Chapter 15

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Siena's POV

Why did he just ask me to go to Melbourne? Did i hear that right?

'U-um what?' i stuttered in shock.

'Do you want to come with me and the guys to Melbourne, or well all of the shows if you want?' he asked again with an excited grin.

'Wait you were actually serious? Like legit?' i asked him, a bit confused.

Brad looked into my eyes and held my hands whilst saying, 'Siena, will you please accompany the guys and i on our crazy adventure across down under?' 

Good God only foreigners would call Australia 'down under'. He was so adorable when he just asked me that but. Should i go? Should i stay? (oh my god i just realised that that's a horrible Can we Dance reference sorry lol)

'First of all, please don't call Australia 'down under'. We don't like that. And can you give me 2 minutes to think about it?' i pleaded.

'Sure take as long as you need. And anyway you guys are actually down under.' he replied looking hopeful.

'Yeah yeah.' i said laughing. 'How long will this tour be?'

'We're touring Australia for a week, and then we come back here to fly back to England.'

'Well i guess i can go...but how am i going to get flights this late? And i don't have enough money to pay for them Brad, i'm not a celebrity.'

'Don't worry about that, you don't have to pay and i'll get Joe to organise some flights.' he said.

I don't want to be a hassle, i feel like i'd get in the way. I'm going to politely decline his extremely generous offer, yep Siena you can say no to a free holiday, just do it!

'If you think you're going to be a distraction, just know that you won't be.' he randomly spoke, as if he was reading my mind. 

'I know but if it means more work for you guys then i don't want to go!' i responded back.

'You won't be more work! Joe is a nice guy most of the time, if he doesn't want to then i'll book the flights myself. And for the hotels you can share with one of us.'

'Um sharing beds?' i asked extremely confused and disgusted.

'No silly! Just sharing rooms.' he exclaimed whilst cracking up laughing.

'Hey you can't blame me for thinking that you meant that! I don't know Brad.' 

'Please' he said elongating the s with huge puppy dog eyes.

'Do you seriously want me to go that badly?' i asked.

'Yes i do! You'll make it fun.' he stated.

'Ugh fine,' i said, 'but you have to keep your promise about paying for this thing.'

'I promise.' he said.

Oh my God, if he says we're leaving tomorrow then i have to pack! No girl should have to be under this much pressure when they have to pack for an entire week. Oh wait we have to go on a plane, i've never been on one before.

'Um Brad.'  i said to him as he was texting someone.

'Yeah.' he said smiling as he looked up.

'I've never been on a plane before, i don't know but i think i'm a little nervous about it.' i said feeling like an idiot.

'It's okay to be nervous! I probably was the first time i went on one.' Brad responded. 'Anyway i was just texting Joe and told him that you're coming. He said it's all good and he's organising your flights.'

'Oh cool tell him i said thankyou.' i told him and he did as he was told.

I don't even own a suitcase what the hell? How am i going to fit stuff into a bag for a whole week? I think that Aaron has one because he's been to America a few times when he was younger. I quickly told Brad that i'd be back and i went to Aaron's room knocking on the door.

He opened the door and said 'Yes?' whilst raising an eyebrow.

'Do you have a suitcase that i can borrow?' i asked him.

'That depends.'

'On what?'

'If you tell me where you're going.' he responded. Why on earth would i not tell him where i was going?

'I'm running away, so sorry can't tell you.' i said sarcastically. 'No seriously i'm just going to Melbourne and i'm guessing all of the other cities of Australia with the band.'

'What why?' he asked confused.

'Because they asked me to and i want to go.' i replied fed up with his questions.

'Is your mum going to let you go? he said, asking yet another godamn question.

'I'm 19, she can't stop me if she didn't want me to.'

'Alright then you can have my suitcase.' he said. Good God he is confusing and annoying at the same time. He walked over to his wardrobe opening it and reaching for his suitcase on the top shelf whilst pulling it down. He handed it to me saying 'Treat it with care.'

I laughed saying 'Don't worry, i won't let anything happen to it.'


Today is the day that I leave with The Vamps, but before I can go I have to get something over and done with. I have to break up with him. I feel absolutely horrible that I’m ending it on account of the fact that I cheated on him, but it is the best and the most honest way to do it.

I quickly got dressed in some light washed denim shorts, a black singlet and some thongs and drove to Stefan’s house. When I got there, I knocked on the door and he opened it almost instantly engulfing me in a hug.

‘Hey babe.’ He said.

‘Um hi Stefan, look I can’t stay for long and I’m pretty sure that you’re not going to like the reason that I’m here.’ I told him without an ounce of confidence left in me.

His face instantly dropped, and he said ‘You’re breaking up with me aren’t you.’

He almost made this easier for me, but I can’t help but feel a huge cloud of guilt float in my mind because he knew that this would happen.

‘How did you know?’ I said, almost crying.

‘Come on Siena, I’m not an idiot. As soon as I found out about Brad, I knew that I couldn’t call you mine for much longer.’ He responded with tears forming in his eyes.

‘I’m so sorry.’ I said, the tears being very real in my eyes, ‘But I’m not going out with Brad, we’re not a couple, I’m breaking up with you because I kissed him. And I regret it so much, because I know that I hurt so many people by doing that and I can’t change it.’ After saying that, he was crying and I decided to walk away, not being able to handle being so near to him.

‘You’re a good person Siena.’ He sniffled, ‘I appreciate you telling me in person, instead of hearing it from someone else. Just know that I will always love you.’

‘I will always love you too.’ I replied as I got into my car, not wanting to look at his face.


By the way thankyou for over 500 reads! That is insane and I never thought that I would reach that. I know that the number of reads that this gets isn’t important but it honestly is motivating me to write more! Love you all <3

In Another World - Bradley Simpson/The Vamps FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now