Chapter 14

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Brad's POV

She just sat down in the corner of her room, pulling her knees up to her chin and cried. I instantly went over to her and hugged her, surprisingly she didn't fight it. How could i be so stupid? Kissing a girl who has a boyfriend, that's something i thought that i would never do. 

She looked up at me, her eyes slightly red from crying and her face wet from the tears. 

'I didn't stop you, i just kissed you back.' she said softly, trying not to look into my eyes. 

'I take full blame for this.' i responded.

'No Bradley i can't let you do that. You and i both know that you're not the only one to blame here.'

'Okay i admit that you could've stopped me, but the fact that you didn't has to mean something right?' She instantly looked into my eyes after hearing me say that.

'What are you saying Bradley?'

'I just meant th...'

'Are you saying that we're meant for each other? That we are supposed to be best friends or more? Because guess what you had that chance 6 months ago, but instead you ignored me so i moved on and found happiness with Stefan.' she snapped. 'Now i've ruined my chance at happiness.' she said sadly.

In all honesty, i didn't know what to say to her. She was finally telling me what i deserved to hear, what i knew deep down for months. 

As a result of my curious mind, i asked her, 'Are you going to tell Stefan?'

'What, about the kiss?'

'Yeah.' i replied.

'Well i'll try not to, but then the guilt will eat me alive. So i'll eventually end up telling him, maybe i should just break up with him?'

What? Why would she break up with him, wouldn't it be the other way around?

Confusion covered my face as i asked, 'Why would you break up with him?'

'Because he doesn't deserve a girlfriend who has kissed another guy. I respect and love him too much.' she replied simply, as if it was the most obvious thing to do.

'Well that's your decision to make, but i don't want you breaking up with him because of me.'

'It's a bit too late now isn't it...' she mumbled.

Me being the hilarious person that i am, i decided to lighten the mood up by saying, 'Well if it makes you feel any better, you're a great kisser!'

Her face lit up a bit as she giggled to what i had said.

'Thankyou Brad, i guess i could say the same about you.' she replied sarcastically.

'Oh please! You and i both know that i'm a great kisser!'

'Oh really? You've kissed yourself have you?'

'Stop being a smart ass Siena!' i say whilst laughing.

We just sat there laughing for about 2 minutes straight. It was really nice to not have any tension between us for a little bit. But i knew that this moment wouldn't last for long, so i tried to savour it.

The air got awkward again, and lets just say that i knew that this would happen. Siena sat there staring at her feet before she spoke up, 'What happens now?'

'What do you mean?' i asked.

'Well i have to tell Stefan, i won't be able to live with the guilt if i dont. Then i will break up with him, it's the right thing to do.'

In Another World - Bradley Simpson/The Vamps FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now