Chapter 19

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Brad's POV

I was about to start my much needed shower when i heard the voices and laughter of Tristan and Siena. I don't have an explanation for this, but i was so eager to go and see what they were doing. So i grabbed my towel and wrapped it around the lower half of my body and walked out of the bathroom to see Tristan sitting on the bed next to Siena who was sitting up.

'Haha very funny Trissy.' Siena said to Tristan.

Tristan leaned forward and hugged her saying, 'I'm kidding, we all love you Si Si.'

'Mhm.' she replied. I'm glad that they're getting along, they act like they've known each other for ages. I don't want Siena to feel awkward or uncomfortable around the boys, but it seems like i have nothing to worry about.

'Well it looks like you two are getting along just fine.' i said, grinning from ear to ear.

They both snap their heads in my direction and Tristan's face is filled with confusion whereas Siena's face was bright red. I follow her eyes and realised that she is staring at my body.

'Mate, you took a bloody quick shower.' Tristan said, looking as intrigued as ever.

Good God he is so stupid sometimes.

'Tristan you idiot! I clearly haven't had one yet, i heard you guys talking.' i responded.

His face turned back to its normal state as i said that.

'Oh. Well waking Siena up was easy! She's a really light sleeper aren't you?' he said whilst tilting his smirking head towards her. Siena is obviously not paying attention because she is still staring at me.

'Wha...What?' she said, coming back to reality.

'Oh don't worry about it, you were too busy staring at my abs.' i said to her, smirking.

Tristan starts laughing, 'What...' he struggles to say, 'What abs?'

I have to admit, i don't have a body like James. But i have some muscle!

'Whatever Tris. I'm actually going to have a shower now.' i said as i walked back into the bathroom and closed the door.

Siena's POV

Oh my God the fact that he noticed me staring at him is so embarrassing, and he pointed it out to Tristan as well!

I hope he doesn't bring it up tonight, i want tonight to go well.

Brad had a 2 minute shower like all boys do, whilst i sat on my bed texting my mum. I forgot to text her when we landed so she is going to murder me if i forget to
ring her again.

Brad walked out of the bathroom with his hair flopped to one side, except this time he was wearing clothes.

'Siena give me like 10 minutes to do my hair and then we can leave.' Brad quickly said whilst walking over to his suitcase to get out what appears to be his toiletries bag.

'Excuse me 10 minutes?' i laughed, but pretty much came out as a snort, 'What boy spends 10 minutes on their hair? I spend 2 at the most!' No i don't spend 2 hours every morning on my hair and makeup. Some people would call that laziness, i call it time efficiency.

'It takes time to get my hair looking beautiful Siena.' Brad retorted. I wasn't going to argue, his hair did look like a wet mop at the moment.

13 minutes and 44 seconds later, yes i counted how long it took him to do his hair, we were finally ready to leave. Brad and i took the lift down to the hotel lobby.

Outside the hotel there were yet again more screaming fans whilst they saw Brad. This time there weren't as many though. I sighed as i realised that we would be here for a lot longer than i'd hoped. I turned to look at Brad and saw that he had a genuine smile on his face, it's amazing how happy the fans make the boys.

Brad chatted and took pictures with the fans for about 5 minutes, before he politely asked them to not follow him to dinner. Surprisingly none of the fans followed us that i can see.

We walked down the streets of Melbourne in a tranquil silence until curiosity got the better of me, and my grumbling stomach. 'Brad where are we eating?'

'I'm sure that you can wait until we get there.' he laughed.

'I'm sure that i can't. I'm too hungry.' i responded.


'Yeah but then if you tell me, i can think about the amazing food that i will be eating shortly Brad!'

 'Are you always this talkative on dates Siena?' Brad asked me cheerfully. A date? His face suddenly dropped when he realised what he had called tonight's 'dinner'.

I decided to not hassle Brad, because he clearly looked distraught about the fact that he called this a date. The rest of the walk was an uncomfortable silence, until Brad stopped walking. I didn't notice that he stopped directly infront of a restaurant. As soon as i realised, a huge grin spread across my face and i giggled at the thought of finally getting some food!

'Food!' i screeched at Brad. He laughed and grabbed my arm, directing me into the restaurant that smelled delicious. Brad walked up to the front counter where there was a very posh lady and said, 'Reservation for Simpson, please.'

The lady smiled and said, 'Right this way sir.' She lead us to a table in the corner with a bouquet of flowers and candles in the centre of it.

'Brad i've never been to a restaurant where they have pretty flowers and candles in the middle of the table. How much is this costing me? i asked whilst sitting down.

'Absolutely nothing Siena.' he said with a warm smile.

'Uh uh,' i said shaking my head, 'I don't think so. You're paying for this whole trip, i will pay for dinner.'

'But it's...' Brad said, although i interrupted, 'Please don't give me the sexist speech about how it's polite or tradition for the man to pay, i will not listen to that bullshit.'

'Siena,' Brad chuckled, 'You are a fiesty woman with some huge opinions and views.'

His point was what exactly?

'So? Is that a bad thing?' i asked.

Brad started laughing at a volume that was a little bit too loud for this ridiculously expensive restaurant. Embarrassed, i look around to make sure no one's looking at us.

'If i thought it was a bad thing, then i obviously would've never kissed you back when we first met, i wouldn't of missed you so much for the past 6 months and i wouldn't of asked you to come on this incredible tour with us. God Siena that's what i like so much about you!' he said in possibly the most confident way that he could.


I finally got another chapter up! Sorry but my laptop broke before Christmas, so i got another one for Christmas. Then i had to buy internet security and software and then install it all and it took ages!

This might be the last one for this year which makes me sad. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and  Happy New Year!! <3

In Another World - Bradley Simpson/The Vamps FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now