Chapter 26

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Siena's POV

I basically slept for the entirety of the flight home, and so did everyone else. When we landed, my heart warmed over the fact that i was home. I looked to Brad who was sitting next to me sleeping, his head leaning onto his shoulder. I didn't want to wake him up, he looked so peaceful and perfect. But i had to because who else would? Everyone else probably didn't even notice that he was still asleep. 

'Brad,' i whispered, shaking his arm gently, 'we've landed.' I had to repeatedly shake his arm until he finally woke up. His eyes were red and he looked sleep deprived. 

'What?' Brad asked, looking confused. 

'We're in Sydney.' i told him. His face dropped when i told him this, 'That means we have to say good bye soon.' 

He wasn't wrong, i probably only have an hour left with him. 'Let's make the most of the time we have left then.' i smiled. He hugged me as he got up, after we had gotten told that we could leave the plane. 

We all went to get our luggage, which was the easy part. The part after that was the hardest, saying good bye. The guys had to go to the International Airport, whereas i had to leave the airport. 

We stood outside the part where the boys could catch a taxi to the International Airport, they had just finsihed taking photos with the few fans that were here. 

As we were waiting for their taxi, we said our good byes. First it was Dean and Joe, i thanked them for allowing me to go on this trip and gave them a brief hug.

Then came Connor, 'Have fun seeing Rex again!' i told him, he had told me many stories about Rex on this trip. 

'I'll tell him you said hi.' he said to me as we hugged. 

'You do that.' i laughed. 

After this was James, 'Thanks for the health tips James.' 

He laughed, 'No problem, make sure you text me pictures of your meals aye.' 

'I can't do that! You will murder me if you see how much pasta i eat!' i replied, 'Have a safe flight but.'

'Bye.' he said whilst hugging me. When we pulled apart from the hug, i heard a familiar voice say, 'Si Si!'

'Trissy!' i responded as i turned around and hugged Tristan as tight as i could. 

'I'm going to miss you so much Si Si. And i'm going to miss teasing you on your height!' he said. 

'Hey i'm not that short! But we all need to go home Trissy, and this is my home.' 

'I know but text me everyday alright?' 

'Of course!' i told him. 

Then there was Bradley, who was standing behind all of the boys with his head down, probably to conceal himself from me. I know that we were both nervous and avoiding this last good bye. 

I quickly pushed past the boys, wanting to say good bye to Brad. 

'Brad?' i said, hoping he would respond.

He put his head up, a slight smile formed on his lips. 

'The universe is cruel isn't it?' he asked rhetorically, 'I honestly don't want to get inside this taxi, i don't want to board that plane, i don't want to move from this spot because that means that there is no certainty in seeing you again.' 

He is making this so much harder than i intended on this being. I just wanted to quickly say good bye so that we could get it over and done with.

'Look Brad, i know that you have feelings for me and i have feelings for you. But inevitably it will not work out, so you need to go home and date girls who live in the same country as you who will make you happy. I don't want you to waste your life, waiting for a miracle to happen where a possible relationship of ours would work.' i said to him, tears starting to form in both mine and his eyes. 

He stepped towards me, looking into my tear filled eyes and kissed me. His hands moved to my waist as he kissed me more, but then he pulled away. 

'No matter what you or anyone else says, i will always have hope that the miracle you were talking about will actually happen. Even if i date other girls.' he whispered grabbing a hold of my hand. He definitely isn't making it easier for me, or for himself either.

'Brad let's go!' James yelled from the taxi. Within the time that we had our little conversation, everyone had gotten into the taxi, meaning that now it really is good bye. 

'Good bye Bradley.' i whispered as i began to step back away from him.

'Good bye Siena.' he replied, releasing my hand as he walked towards the taxi. I watched him as he got inside the taxi and closed the door. Everyone waved as they drove away towards International Airport and left me standing outside Domestic Airport.

This is it, i'm on my own now. I face the bitter-sweet reality of going back home. I stood there waiting for someone to pick me up, as i had arranged for one of my siblings to pick me up, they just had to fight it out between themselves. 

Soon enough a familiar car pulls up, and sure enough it was my brother that i was most looking forward to seeing again, Alex.


So much has happened in the past 2 weeks. I went to the One Direction concert which was amazing! I also started getting all of my assignments and exam notifications so now school really becomes a priority of mine. Meaning my updates may be very non-existent or slow from now on. 

But this chapter was so emotional to write because they finally had to say goodbye! I do have an idea in my mind on how i am going to end this book, which hopefully i will have finished by 40 chapters <3

In Another World - Bradley Simpson/The Vamps FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now