Chapter 1

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Hi anybody who may be reading this book! If you are then thank you! It honestly means a lot to me as this is my first fanfiction. I'm sorry if the first few chapters are crap but i promise as the chapters progress i will get better at writing. This book is completely fiction so none of it is true.

I am from Sydney Australia and yes i have met The Vamps before. If you like this then comment any ideas that you may have for the book please! <3

Siena's POV

"If you need any help just ask me." the extremely annoying shopkeeper has just asked me for about the millionth time. Thank god she just walked away.

I am currently in an expensive clothing store holding a lovely, cream coloured lace dress which I have been eyeing for a while. I look down to the price tag and secretly hope it's not too expensive as I turn the tag around. My mouth drops open. Yep I definitely need to get a job.

I wanted to get out of that shop that sucks everyone's bank accounts. So I walked to my favourite music shop ever across from the clothing store.

I love music, I listen to it to drain out any problems. Plus it helps when I study. I love the way i can relate my life to the words in a song.

I instinctively run to the shelf that says NEW and my eyes instantly are drawn to a blue and red CD that had the words Meet The Vamps printed on the cover.

I pick up the album and turn it around to scan the songs on the back. I have heard a few of their songs on the radio, but have never paid much attention to them. I put the CD back where I found it and begin to scan the other albums.

"I can see you love my music." a voice says to me, sounding very British and sarcastic. I immediately turn to see a boy with curly brown hair wearing a folded up bandana as a headband who has deep brown eyes.

"I mean you don't have to buy it, but it would really help." the boy says with a smirk. Is he bullshitting me or is this actually his music. I look down to the CD and I realise that the boy wearing a black t-shirt is the same exact guy who is standing next to me.

Holy crap! This dude is famous! What do I say? I have to be cool. "Hi." is all I can manage to say. Okay you're off to a good start.

"Hey, I'm Brad and yes that is me on the cover of that CD you were just looking at!" Brad said to me.

"Hi, I'm Siena and I'm starstruck. I mean I've never met a famous person before and to be honest I don't really know who you are but I'll google you later but still omg you're famous!" I blurt out, struggling for breath.

Brad was looking at me with no emotion. "You have pretty eyes." he said. You have pretty eyes? That's all he says? Okay maybe this famous guy is stupid.

"Umm thanks," I reply not really sure what to say next, "but what are you doing in one of the dingiest suburbs in Sydney? I'm pretty sure a guy like you can afford a fancy hotel in the city I'm guessing."

"A guy like me has a hotel in the city. I'm just hear to explore the real culture of Australia, not the city which is made pretty for show. I mean yeah sure it's beautiful but there's so much more to Sydney than the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House."

Wow maybe this boy has some sense in him! "Okay," I laugh, "but doesn't this suburb give you a bad impression of Australia?"

"Not really." Brad replied.

"You know I don't really know where I am. Maybe if you're free today you can show me around?" he asked me.

Crap am I free today? I think of everything I have to do. Well basically nothing but I'm really not bothered showing this famous guy around when I'm pretty sure he's rich enough to hire somebody to do that. I will politely tell him no. I look up at him and he is pulling the most adorable puppy dog face I have ever seen.

"Yeah sure!" I chirp at him. Crap why did I just say that? Wow that face had an effect on me.

"Yay!" Brad responded. Great. This was going to be a long day.

In Another World - Bradley Simpson/The Vamps FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now