Chapter 27

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Siena's POV

The car ride home was filled with traffic and laughs, even though deep down i didn't feel like laughing. But i didn't want to show that i was upset about them all leaving because i have to get on with my life. 

When i got home, the first thing i wanted to do was shower and go to bed, but my family thought otherwise. My mum had invited all of my aunties, uncles and cousins over, judging by all of the familiar cars parked infront of my house. 

'Alex!' i whined as he pulled into the driveway, 'Why is everybody here? I look and feel like shit.'

'I know it's ridiculous but mum missed you so much that she thought you needed a welcome home 'gathering'.' he told me.

I got all of my bags from the boot and walked into my loud house. I am instantly met by my insanely huge family who decided that they all had to hug me at once. After being squished to death, i excused myself so that i could go up to my room. I didn't even get the chance to say hi to my mum, i just wanted to get out of there and away from the chaos. 

I walked into my room and saw my beautiful bed with freshly changed sheets, ready for me to sleep in. Oh how i wish i could just fall asleep on that bed right now. But i can't because i need to change and go back downstairs to deal with my family. Why were they even here? We had one of these 'gatherings' when my nonna came back from a 5 month trip to Italy, but that's understandable. Not a one week trip around Australia. 

I got changed into some shorts and a singlet and walked back downstairs. Everyone was in the lounge room eating of course. They were all too engrossed in their conversations that they didn't even notice that i had walked in the room.

'Yes, i made it back alive in case any of you were wondering.' i yelled out.

'SIEENNAAA!' my mum screamed whilst running over to me, hopping over everyones legs.

She gave me a huge hug and said, 'I missed you so much!'

'It was only a week mum.' i said, struggling to breathe from her arms wrapped around me.

She pulled away and my nonna said, 'Eat.'

Brad's POV

Why do i have to live in England? Australia is where i'd rather live, there's good weather and there's Siena. Saying good bye to her was one of the hardest things i've ever had to do and i've never dreaded coming home this much before.

I got home yesterday and all i've done is try to battle jet lag. Unfortunately jet lag is winning. It's 5am and i've been wide awake since 3am, not being able to go to sleep. It's bloody cold in England, it's been snowing so the weather change has been pretty extreme. 

I decide that there's no use in me trying to go to sleep, because i know that it's not going to happen. So i got out of bed, put on a coat and slippers and went downstairs to the kitchen where the back door is.

I opened the door and the cool breeze of the early morning hit my face, causing chills to travel around my body.

I just stood there, eyes closed, appreciating the silence and the fresh air. I was interrupted by the warm, wet feeling that i felt on my ankle. Startled, i opened my eyes to see Jesse by my side licking me.

'Hey girl.' i said, bending down to sit on the step next to her. She snuggled up against my leg and she slowly drifted off to sleep, i must've woken her up.

I love talking to Jess, i would talk to her like she's my best friend when i first started out with the band. I used to play the songs that i wrote to her and in my mind, she was always smiling, encouraging me to write even more. 

'So i saw Siena again, well it was accidental but i guess it happened for the better.' i told her as i scratched behind her ears. I basically told her everything that had happened on the Australian tour, little did i realise that it was nearing 5am. 

Jet lag was still winning the battle, and i fell asleep right on the spot.


'OW BRAD!' my sister Natalie screamed, as i slowly opened my eyes. The sky was now light and my sister was on the floor infront of me.

'Nat, what are you doing?' i asked her sternly, wondering if she was somehow drunk.

'You, you idiot. I tripped over you when i opened the door, had no idea you'd be sleeping right in front of it.' she yelled as she got up and dusted off her knees.

'Geez i'm sorry, i was just jetlagged and i guess i fell asleep.' i told her. I slowly stood up and walked inside my house, craving some warmth as i had been sleeping outside. 

I looked at the clock on my microwave and noticed that it was 9am, i can't believe i fell asleep outside in this British weather for 4 hours. I was freezing so i decided that i was going to make myself some coffee. 

If Siena was here, she'd probably tell me that i make coffee the wrong way or something, i know that she is against using coffee machines. 

'Coffee?' i asked my sister.

'Please.' she said as she sat down at the table, head in her hands. 

'What's up?' i asked her, naturally concerned.

'Just tired.' she replied as i hand her the cup of coffee. 'So you told us that Siena went with you. I thought you guys didn't talk anymore.'

'Well we ended up accidentally staying at the same hotel in Sydney with her boyfriend. So we started hanging out and uh we kind of kissed, so she broke up with him.' i told her.

'BRADLEY WILL SIMPSON you made her break up with him!' she yelled at me.

'No she chose to Nat! She was too guilty, she has too much of a kind heart.'

 'I know you like her Brad, but it could never work out.' she gently told me.

'You think i don't know that? It sucks! The only amazing girl i've met in ages and she lives on the complete opposite end of the world!' i yelled at her.

Nat walked over to me and gave me a hug i definitely needed.

'I'm sorry Brad, but you'll find someone who lives here, i know it.' she told me.


This is such a boring chapter i know! Right in the middle of exams and stuff so i'm not exactly feeling too imaginative or creative, my mind is only focusing on remembering pointless facts. But i haven't updated in ages so here you are! 

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In Another World - Bradley Simpson/The Vamps FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now