Chapter 14

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"Draco! Draco wait!" I shouted, trying to get out and around the table, "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" I said, banging my fist frusteratedly on the the table. Why was I struggling so much? Why was I so flustered? What was wrong with me?

"Joslyn, he's probably fine. Just sit back down." Mati mumbled, tugging on my sleeve as she shoved another piece of the rubbery fruit into her mouth.

A thin smile spread across her tight lips, and I could tell it wasnt genuine.

Because he wasn't fine. He cursed Katie Bell. It was him. I knew it the moment he locked his gaze into my own. I had seen it in his glistening, sad eyes and his apologetic stare. Wherever he was going, he was going to break down.

I knew he would blame himself, because that's just how Draco was. But I knew Lucius, my dad, and probably Severus had been the ones to put him up to the task. I couldnt help but wonder if it was my fault. If only I had reached out to my dad and requested that Draco can leave the Death Eaters if he wants. I planned on doing that last week, but I never did.

And although he may not have hand delivered the expensive piece of cursed jewelry to Katie, he definitely planted the necklace so she found it and put the on it.

I slowly turned to sit back down, because I knew Draco well enough to know he wouldnt want anyone to witness him cry. It was a weakness; a vulnerability. Maybe Mati was right. Maybe he would be fine. Afterall, I could talk to him later.

Mati looked up at me from where she sat, nodding slowly as if she understood. She gave me a small smile and gripped onto my hand, "This is for the best, Joss. Finish eating, he probably wants to be alone right now."

I pursed my lips, trying to fight the sinking feeling in my chest. She made a great point.

And I almost would have gone along with it, too, if Harry hadn't been staring at me like a dear stuck in headlights. I saw Mati's eyes flicker to him as whe held onto my hand even tighter.

It was like he was worried if I got Draco before him, I would take Draco away and the two of us would run off and commit mass genocide-or we would be able to fight Harry off. Two against one definitely weren't the best odds, even if he was the chosen one.

My heart stopped in my chest as I matched his stare with my own, challenging him. It was like time stood still. I couldn't breathe. For a moment it felt like the world was going to end.

Mati clasped her other hand around my wrist, and nodded at him with wide eyes. It was it she was saying, 'Hurry I'm not sure how much longer I can hold her'. I felt like someone stabbed a wooden stake into my heart. Of course she was helping him.

I watched him rush through the Great Hall and down the Dark corridor Draco had disappeared through only a few minutes ago. For a second I felt like I was paralyzed, with my knees locked into place and heart pounding rapidly in my chest. Harry wasn't a killer, but as he walked by me I caught his gaze. He may not be a murderer, but he definitely was on a mission to murder Draco.

And if he killed Draco and they found his Dark Mark, Harry wouldn't be punished. He wouldn't be put on trial. He wouldn't be sent to Azkaban.

He would be praised.

I could still feel Mati's soft hands gripping my own as watched Harry vanish around the corner. I struggled to get out of her clutch, but she held on. I could feel the bruises on my wrist and my hand already starting to form.

"Let me go." I growled, twisting my body so I could slip out of her grip. Mati just held on tighter, our interlocked fingers making it almost impossible for my to escape.

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