Chapter 4

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Thankyou so much for 100+ reads. I never thought i would get 1 let alone 100! Anyways i'm going to actually upload frequently from now on because i enjoy writing without having some kind of restrictions like in school.

Siena's POV

'Yes i am Siena! I'm sorry but Bradley here hasn't even told me your names!' i reply to the tall boy.

Brad clears his throat saying, 'Oh right. Yes Siena this is Tristan,' pointing to the boy who i just spoke to, 'this is Connor,' pointing to the shortest one, 'and this is James.' pointing to the last boy. They are all so handsome, nothing like the boys you'd find here. 

'Hi.' they all say in unison.

'Why don't you come in, i guess i have to introduce you to my brother.' i said as we walked into the loungeroom where Alex sat on the couch on his phone.

'Alex! Be social and say hello to Tristan, Connor and James. Oh wait you haven't even said hi to Brad yet!' i told him, putting my hand on my hip.

Alex looks up with the fakest smile and says, 'Hello boys.' and looks straight back at his phone. Honestly he can be so rude. I think the boys noticed his disinterest in them because James said, 'Why don't we watch a film!' 

'Um sure,' i reply,'what DVD would you like to watch?'

'HARRY POTTER!' Connor yells out, 'Please tell me you own Harry Potter!' he says much quieter.

'Nope sorry, i've never watched it before.' i said with a smirk on my face. Connor's face was priceless, i watched as he opened his mouth, where the words were unable to come out due to the shock.

'I'm joking Connor! Of course i have Harry Potter! I have been reading the books since i was in year 2 and been watching the movies since forever.' i say to him. Everyone laughs, including Alex which i am surprised that he was even listening. 

When Connor finished having a laughing fit he replied, 'Don't ever do that to me again. I almost had a heart attack!'


Once we decided that we were going to have a Harry Potter marathon, we all sat on the couches. I sat in between Alex and Brad. Brad sat next to James, who sat next to Tristan who sat next to Connor. 

Just as Harry enters Gringotts in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, i heard my front door open. And with that came all of my siblings and my mum. Ugh more introducing. 

When my mum walked in, she looked straight at Alex and said 'Alex, who are your friends?'

'Um mum they're actually Siena's friends.' Alex replied.

'Right um mum, Emilia, Daniel, Adam and Aaron this is Brad, Connor, James and Tristan. Boys this is my mum and brothers and sister.' i said.

'Hello' everyone said in unison...once again. 

'So boys will you be staying for dinner?' my mum asked. 

'No we don't want to cause any hassle. You already have so many people to cook for!' James said.

'Don't worry about that boys, i'm very used to making a lot of food. You can imagine when all of them were growing teenagers, i used to have to make twice the amount of food that i do now.' mum laughed. 

Well at least my mum didn't hate them. She's always had trust issues when it comes to my friendships, since only one friendship of mine back in primary school succeeded. To this day Ciara is still my best friend and has been since the first day of kindergarten. 

To be honest i don't want them to stay for dinner, because then they would stay after dinner and i have too much homework to catch up on. Besides my family is going to be so loud and annoying and embarrassing and ask them really stupid and personal questions, because that is what they do!  'Mum i'm sure they don't want to stay and eat dinner with us!'

'Actually i'd love to stay for dinner. Haven't had a home cooked meal in a few months.' Brad said giving me  this killer smile. Oh damn he knows that this will annoy me.

‘Great it’s settled. You’re staying for dinner!’ my mum squealed. Why the hell is she excited about this?

‘Great.’ I said sarcastically. She’s just going to embarrass me and my family will start talking about how I am the baby of the family.

‘Yay!’ Brad yelled out, clearly filled with excitement.

‘Okay mum because you guys are embarrassing, we’re going to go upstairs. Just call us down when dinner’s ready.’ I said to my mum.

‘Okay bella.’ My mum replied.

As we walked upstairs, Tristan spoke, ‘Why did your mum call you bella before?’

‘Oh,’ I laughed, ‘she calls my sister and I that because it means beautiful girl in Italian.’

The boys started laughing except for Brad. Brad said, ‘Well she’s not wrong.’ Um okay that’s awkward. Is he joking or does he think that I’m beautiful?

When we got to my room, they all sat on my bed so I had to sit on the floor. What gentlemen. It’s okay but, at least my carpet is really squishy and comfortable. Whilst I sat down the boys started to talk amongst themselves about some new song they want to cover or something.

I was bored just sitting on the floor so I decided to lie down. Once I lied down, the boys stopped talking and looked at me. It fell silent and all of a sudden the boys all jumped on top of me and started tickling me. Oh hell no, these boys don’t realise that when I get tickled I kick and punch and scream really loudly.

After I almost gave Connor a black eye for tickling me under my neck, the boys finally gave in and stopped tickling me. As I was struggling for breath, I stood up and realised that Brad was on the floor moaning in pain.

‘Bradley what’s wrong?’ I asked slightly worried.

‘You fucking kneed me in the balls!’ he squealed in pain.

‘Whoops sorry but you shouldn’t have tickled me Bradley.’

‘I didn’t know you’d be that violent!’ he moans.

‘I can’t help it! It happens every time I get tickled!’

All of the boys started laughing at Brad as he kept moaning on the floor.

‘Siena dinner’s ready!’ my mum shouted from downstairs.

I’ve been writing this at my nonna’s house because I’ve been here all day with no internet so I’m pretty much writing a few chapters today. I’ll be updating each one that I write today in the next few days <3

In Another World - Bradley Simpson/The Vamps FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now