James said, 'Brad told me that you guys kissed again.'

'Yeah we kind of did.' i replied awkwardly.

James sighed, 'Look i just have to ask you, do you like Brad?'

I'm not sure what i should say. Do i? Who am i kidding of course i do, i just hate telling people that i like someone.

'Yes.' i barely whispered.

James smiled, but then his face turned to confusion. 

'Brad tells me that he isn't sure if you like him or not, that you're sending him mixed signals. Do you want to go out with him?' he explained.

'No.' i blatantly replied.

'But...' James said, once again confused.

'I know James, we like each other we should just go for it! But it's not that easy when we live on opposite ends of the globe, when the chance of me seeing him again in the next year is quite slim. I don't want to start something that is going to end up with both of our hearts being broken, it just won't work out, long distance relationships don't ever work.' i spilled out, completely unaware of the tears that were falling down my cheeks.

James pulled me into a hug, he was really sweaty so i was kind of uncomfortable at first, but i appreciated the gesture.

He pushed me away from the hug, which i was confused about. He then had one of his arms on each of my shoulders and said, 'Make the most of the time that you have left with him.'

He's making it sound like Brad is dying, which i pray to God that he isn't.

'James he's not dying.' i giggled. 

A stern look fell onto James face and he said, 'I've never seen Brad get this excited to see someone like he does with you. You clearly are both happy at least being friends with each other, if it was meant to be then everything will fall into place and work itself out.'

'I just don't think that it will James, i mean it's pretty much impossible.'

'Trust me, something will happen.' he said whilst putting his arm around my shoulder. 


We got back to the hotel about 3 hours before we had to leave, James and i had gotten breakfast on the way back. I went into my room and saw Brad lying on his bed. He looked up as i closed the door and he said, 'Where were you?'

'Sorry, i woke up really early because of Tristan's snoring so i went for a walk, but i saw James so we went for a jog together.' i told him.

'Oh, well you could have woken me up!' he retorted.

'No way! You had a show, you would've been tired. Anyway how do you sleep next to him!'

'After a couple of years, you sort of get used to it.' he chuckled.

'So are you almost finished packing?' i asked him.

'Uh no.' he said pointing to his open and overflowing suitcase on the floor, 'I'll do it in a couple of hours.'

'Organised Bradley, organised.' i said, to which he cringed at me calling him 'Bradley'. I laughed at his reaction, which caused him to roll over with his face into the pillow. 

We were finally ready to leave to go to the airport. We knew that we had to leave some extra time for the boys to interact with the fans outside the hotel, so i let them go and do that. Once they were finished, we got into the van and went to the airport to see a lot more fans waiting for them. 

The boys told me to go first, so i went and checked in with no problems. I went to the waiting area once i saw that the boys were still with the fans. About 10 minutes later they finally came around the corner. We got on our plane and we were headed for Brisbane.

I had been so distracted and busy that i almost forgot that tomorrow is Australia day, that is until Brad mentioned it to me on the flight.

'So the show tomorrow is on Australia day. Should i expect people to show up wearing green and yellow?' he laughed.

I laughed with him, 'There will be ones who are patriotic and go all out, but a lot of people don't dress in the Australian colours. For example i hate dressing up for Australia day, but i love celebrating it.'

'So how do you celebrate it?' he asked raising his eyebrow.

'Everyone's different. I usually go down to my local park where there's usually a concert, rides and fireworks. There's different things in different suburbs but.'

'Is it a good excuse to drink?' he asked me.

'Most definitely.' i responded. 

'Well,' he sighed, 'We should do something, all of us.'

'Maybe.' i said, 'We'll see what's happening in the area.'

'Sure thing.' he smiled. I smiled back at him and rested my head on his shoulder, feeling an intense amount of fatigue hit me, causing me to go into a deep sleep.


I feel like i'm writing but i'm not getting any feedback, i want to write what you want to happen! So i would appreciate it if you'd liked my chapters if you enjoyed reading them and i would encourage you to comment some feedback <3

In Another World - Bradley Simpson/The Vamps FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now