Chapter 22

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Siena's POV

Hanging out backstage is actually one of the coolest things ever. The boys were rehearsing on stage so i was in their dressing room by myself. Joe and Waddy were dealing with business stuff and Dean was too busy filming it for their YouTube. So i'm alone, which i'm not complaining about because being alone is such a rarity for me.

I can hear the faint sound of the songs being sung by Brad, to be honest i don't even know many songs from their album. I had only listened to a few of their songs, and memorised maybe one. After Brad stopped talking to me, i didn't want to listen to their album again. So naturally i have forgotten all of the words to any of their songs.

I was startled and interrupted from my thoughts by Dean standing at the door, clearing his throat.

I look up at him and he smiles whilst saying, 'The boys want you to come and watch you rehearse, Brad specifically.'

'Okay thanks Dean.' i said standing up and following him to the stage. Once we reached the stage, noticed that Brad was backstage getting a drink of water. When he saw me, his face lit up and he ran over to give me a hug.

There's something special about his hugs, the way his curls pretty much smother my face and neck, making his hugs ten times more inviting and comforting.

When he finally let go he said, 'Sorry that you couldn't watch us rehearsing for the first half, Dean had to film. But now you get pretty much your own show!'

'I look forward to it.' i said excitedly. 

He walked off to put his headphone things in his ears, so i took this opportunity to sit on the floor on the side of the stage, yet at the front so i got a full view of what was happening.

All of the guys went to their positions, either their microphone or drum kit. Loud music blasted the extremely large room, causing a smile to grow on my face. The chords that were playing were unrecognisable to my ears, that's when i heard the lyrics, but even then i had no idea what song this was.

I felt horrible that they were so generous to take me on tour with them, to be my friends, yet i didn't even know their songs. Some friend i was.

Although i have to say listening to this for the first time, i was almost captivated by the lyrics. The lyrics held such meaning, that i'm sure weren't just written out of coincidence. The way that Brad's hands hug the microphone as he sung, the way that his eyes shut at the highest points of the song shows me that this song holds a special place in Brad's heart. 

Once the song had finished, all of the guys looked at me, egging for my opinion. I just clapped like a high seal and squealed.

'That was so good!' i screeched, 'What's that song called.'

'That song my darling was called Another World.' Brad responded.

'Well it was beautiful.' i told him.

'Thankyou, i wrote it myself.' Brad said with a smirk.

I opened my mouth, to ask him who it was about, but i decided against it.

I now think that this is my favourite song from their album, even though i haven't heard the rest of the songs. 

After listening to them rehearsing the rest of the songs, which i might add were bloody damn good, Tristan, Brad and Connor all shot gun that they got to shower first. That was due to the fact that there were 3 showers, so poor James couldn't shower until the others were finished.

I figured that i haven't talked to him much yet and he looked quite lonely sitting outside the bathroom waiting for them. He honestly seems like the most mature and innocent of all of the guys. 

I was sitting in a seat on the other side of the room from him, so when he finally looked at me, i patted the seat next to me. He smiled, happily obliging. 

He practically ran over to me and said, 'So did you like the songs?' whilst smiling. 

'Yeah love them, they're so different from what i thought your music would be like. I actually thought it would be like boyband music.' i replied quite embarrassed towards the end.

James face turned to disgust when i said 'boyband'. 'Ew no we're not a boyband, despise what the media says. We're a band, because we play our own instruments.' he responded.

I'm not sure if he was upset with me, but i felt guilty. He looked offended.

'Sorry if i offended you James.' i laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

'I mean don't get me wrong, i love One Direction's music but we could never write music like that.' he said laughing. Oh thank God the awkward tension has vanished. I laughed along with him, i'm not a particular fan of One Direction but only because their music isn't the type that i enjoy listening to.

'Yeah don't worry, i don't like One Direction.' i told him. He nodded and said, 'So Brad told me about the crazy situation with your siblings. When i met them all, i thought that your parents just had a lot of kids, but only 3 of them are your well 'full siblings'?'

'Yeah it's actually quite fucked up really, especially my younger brother, Aaron?' i explained.

'Oh yeah, the one who's your Dad's kid, but he never knew so you didn't find out know.' he said in the nicest way possible.

'It's okay James, you can say passed away.' i smiled.

'Yeah, sorry.' he responded apologetically, 'But then to find out that he was your best friend? Like that's absolutely crazy!'

'I know right, it was awkward at first.' i told him.

'I mean i just have a sister.' he stated.

Curious, i asked him, 'How old is she?'

'She's 14, her name's Sophie.' he said.

I wish i only had one sibling that i was really close with, yet at the same time i am extremely grateful for all of brothers and sister. 

Scaring the living daylights out of me, Brad walked out of the bathroom shouting, 'JEMS SHOWER IS FREE.' 

I jumped at his shouting and Brad just chuckled at my response.

I look over to James who was laughing at my reaction. 

'It took you long enough.' James yells over to Brad, 'It was nice getting to know you more Siena.' he said whilst giving me a hug and walking over to the bathroom.

Brad jogged over to me and took James' place. 

'So you're cool with staying backstage tonight yeah? I just don't want you to get bored.' he told me.

'Brad i'll be fine!' i said assuring him.

'Ok.' he breathed, taking my hands. I was confused as to why he was holding my hands, so i look up at him to realise that those same brown eyes that i remember from the first time we kissed months ago are staring back at me.

I can't seem to get myself to break the connection between us. I found myself leaning in first, oh God he's going to think that i'm desperate by leaning in first. But at that moment i didn't care, because there was a desperation for Brad inside of me.

He got the message and started leaning in too, once again our lips have collided, although this time i feel absolutely no remorse.

We pull apart, needing to breathe. We both smile at each other, whilst leaning my forehead was resting on Brad's. 

'No regrets this time.' i whisper, to which he responded with a massive grin.


Ugh i hate the kiss bit, it was so awkward to write! I have absolutely no idea what it feels like to kiss someone or something so i was a bit dodgy with the details. 

I go back to school in 2 and a half weeks which sucks balls but what can you do aye?


In Another World - Bradley Simpson/The Vamps FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now