Chapter 9

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Siena's POV

Bradley goes home tomorrow. I haven't seen him since our 'date' but boy have i been thinking about him all the time. I've developed a habit to drift into another world during lectures at uni and think about him, constantly. 

They've been busy with band stuff, that must be why he hasn't replied to my texts. He has been on his phone, social media has been proof of that. I know that he goes home tomorrow from the light (not really) stalking i've done of him the past few days.

I'm going to just forget about him. Simple. Erase the memories from your mind and pretend that the past week never happened. Easier said than done. I was cut short of my day dream when everyone started piling out of their seats. Whoops just missed another lecture, this can't be good for my education. 

The train ride home was eventful, ended up having to sit next to a man who was picking his nose. Perfect time for me to put in my headphones and escape. After the hour train ride ended, i ran to my bus so that i wouldn't miss it.

After getting off of the bus, i walked to my house and saw that there was a huge black 4 wheel drive parked in front of it. I immediately assumed one of Daniel's friends, but when i walked into my house, i then realised i was very wrong. Standing directly in front of me were 4 familiar boys, i'm sure you know who they are.

All except for one looked at me. Bradley looked like he deliberately was trying to not look in my direction. Wait a minute! How did they get in here no one's home? 

'How did you guys get in here?' i asked them with a stern look on their face. I was most definitely not happy about them being here, just as i was beginning to kind of forget about them.

'We got here just before your mum left for work.' Tristan replied. 'She's quite fond of us.' he said.

'I'm sorry but you have to go.' i said trying to usher them out the door. The only one who got the message was James. The rest of them looked confused as to why i was waving my hand around. 

'Why should we?' Brad finally spoke up. I then realised that his eyes looked dull. Not the kind that i remember a few days ago.

'Because this is my house, i've had a shit day and i want to enjoy the house being quiet for once!' i almost yelled at him. 

'Look' James intervened, 'we came here to say goodbye to you, but Brad came here to say something to you too.'

'No i didn't.' i heard Brad almost mumble.

'Can we go to your room?' he asked.

'Uhh' i replied. 'Just to talk in private.' Brad said.

'Yeah alright.' i said. And with that i walked upstairs to my room with Bradley following close behind me. When i got into my room i sat on my bed and Brad shut the door. He looked extremely pale, like he was about to vomit. 

Brad started pacing up and down my very small room and finally he spilled out something i never expected to hear. 'Siena i can't stop thinking about you.'

Whoa did he just say that? That was bloody unexpected and ironic since oh you know he's been avoiding me! 

'Really?' i said, 'You must of been thinking about me a lot when you've been replying to my texts for the past 3 days.' i spoke sarcastically. 

'Oh.' he replied. 'I'm so sorry Siena! I thought it would be easier to forget about you if i just ignored you, in all honesty, it made it nothing but worse. But you see the thing is that i feel like im falling for you. And that can't happen! It would ruin your life and is virtually impossible because of the distance.'

That last sentence crushed me. And i think it crushed him too. 

'You could of said bye then.' i replied sounding hurt. 

'That's why i came today! Don't worry we can always text and we can skype and facetime, until i can see you again when we come back to Australia.' he said, again that last sentence crushing me. That shit never lasts, not even as relationships, but friendships don't last that long like that. 

'Okay well i guess this is goodbye.' i said getting up from my bed and walking over to him. He stopped pacing and looked at me in the eyes. I immediately pulled him in for a hug, his embrace felt so right. We hugged for about 2 minutes, he smelled so damn good that i wanted to stay like that forever. 

We pulled apart and went downstairs without a word. We walked into the living room where the rest of the boys were on their phones.

They all looked at me and Connor spoke, 'Sorted yourselves out then?' he said with a smirk.

'I guess so.' i replied smiling. I noticed Bradley was smiling too. 'I'm going to miss you guys!' i said walking over to them and giving them all a hug. 

'We best be off then.' James said. We walked to the front door where i gave all of them a hug again. They all walked to the car except for Brad.

'I'm going to miss you.' He said.

'Stop it Bradley you're going to make me hug you again.' i smiled blushing.

'Come here.' he said with arms open, inviting me in for a hug.

I took in every moment of it, his smell, his touch, his warm jacket. How was i going to deal with not seeing this guy for a few months? I barely know him, but it feels like we've been friends forever. 


I don't know how to feel about this chapter. I think its cute but its probably shit. Exams are next week so i may or may not update again before then. But i got The Vamps tickets! I'm so excited i'm seeing them on the 23rd of January in Sydney! Is anyone else going? Comment if you are! <3

In Another World - Bradley Simpson/The Vamps FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now