Chapter 20

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Siena's POV

No one ever particularly took notice of me in school. I had a few best friends, and a few close friends, that's what my social interaction was limited to. You could say that i was shy and never liked any kind of attention, until my Dad died. 

I started talking to more people and therefore expanded my social circle. Why? Because i realised that life really is too short to leave the earth unoticed, i wanted people to remember me in a good way, not as that shy girl who was in my class.

I never had this 'fiesty' personality or had 'huge opinions' as Brad claims. Would i even be like this if my Dad hadn't of died? Would Brad even like me then if he didn't pass away?

Dad used to tell us that when he goes, he doesn't want it to affect our lives, he wanted us to carry on with our lives. I am now realising how that didn't happen with me. My whole personality changed dramatically, i didn't carry on with my life; i started a new one.

'Siena?' i heard Brad's voice say. I realise that i have been staring at Brad for God knows how long.

'Oh sorry,' i say, coming back to my senses, 'how long was i daydreaming for?'

'I don't know, maybe a few minutes. I said your name quite a few times.' Brad replied. I cringed at the thought of me staring at Brad for that long.

Brad saw my reaction and said, 'Hey don't worry about it. What were you thinking about?'

'Just my Dad, and how i never used to be like this.' i said truthfully. He looked worried in a way.

'What do you mean? There's nothing wrong with how you are!'

'Yeah but it's not a good reason that i'm this way! I have a fiesty personality and huge opinions as a result of my Dad's death. You say that those are the reasons why you like me, so if the worst thing that's ever happened to me never happened, you wouldn't like me. To think that if my Dad never died, 4 new friends because you like the way i am.' i was starting to get really upset by now, 'And i don't know why i am saying all of this, it probably sounds ridiculous.' 

I started crying, i don't know why i was getting this emotional in the middle of a very expensive restaurant. Brad immediately rushed around the table to hug me. He was standing and i was sitting, so my face was kind of burried in his stomach, but it made me feel better straight away. 

'It doesn't sound ridiculous.' Brad whispered, trying to sound comforting.

Once i was prepared to talk again, i untangled my arms from around Brad's back and said, 'What a great date huh?' trying to lighten the mood.

Brad raised his eyebrow, 'So you agree that it's a date too?'

'I guess so.' i said shrugging. 

We spent the rest of the evening eating, laughing and talking about my Dad. 


We walked back to the hotel to find that all of the fans had gone home so we could easily just go back to our room. It was about midnight so that might be why.

When we got back to our room, Tristan was no where to be found so i automatically assumed that he was with Connor or James. 

I went into the bathroom and quickly got changed into my pajamas, brushed my teeth, washed my face and brushed out my hair. Walking outside to go and sit on my bed, i tripped over Brad's suitcase causing my face so smack the corner of my mattress. 

'Fuck.' i muffled whilst my face was buried into the quilt. I gently tried to get myself up by placing my arms on the bed to support myself. I could hear our hotel door opening so i turned around to see Brad walking into the room and shut the door behind him.

'Where did you go?' i asked him.

'Oh i went over to Connor and James' room to see if Tristan was there, but they said that he went off with a random girl after dinner.' he said looking concerned.

'Well i hope they're using protection. We don't want any baby Trissy's yet.' i said loosening the unwanted tension in the room.

'Yeah,' Brad laughed, 'Because then he'd fuck it up for the whole band.'

'Brad, a baby doesn't fuck things up. A baby just changes things.' i told him seriously. A baby is one of the best things that could happen to someone, it's not their fault that their parents got pregnant. Oh well, he's a boy he wouldn't understand.

'Sorry.' he said looking apologetic.

'Oi you shouldn't leave your suitcase in the middle of the room like that! I tripped over it and hit my head on the corner of my mattress. i said jokingly.

'Did you break anything?' he smirked.

'Quite possibly.' i responded whilst laughing.

'Well then innocent mistake.' he said, laughing so much that he had to hold his stomach.

'Ok ok, now go and put your pajamas on. You have a show tomorrow and you need your sleep.' i told him.

He did as he was told and took some clothes out of his suitcase and walked into the bathroom. A few minutes later he walked out in a hoodie and trackies. Does he not realise that it is the middle of January?

'You're going to regret that.' i chuckled whilst shaking my head.

'What? I always wear this.' he said.

'Have you worn it when you stayed in Sydney?' i asked him.

'Yeah the air conditioner was on, it was bloody freezing.' he responded. 

'Yeah well the air conditioner isn't on here and i'm telling you that you are going to boil to death. I'm wearing shorts and a singlet and i'm used to it and yet still i probably won't have the quilt over me tonight. Just saying.' It was really hot and we're 20 floors up. At my house, upstairs is always excruciatingly hotter than downstairs, even with the air con on. 

'Are you suggesting that i sleep in only my boxer shorts?' he asked with a smug smirk.

'Um no i'm SUGGESTING that you wear a t-shirt or something.' i said.

'Ok if that's what you recommend.' he said as he literally stripped right in front of me. I turned around immediately as i could feel my cheeks becoming red.

I stayed where i was until i heard Brad sitting on his bed.

'You can turn around you know.' he chuckled.

I turned back and got straight into bed, not wanting Brad to see my face and not wanting to get the teasing from Brad. I pulled the covers over me, trying to get all snuggly and warm but i just kicked them off and ended up lying on my bed like a starfish. 

'G'night Siena, i'm sorry that you were upset tonight, but thanks anyway for coming.' i heard Brad say.

'Thanks for taking me on this date Bradley.' i replied, and i'm pretty sure i went to sleep straight after that.


I decided to sneak in a last chapter before the end of the year! It's about 2 hours until midnight so it's nearly 2015!!!!

I'm less than 30 reads away from 1000 reads and i cannot thank you enough for that. It's such a great way to end the year, and my goal was to get 1000 reads within a year! It only took 6 months to reach my goal and i'm so thankful for that.

Have a Happy New Year <3

In Another World - Bradley Simpson/The Vamps FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now